View Full Version : Plasma Cell Tumor Info

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
12-14-2004, 10:50 AM

This is a website that describes what the vet was pretty sure Tubby had. Tubby was very anemic (sp?) and the protein in his blood was really high. Here is the description of "Stage III"

Stage III multiple myeloma
A relatively large number of cancer cells have spread throughout the body. There may be one or more of the following:

1. A decrease in the number of red blood cells, causing anemia.
2. The amount of calcium in the blood is very high, because the bones are being damaged.
3. More than three bone tumors (plasmacytomas) are found.
4. High levels of M-protein are found in the blood or urine.

1. yes
2. I don't remember
3. Nothing was found on the x-rays and the vet did a quick ultrasound and saw nothing unusual.
4. yes

It also mentions The plasma cells also may cause the bone to break down. which leads me to think that yes, maybe he did have a touch of arthritis, but maybe part of his wobbliness and un-surefootedness was from this? His backbone was really boney and stuck out and he really had no "butt" whatsoever. The vet said that what happens a lot of times is their back legs start getting weaker so the front legs compensate and they start "bulking up" up front - sort of the "bull dog" effect where they're all shoulders and chest and no butt - this was Tubby exactly.

This does explain why he went downhill so fast. This is what brought on the original kidney "crisis" 3 weeks ago, and as we were getting that under control, this cancer was still spreading and Tubby just couldn't fight it off anymore. And I don't remember exactly what the vet said, but it was something like "blah, blah, blah, and no, that won't happen because the anemia will kill him first." There was no medication he could have given us or nothing they could have done to make him better. If we had brought him home he would have just declined - and probably quite rapidly.

So at least I can be at peace that I did the right thing and didn't "rush" things. Tubby was always a big strong boy and I really couldn't have taken watching him waste away to nothing. Although he was already wasting away - lost almost 1 whole pound in 3 measly weeks - doesn't sound much to a human, but to a cat a pound is a lot.

There is nothing we could have done to make him better and he didn't suffer at all. He is now healthy and happy and jumping up to the to of any cabinets and to the highest window sills he can find at RB.

12-14-2004, 11:10 AM
Debbie, knowing what went on in Tubby's body will help you see you did the right thing. Watching him suffer more would have been unbearable, both for you and for him. Tubby is resting now at the RB, and recharging for a happy playful time in the sun with all his newfound friends. :)

He had such a wonderful and long life with you, but I'm sure if he could have spoken, he would have said "Mom, it's time now"

Play happily at the RB dear Tubby and send some headbumpies to your mom, dad and Peanut. Let them know in their dreams that you're OK. Somone close I lost many years ago did that for me.

Tubby, you will be missed by all of us! :(

12-14-2004, 07:07 PM
Good source of information, thanks Debbie.

Being another "Feline Fogey" I'm going to be watching Speckles like a hawk.

12-15-2004, 11:54 PM
Debbie, thanks for the info. At least you know the reason for Tubby's declining health and you did the right thing. Now he's painfree and playing happily with my RB Pepper and all the other kitties at Rainbow Bridge.:)

12-17-2004, 10:53 AM

Very sorry to hear about Tubby. You did the right thing. Take Care


12-17-2004, 01:22 PM

This was very interesing to read and from what you've posted here, it sounds like it what Tubby had. I'm so glad he didn't suffer and was loved by you and Terry till he departed for the Bridge.