View Full Version : Sad news about my friend's dogs and also a warning to all of you dog owners...

12-13-2004, 07:34 PM
To start off...I just recently moved to Maryland from New Jersey. Anyway, I sent my old neighbor a Christmas card with our email address, and ask her about how her new neighbors were doing ( if they got along, etc.), ( the people who bought our old house in Jersey)...so the email I got back, was totally unexpected...

My old neighbor has 2 Scotties, they do bark a lot, but I never minded, b/c they kept Dale entertained... ( they were right next door to us)...well, the people who moved in to our old house, apparently did not like the barking dogs, and had mentioned to the owners about this...4 days after mentioning to them about disliking the barking dogs, the dogs were poisoned with anti-freeze. My old neighbors know that it was not their anti-freeze, and it was also found behind the shed in their yard (which is right next to our old yard)...coincidence....I think NOT!! The one male Scottie died, and the female was ill in the hospital for a week, but survived. They did not bring it to the attention of the police, b/c they have to live next door to these people...but she did write up a story about it in the local paper, about warning other pet owners of being aware of what is in their yards...so very very sad. These were the sweetest people too. They had no positive proof, but just knew for themselves, for obvious reasons, that these people were, in fact, responsible, so that is another reason for not bringing it up to the police...no proof...

Oh, the new neighbors also put a 6ft. fence in-between the 2 yards...I believe after the incident...anyway, I just wanted to warn all of you of this...it can happen any where...people are so very cruel.

Rest in Peace Sweet Clyde...and bark to your hearts content.


12-13-2004, 07:43 PM
Oh My Gosh! That is so horrible! Some people can be so heartless!

Play hard at RB Clyde!

12-13-2004, 07:44 PM
That is so sad :( :( People can be so cruel :mad:

RIP Clyde--you can bark all you want now....:(

12-13-2004, 07:45 PM
How horrible!! RIP sweet Clyde, may all the angels bark with you!

12-13-2004, 07:50 PM
Very sad and heartbreaking.
Very cruel, I would hate to live next to people
who are cable of doing this to an animal.

12-13-2004, 07:56 PM
Very, very sad. How heartless of the people who did this!

Play hard at the Rainbow Bridge, Clyde, dear, and look up Lorna Doone - she'll be the Scottie with my great-grandma and Aunt Bertha, probably sneaking a cookie from her supply. I'm sure she'd share one with you! She was at the Rainbow Bridge before I was born, but all my life I knew about her.

12-13-2004, 08:06 PM
Thats so sad, how can people do that? Don't they have hearts? Don't they care for other people? its just horrible what people will do.

RIP Clyde :(

12-13-2004, 08:15 PM
Several of my customer's dogs have been poisoned by antifreeze over the years. :(

12-13-2004, 08:41 PM
There's a special place reserved for people like that! And there won't be any halos for them either. Poor dogs that had to suffer from antifreeze poisoning, and the poor owners of these beloved dogs. They must be sick over it all, not to mention the huge vet bills that they can't stick this cruel family with. :( :mad:

12-13-2004, 08:50 PM
RIP Clyde :(

12-13-2004, 09:08 PM
I will never understand the cruelty of some people. :(

RIP Clyde - run and bark all you want.

People ask me how I can stand barking dogs. Well, dogs = barking. Want dogs - get barking. People with children learn to adapt to the sound of crying, laughing, screaming kids. I've learned to adapt to barking. Seems like the same thing.

12-13-2004, 09:09 PM
What a disgusting thing to do. :mad: :mad: :mad:

Is the fence they put up wooden - can we introduce termites?
What about if it is metal, could we pour rust enhancing liquid on THEIR side?
Kill the grass
the plants
the trees in their yard .........
BOY OH BOY .............. I am mad ....:mad:

Play happily at the RB little one ...

12-13-2004, 09:37 PM
How awful! RIP Clyde. I hope what comes around goes around for those neighbors.

12-13-2004, 11:45 PM
"I hope what comes around goes around for those neighbors"

Yeah, me too!!! Unbelievable, so sad. Please convey condolences to Clyde's family.

Cinder & Smoke
12-14-2004, 12:17 AM
Originally posted by Christiansmommy

... 4 days after mentioning to them about
disliking the barking dogs,
the dogs were poisoned with anti-freeze.

They had no positive proof, but just knew for themselves,
for obvious reasons, that these people were, in fact,
responsible, so that is another reason
for not bringing it up to the police...no proof...

I suggest you write the New Folks and *strongly* suggest that
they DO CALL the POLICE and make a full report!

The new fence isn't going to stop anything -
antifreeze, poisoned meat, you name it -
can all be thrown OVER the fence!

If the Police won't "buy" the obvious and insist it could
have been "anybody" who placed the antifreeze -
a CRIME was comitted (by "someone") and needs to be noted in
the Police Files.

If the Police are on the ball - they WILL check the past history
of the New (suspected dog killer) floks to see if similar things
happened wherever they came from.

(And some might point out the Animal Abusers often become
child/people abusers. :( )

/s/ Phred

12-14-2004, 01:19 AM
I agree with Phred. Id also tell them to watch for signs of poisioning on the other pup, they might poision again! Id have the police watch the nighbors...just for the safety of the surviving dog

RIP Clyde, bark all you want at the RB

12-14-2004, 07:32 AM
Robyn, I can't tell you how sad this episode has made me. Bonnie and Clyde were such little scamps and I remember them well from when Bella would come to visit you at the old house and she would pay homage to their *authority*.

I too believe that the police should have been called and they could have done whatever investigation was indicated. Maybe they would have done a good job and maybe not, but at least they would have been alerted. This is definitely a case of animal cruelty. In our county that is taken very seriously.

Robyn, please convey to your old neighbors our condolences for their loss. Tell them our hearts know their sadness and our eyes have shed tears over Clyde's loss and Bonnie's suffering.

12-14-2004, 08:08 AM
Robyn, when you mother made me aware of this, I cried. I cannot, for the life of me, understand what causes such hate in people to hurt animals or other human beings. It is definitely a sickness.

Please let your friends know that we are thinking about them. I truly don't think I could have let an incident like this slide. I would have had to contact the police. :( :( Perhaps too much time has elapsed now, but I think I'd have to say something. If they are capable of doing this, God knows what else they would do.


12-14-2004, 08:39 AM
:( :( RIP Clyde. Karma will get those nasty people. :mad:

12-14-2004, 08:43 AM
What he HECK is wrong with people?!!!:mad:

12-14-2004, 12:16 PM
What a sad, sad story. Poor Clyde and Bonnie.:( RIP Clyde.:(

This kind of thing would personally send me over the edge. I'm
sorry, but I could not just do nothing about it. Reporting this
incident to the police is the least I would do. I would be sure
that everyone else in the neighborhood knew there was danger
around there so everyone else could be on guard for any similar
incidents. Those poor people. :(

12-14-2004, 12:19 PM
they have no idea just how lucky they are it wasnt my dogs they poisoned,, I think mysterious things would start happening to them....... get my drift?????:mad: :mad: :mad:

12-14-2004, 12:19 PM
Poor, poor pups.

Poor Clyde.. I hope your barking haunts these evil people ion their sleep.:mad:

12-14-2004, 12:25 PM
oh my gosh how terribe!!!..run little one and bark your heart out at the RB:( :( :(

12-14-2004, 03:48 PM
That is sad. :( That is why I was so freaked about Sarah's barking problem. Sarah is in the house most of the time, but when she goes outside, she wears a bark collar. Some people think it is cruel, but after hearing your friend's story, I'd rather her wear that collar then be poisoned.

12-14-2004, 04:25 PM
A very similar occurence happened in my neighborhood recently. My neighbor across the street had a Pom and a Shih-tzu. The Shih-tzu barked a lot. The lady would let her out in the middle of the night and the little thing would bark a lot to get back in (apparently neighbor fell asleep before letting her back in).

Long story short, someone put anti-freeze in the yard. Shih-tzu didn't touch it, but the Pom did and the poor baby didn't make it. Broke my heart.

Rest in peace little Scotty boy and may you and Pom bark to your hearts content. It will be music to the angels' ears and I agree with Kayfamr, may they (the killers) never get your beautiful voice out of their ugly heads.

Condolences to the family of Clyde. :-( So very sad.

12-14-2004, 05:29 PM
That is disgusting....I don't understand people like that......I'm just glad we live in a very dog friendly neighbourhood.....I think there's only one house in my imediate area without dogs so barking is just accepted around here....RIP Clyde, I didn't know you but you centainly deserved better

12-14-2004, 05:42 PM
:( Rest in Peace, Clyde.

What a sad, awful story.

I had a beagle growing up, named Spike. He was a great dog. He would go hunting with my dad, but come home when he got bored, lol. Mostly enjoyed lounging on the couch.

I don't remember how old I was at the time, but I think Spike was around 3 or 4 when he got very sick. Our neighbors 3 houses down had a little white cocker or poodle (I just cannot remember). We didnt' ever leash Spike then, we had a lot of land and lived on a dead end street--he always came home:)
Spike was very sick and we didn't know why. Buffy (neighbor's dog) also got very ill, but sadly she didn't make it.
The vet did confirm that it was poison of some sort--Spike made it, but it killed Buffy.
Apparently one of the neighbors wasn't a dog person, and put something out that the dogs got into, probably anti-freeze as well.

I had almost forgotten about that until I read your post. It sickens me that people can be like that. It scares me too. Abbey is a barker, and it can be a piercing bark--it's like a song to me, but someone else may not feel that way. Our direct next door neighbors have never said a word about it, and with kids who go to bed very early, I'm quite surprised. I know neither of them would do anything like this, but I'm sure anyone could throw something over the fence. Just last spring one of their cats was poisoned in a similar way.

Your friends are in my thoughts, and may Clyde bark to his content at the Bridge.

12-14-2004, 06:58 PM
Originally posted by LorraineO
they have no idea just how lucky they are it wasnt my dogs they poisoned,, I think mysterious things would start happening to them....... get my drift?????:mad: :mad: :mad:

Gotta agree with you Lorraine and btw, I would have called the police.

12-14-2004, 07:53 PM
People can be so cruel :(. RIP Clyde you can bark till your little hearts content now.

A lady my Mum works with lost her 2 cats last week, someone poisoned them :(.

12-14-2004, 10:55 PM
:( how horrible.. RIP Clyde, and get better Bonnie.. those poor dogs

12-15-2004, 01:25 AM
That is so sad. RIP Clyde. :( I have some evil animal hating neighbors near me. We once receieved a nasty letter in the mail complaining about our dogs barking "day and night." Ummm our dogs are kept in the house while we are at work and at night, so they really are not out that much at all to bark...I think we were getting blamed for the noisy dog behind us. Ever since then we've been extra paranoid though, if they start to bark at all I get them right back inside.

12-15-2004, 10:29 PM
Oh, that made me sick to my stomache when I read that. :( :( I can't believe people would do that. :( :mad: I feel so sorry for your friend. Tell her that I am thinking about her, please. {{{HUGS}}} to her and you. Rest in Peace, Clyde. :(

12-15-2004, 11:20 PM
How absolutely horrible! I would not be able to look at those neighbors without hatred in my heart. I am so sorry for your neighbor's great loss.

12-16-2004, 05:29 AM
That is so terribly sad. :(

RIP sweet Clyde... Play hard at the RB!

12-16-2004, 05:49 AM
That is just horrible...it does happen tho. That is something I have always worried about too...having neighbors on both sides and behind..and I dont know any of them..

12-16-2004, 04:41 PM
That is just plain awful! I cannot believe it, that is just so cruel, if they didn't like it that much, then after one time discussing it they could've just called someone, some official to ask them again. I mean, they could've given them a chance, not just said something one time, then bam, strike back with something deadly. OMG, I dispise people like that that harm animals Grrrr.....

People often say when I tell them that I can't wait to get a home with a nice backyard for the dogs to play, "Yeah, then you can let them out to play and run and get fresh air while you are gone" They act weird when I say aboslutley NOT, I say you never know what someone would do to them or even steal them/harm them. Well what's the point some ask, and I just tell them, so they can run and play while I watch and smile :)

Canis Amicus
12-17-2004, 05:36 AM
How intolerant people can be! RIP little sweet boy.

I am very aware from my neighbors and their aversions for domestic animals specially dogs.