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10-06-2001, 01:56 PM
Hi. I was wondering if anyone knew where I could pick up some information of exotic animal trainers. I want to be one when I get older. I plan on traingin Bears, Elephants and dogs fro movies. My sister is then training lions, tigers and jaguars for movies also. We would like to get as much information on this as possible. Thanx a bunch Nikki

10-06-2001, 10:21 PM

This is the site that I found when I searched it for you. If you look on the lieft side box, near the bottom, and click on the page "Exotics". Good luck on finding any information on what you want.

By the way, if you do want to be a animal actor-trainer, I hope you'll be a lot better than some of those out there who mistreat animals for movies. :mad:

Good luck to you and your sister, I wish I could decide on what I want to be when I grow up!
Buster and Brutie too :p

10-07-2001, 10:41 AM
[QUOTE]By the way, if you do want to be a animal actor-trainer, I hope you'll be a lot better than some of those out there who mistreat animals for movies. :mad: [QUOTE]

Do not worry I don't beleave in hiting and animal no matter what it does. So I will never ever abuse my aniamls. Eather will my sister she feels the same about this that I do.

10-07-2001, 03:16 PM
Sam, don't be discouraged if you can't decide what you want to be for a long time. i always felt so pressured as to what i wanted to be, but could never decide. in 11th grade i almost ended it all because i still didn't see a future for myself and i lived in an abusive home. but then i met the right person who loved me for me and sheltered me the best he could. after i graduated i got a finally got a job, but still had no idea what i was going to do w/ my life. i was getting soooo miserable. in the fourth or fifth month of my job, i finally found out what i was going to do w/ my life. one and a half years after i graduated!
the point is, is don't give up, and don't get discouraged.

10-10-2001, 05:10 PM
You are leavein me hanging come on what are you doing for a liveing. I love hearing abotu people jobs. But I am just like that!

10-15-2001, 02:38 AM
well, i decided i was going to open up my own boarding kennel. defintly have to be my own boss, so i'm going to major in small business and/or business. and minor in zoology of some sort.

...what i'm actually doing for a living right now would take away from the whole point and is a bit discouraging.

10-15-2001, 02:55 PM
I have been seriously considering chagning my major to animal behavior (wonderful, RIGHT before I am supposed to graduate :rolleyes: ) But anyway, here is a good page. Go through all the links on there. It has a ton of information.

10-16-2001, 10:03 AM
Originally posted by crow_noir:
<STRONG>well, i decided i was going to open up my own boarding kennel. defintly have to be my own boss, so i'm going to major in small business and/or business. and minor in zoology of some sort.</STRONG>

Crow - that is just what I want to do down the road! My husband and I talk about owning a big plot of land someday, where we can put up a boarding kennel and live on-site! I'm such a pushover, though, I wouldn't want any of them to be scared out in the kennel, so I'd probably have 50 dogs sleepping in my house every night! :D

10-17-2001, 08:31 PM
Aly, thank you soooooooooo much for that link! (it would take me days to look at alllllllll those links!)

3-g-a-a-m, i know! we want dozens of acres soooooo bad. we'd have a huge house (oyh! the work!) and the kennel would be near the front (closest to the busiest road that touches our property). and we'd have one to five arces of farmland to raise our own food.

lol! happy sleeping!!! :D ..hey, at least you'll be warm! ...and never lonely.