View Full Version : Wonderful News!!!!! :o)))))

12-14-2004, 10:44 PM
Guess what????? Someone is coming on Friday to most likely adopt ..... JOSEPHINE!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited for her! It is a very nice woman who has a grown (30 year old) daughter who still lives at home due to a disability. They have been wanting a kitty for a while now, and Josephine will be a surprise for her daughter!!!

Please PRAY that this will go through!!!

Kim:D :D :D

12-14-2004, 10:46 PM
Oh Kim, that's great. Prayers on the way that this is the new furever home for Josephine.

12-14-2004, 11:37 PM
Oh Kim, you must be sooo excited. Prayers on the way that she finally finds her furrever home.

12-15-2004, 12:13 AM
yeaaa prayers on the way for sweet Josephine!

12-15-2004, 04:12 AM
Josephine is one of the most elegant and beautiful kitties I know- so everyone should be happy who gets her:)

12-15-2004, 04:24 AM
Best of luck Josephine! A home for the holidays, what a great gift that would be :D:D

Maya & Inka's mommy
12-15-2004, 05:13 AM
Great news!!! Is it possible to post a picture of Josephine? I have no idea how she looks like...:o

12-15-2004, 05:56 AM
WAHOO!!! Prayers are on the way that this is the most wonderful home in the world for this sweet and absolutely stunning Josephine!

12-15-2004, 06:18 AM
Keeping fingers crossed that things work out for Josephine. :)

12-15-2004, 06:40 AM
Good luck to Josephine! She is a beautiful cat.

12-15-2004, 06:42 AM
Prayers on the way. Keeping fingers and toes crossed also.

12-15-2004, 06:44 AM
Josephine...hope your new forever home comes through! Adult kitties deserve good homes too. :) After all, you've done a wonderful job raising all your babies, and now it should be your turn at a happy (all your own) home! ;)

Killearn Kitties
12-15-2004, 07:28 AM
Keeping my fingers crossed that Josephine gets a good home. :)

K & L
12-15-2004, 07:50 AM
Good luck!!! And keep us updated! Sounds like the perfect situation here.

Laura's Babies
12-15-2004, 07:56 AM
If any sweetheart deserves a good furrever home, it is Josephine but I am a bit sad that PT will loose her with her beautiful haunting eyes.. Yes, please post a picture of her for us again! She is just SO pretty!

12-15-2004, 08:15 AM
That is wonderful news!!! Josephine getting a furrrrrever home just in time for Christmas. Great job Kim!!

12-15-2004, 08:39 AM
And there cant be a better feeling,as Josephine,is getting a Furr Ever Home,as a Pet Mas present,and you should feel proud,that you were there to help.

12-15-2004, 08:02 PM
The lady is so anxious to meet Josephine, that she called today to bump her appointment from Friday up to Thursday (tomorrow) at 1:00pm!

Oh Sirrahbed ... you NEED to see this thread!!!:D

I don't have any real new pics of Josephine ... and I loaned my digital camera to another rescue friends to take pics of her rescues. So... this will have to do!

Oops... can't add to an "edit" ... will post in next box.

12-15-2004, 08:05 PM
Ok... Josephine....

12-15-2004, 08:06 PM
I agree--that's wonderful news!

12-15-2004, 08:32 PM
Beautiful, elegant Josephine - Mommy to seven kittens including my Robbie and Lizzie:

Don't you think Lizzie has her eyes? See below...

12-15-2004, 08:35 PM
Good Luck Josephine... put your best paw forward!

12-15-2004, 08:38 PM
If any kitty was deserving of a wonderful furever home, it would be Josephine. Good luck, baby girl.

12-16-2004, 12:48 AM
This is wondeful news!!! I hope that everything goes well.:D

12-16-2004, 12:51 AM
:eek: That is GREAT news!!!!!! :D :D :D

Good Luck, Josephine!!!!

Maya & Inka's mommy
12-16-2004, 04:46 AM
Thanks for the pics!! Josephine is gorgeous!!!

12-16-2004, 10:54 AM
http://www.my-smileys.de/smileys2/bluecry.gifhttp://www.my-smileys.de/smileys2/happy.gifhttp://www.my-smileys.de/smileys2/bluecry.gifKim, please let us know how it goes with Josephine - OK? Would you also tell them about PT? I hope they have a computer!! Also, if you can, oh shoot-if you have your digital back anyway - get a few more pictures of her?:rolleyes:
I REALLY hope she finds her happy 4KEEPS home today! I really do!

12-16-2004, 12:19 PM
Josephine is simply adorable, I really hope this goes through! Her new owner will be in "heaven" when she sees her - and Josephine will have a loving forever home, I'm sure. :) :)

I too hope the new owner have an internet connection and will join PT, so we can follow her development.

12-16-2004, 01:16 PM
Any news yet Kim?

It's a bit difficult trying to type with crossed fingers, toes and eyes!! Anyone who sees Princess Jsephine will surely fall in love?

Hoping this is her furrever home xxx


12-16-2004, 04:46 PM
any news on Josephine???

12-16-2004, 07:00 PM
Helloooooooooo! Kim has Josephine moved on to a wonderful loving forever home yet? Was the lady the perfect Josephine mom?

12-16-2004, 09:39 PM
Ooh! I'm dying to know too, does Josephine have a new home for Christmas?

12-16-2004, 09:46 PM
Excellent news! :D Thanks for posting the pix Debbie! Good luck Josephine!

Keep us updated!! :)