View Full Version : My cultural experience for the day...

12-13-2004, 04:50 AM
I went off base to McDonald's tonight because the baby was telling me that s/he wanted some fries;) I ordered my food with little difficulty, but was told that the fries had to cook longer. They gave me a little sign and let me go sit down. A minute later the lady brought me a cup of Oolong tea to drink while I waited. Now anyone who has had the Arizona brand green tea might think that they are familiar with the taste of green teas... But Arizona is a LOOOOOOONG way from Japan:D I know that Oolong tea is a darker version of the famous "green tea", but I figured in my infinite American wisdom (can you hear the sarcasm:D ) that it couldn't be too different. I took one drink and HOLY COW!!! It was the fowlest tasting concoction that has ever touched my lips- except maybe that antibiotic that I had once when I was a kid that tasted like rotten bananas. It tasted like a cross between wheat germ, grape nuts, and unfrosted shredded wheat cereal, with a tiny bit of green tea flavor mixed in. I now know to politely decline if offered Oolong tea, and to head for the hills if they insist:eek: :D Just thought that I'd share:D

12-13-2004, 07:28 AM
soooo funny.......and i thought i loved green tea.......

12-13-2004, 07:31 AM
Originally posted by Sirrahsim
It tasted like a cross between wheat germ, grape nuts, and unfrosted shredded wheat cereal, with a tiny bit of green tea flavor mixed in.
YUM! I am dying to go try and duplicate it. I even have some overly ripe bananas. :p Missy, you get into the funniest predicaments. Well, blame this one on the baby!

Cinder & Smoke
12-13-2004, 10:28 AM
Originally posted by Sirrahsim

... the baby was telling me that s/he wanted some fries ;)


Da Kid said "* F R I E S *" - not Oolong TEA!! :p


Lilith Cherry
12-13-2004, 10:57 AM
Ouch! It's an acquired taste to say the least! Oolong tea is not really green tea - it's semi-fermented "brown" tea and tastes quite different.

I hope you and the"bump" enjoyed the fries at least:)

12-13-2004, 12:14 PM
Isn't it funny how when you get some food stuck in your head, you HAVE to have it? I've went on some journeys myself because I can't stop thinking about something. My biggest problem is Cinnabon in the mall. I've walked past that store hundreds of times in my life, and never ate there once. Now, I can't live without it!

I've never tried that tea. My husband is always talking about how awesome the food was in Okinawa though. His ex-girlfriend sends us packaged food from there and even that is awesome! We get alot of curry and some other type of soup from here. It's like the king of Top Ramens. :D

12-13-2004, 12:23 PM
Arizona teas are nothing at all compared to real tea. There is a Japanese tea shop in town that I love going to, nothing else compares to the tea there.