View Full Version : Leaving on thursday...

12-14-2004, 11:36 PM
I'm leaving on thursday morning to go to Hawaii with my dad, stepmom, and brother... it'll be fun but, of course, I feel really guilty about leaving Gonzo! We'll be gone for 8 days!! He will be staying at my mom's house, with plenty of people to baby him. My grandma is staying there for the week before xmas and promised to walk him for 1 hour every morning (she power walks, waay faster than me), and my mom said she'll walk him and play ball with him in the evening. My little sister is coming on Saturday, Gonzo adores her, and she promised to play with him and take care of him. I am giving them a bunch of lists, schedules, and stuff to go by while I'm gone... I'm bringing all of his favorite toys, greenies, bones, treats, and kongs. We also spent $100 at PetsMart this weekend buying "early Christmas presents" for him, to keep him happy.. he got a new Talk-to-me treat ball and lots of treats and kong stuffing things and 2 new Kong toys and just tons of stuff that he loves. My mom has a huge house where he gets free roam, and a huge grassy yard, and a nice neighborhood for walking, and he has spent a ton of time there, but I still feel horrible leaving him. It's like, bittersweet.

anything I forgot? :( I hope everything goes ok

12-14-2004, 11:38 PM

Awww, I'm sure Gonzo will be fine, but I know you'll miss him.

Have a fun, safe trip! We'll miss you! :)

12-14-2004, 11:44 PM
Originally posted by GoldenRetrLuver

Awww, I'm sure Gonzo will be fine, but I know you'll miss him.

Have a fun, safe trip! We'll miss you! :)

:) I know, its SO fun! We're going to Maui and Oahu, and I get to swim with dolphins in Maui ;) so I'm stoked about that... I've just never been away from him for so long, especially around Christmas. thank you! I will totally miss you guys, and all the cute Holiday pics of everyone's doggies :(

12-14-2004, 11:50 PM
Originally posted by bckrazy
:) I know, its SO fun! We're going to Maui and Oahu, and I get to swim with dolphins in Maui ;) so I'm stoked about that... I've just never been away from him for so long, especially around Christmas. thank you! I will totally miss you guys, and all the cute Holiday pics of everyone's doggies :(

Oooh, you're making me jealous! My family and I visited Maui a few years ago and loved it. I'm sure you'll have an awesome time. :) Be sure to take plenty of pictures to share with us when you get back!

12-14-2004, 11:54 PM
Originally posted by GoldenRetrLuver
Oooh, you're making me jealous! My family and I visited Maui a few years ago and loved it. I'm sure you'll have an awesome time. :) Be sure to take plenty of pictures to share with us when you get back!

I've only been to the big island, but I heard Maui was awesome.. ;) of course I'll have hundreds of pictures, and I'll definately share my favorites with you guys!

12-15-2004, 04:49 AM
Bring me back a ton of macadamia nuts,, or a cute guy!!! :D :D

12-15-2004, 05:08 AM
enjoy your holiday and don't forget to buy a souvenir for gonzo :D

12-15-2004, 11:14 AM
I went to maui in 1989...it was beautiful you will have a great time!

12-15-2004, 05:28 PM
thanks! lol! I'll definately get Gonzo something, but I don't like macadamian nuts ;), and I am not looking for a boy there... I'd way rather relax.

:( I'm dropping Gonzo off at mom's in an hour