View Full Version : New kitty pics of Houdini and Cheetah! Tons of pics!

12-15-2004, 01:15 AM
OK, first off let me point out that when I went over to the apartment yesterday they were infested with fleas. :( :mad: Dan has their Frontline there in the house but he forgot to put it on. Houdini was so bad! I went into the bathroom where she likes to sleep and there was blood droppings everywhere. I can't be angry at Dan because he has a lot on his plate, and they are my cats so they are my responsibility. So tomorrow I am heading over there to give both of them a bath and put their Frontline on. When I got home I uploaded their pics and it looks like Cheetah has a tick in her ear? When I post the pictures you can see what I'm talking about. Cheetah doesn't even go outside anymore at all so I am wondering how on earth she got a tick? The only one that goes out is Ewok, and I am going to have to find him to put some Frontline on him too. I just feel awful for them. :( I can't wait to get them flea free.

I called Dan tonight to ask if he could look at Cheetah but he said he couldn't see anything in her ear. Hrmm. I am going over there tomorrow with tweezers just in case it is a tick. I just hope it's not something else. I'm wondering if I should get flea collars as well? :confused:

Anyways, I just don't understand it. What's worse is that I also found (after looking at these photos) a gash in Houdini's leg. So I am going to have to look at that as well. Dan also told me that Cheetah had a HUGE thorn stuck in her nose and he had to pull it out. He said it was about 2 inches long. Now, either Dan is lying to me about the cats being indoors only and he is still letting them out, or weird things are happening to my cats. I imagine he's still letting them outside. :rolleyes: They've always been indoor/outdoor cats as the house is far away from any major street and it's in the middle of the forest, so they are pretty safe, but I hate having to deal with fleas. I just cannot STAND fleas!!!

Anyways, I'll stop babbling right now. Please pray for my kitties. I hope the bath and Frontline works fast tomorrow. I don't want them being uncomfortable. Some good news though about Cheetah. She is finally starting to put on some weight and doesn't look as thin as she used to. The vet still doesn't know why she goes through these episodes but I'm assuming one day we'll find out. :( Her thyroid tests always come back negative so I'm at a loss as to what causes her symptoms.

Since I haven't seen my cats in awhile (as I don't want to move them unless I absolutely have to!) I made an effort to spend some quality time with them playing etc. As soon as I got there Houdini started rubbing on my shoes. She loves the smell of feet LOL!:p


12-15-2004, 01:15 AM
She started playing with my shoestring. She loves shoestrings and next to straws they are her favorite thing to play with. Can you see her ouchie?

I finally gave in and took my shoelace out for her to play with



She looks so cute here


Though she doesn't look infested, she did have fleas, trust me! You can see one in this picture. It's on her mouth. :(

12-15-2004, 01:20 AM
Cheetah had almost NO fleas at all! Isn't that odd? :confused: I thought it was very strange.

My pretty girl all fluffy and soft. I swear, out of ALL the cats I have ever owned she has the softest coat. It's like silk. Everyone always comments on how soft it is. I just don't understand how she keeps it so soft. Must be all her washing.


"Do you really expect me to play with this ugly orange thing?"

"How about this mouse instead mom?"






12-15-2004, 01:22 AM
The two of them together. :)

Other than the flea issue they are extremely healthy! :D I'm hoping we can fix this darn flea problem soon. The last time I was over there they had no fleas at all. Oh well, I won't worry too much about it. Their just my babies, my children and I feel bad for them. *sigh*

Well I hope you all enjoyed the photos. Can anyone see what I am talking about in Cheetah's ear, and does it look like a tick?

12-15-2004, 08:58 AM
Houdini,and Cheetah,are such Woderful Cats,and we are gald,that the Fleas,are gone away,and we hope,that they never return.

12-15-2004, 10:45 AM
Anyone? :(

12-15-2004, 12:07 PM
Your cats are real beauties!

I suspect that they are getting outside, or the house has fleas, too. I use Revolution on mine, but Frontline will work as well.

Don't put flea collars on them, though. Chemical overload can be dangerous.


12-15-2004, 05:33 PM
What a pair of beauties! Glad you're taking care of their flea problem, and they'll feel sooo much better afterwards. ;) If it's infested in the house, it may take several months before they're flea free though. Those darn eggs hatch and it starts up all over again. Give them some kissies for me but don't eat any fleas....yuck! Might be a good idea to treat them for tapeworms too. Loved the pictures...you're a terrific photographer! :)

12-15-2004, 08:27 PM
Originally posted by QueenScoopalot
What a pair of beauties! Glad you're taking care of their flea problem, and they'll feel sooo much better afterwards. ;) If it's infested in the house, it may take several months before they're flea free though. Those darn eggs hatch and it starts up all over again. Give them some kissies for me but don't eat any fleas....yuck! Might be a good idea to treat them for tapeworms too. Loved the pictures...you're a terrific photographer! :)

Yep, I popped some pills into them that night! :p I don't think the house will be infested as the last time I was there (a week ago) they had no fleas, which is really odd. We just have a huge field behind us so the fleas have always been bad. We could walk outside and have them on our socks, and considering our neighbors keep their dogs out there constantly they always have something to feed on.

Glad you like the photos! Thanks! :D

12-16-2004, 07:10 AM
Cass, the photos of Houdini and Cheetah are wonderful. Thanks so much for sharing them with us.

12-16-2004, 01:04 PM
You're welcome. :) Turns out Cheetah doesn't have a tick either. It's just her ear, which is weird, as it looks so strange in the photos. :confused: Eh, oh well. :p