View Full Version : Horrible Horrible Dream

12-14-2004, 05:46 PM
Last night I had the most horrible dream about my Max and FizzGigg:(

Max was across the street playing in a big field (I have no idea where) when all of a sudden a horse trailer with no truck attached to it passed him he ran for me because I was calling him and he hit the back corner of the trailer and flipped a couple of times and didn't move. The trailer also slid and fell on its side. I ran to Max as fast as I could and when I got to him he stood up and was bleeding all over the place...needless to say I woke up and called Max up on the bed and gave him a hug and a Kiss and made sure he was ok. When i finally feel back to sleep I started to dream about Fizzy. I dreampt that he had passed and that we were picking up his ashes from the pet cemetary. I woke up again called Fizzy on the bed gave him a hug and a Kiss But by then I was wide awake and decided It was time to get up. I think that was one of the worst dreams I have ever had!:(

Do any of you ever dream about bad things happening to your pooches?

12-14-2004, 06:40 PM
Yup,, every so often I will have a bad one...