View Full Version : I have the dubious honor of....

12-12-2004, 02:19 PM
Being the first volunteer to have a cat jump form the cage and get loose in Petco! :o

And what a fiasco it was! I was getting one of Jen's fosters out of the cage for a young couple to look at. Jen had just left maybe one minute earlier for a bit of a break. So I knew Asper was a sweet cat, and didn;t hesistate to get her out of the cage for them. She was a bit spooked, but I talked nice to h her and calmed her down a bit. Then I tried to grab again, and had her out of the cage when she tried to FLIP around to run back in the cage! She sliced my hand up pretty good (though I admit to being a wimp!) and took off running through the store. She was FAST! Imagine 5 volunteers running through a very crowded Petco after a frightened taortie! :eek:

The guy who wanted to see her was very concerned and followed us. We had her cornered behind the dog beds, and she then made a breakaway. the guy caught her, and she BIT him HARD on the armpit and hand! It was already swelling bad two minutes later! :( Of course we stressed to him about seeing a doctor and getting antibiotics. Petco cleaned it with antiseptic, but we urged him to see a doctor immediately. He was a nice young man too.

I feel SOOOOO bad. Like it was my fault. :( :(

Poor Asper is the worst of it though.... she is really very sweet, just very scared and now she won't be coming to Adoption Days anymore.

12-12-2004, 03:11 PM
OH NOOOOOOO, how horrible!!! Oh gosh, I feel so bad for you, the man, Petco and poor Aspen!!!:eek: I sure hope that man's hand is "ok" and he doesn't get nasty with anyone!:rolleyes: You poor thing, Kim ... there is no way you could have known ... PLEASE don't feel responsible!!!


Laura's Babies
12-12-2004, 03:19 PM
OUCH!! I hope he does get to a doctor asap, that could get real nasty in no time.. How about yours? Are YOU going to get treated too?

What a honor you have there. Now they all can say "Remember the day that cat got away in the store?"... I saw a lady that had her year old cat in her purse (large purse) at Pet Smart today and I would be so afraid that it would get spooked and take off. She said she has taken it everywhere with her since it was 3 months old... How sweet and devoted is that?

12-12-2004, 03:25 PM
Oh gosh, what a drama! :eek: A cornerd cat is as dangerous as they get!! An ignorant man in a catpension once cornered Fister, who had just escaped from his cage. In fact, 5-6 people were standing around him - the worst possibe thing you can do! Patience is the answer - as we now all know. :)

Fister bit throgh his arm and a vein swelled up so bad that I nearly fainted. The woman in charge, called an ambulance and off the man went, and ..... the stupid woman said: This cat should be put to sleep! :mad:

12-12-2004, 04:06 PM
OH NO!!! Kim I'm sure this is not an honor you truly wanted bestowed upon you.;) That sounds like a horrible few minutes! Poor Asper must have been scared out of her wits to behave that way.:(
Don't blame yourself Kim because it could have been anything that spooked her. It could have happened before you reached in for her. We all know they can become little contortionists when they want to get away! She obviously didn't like that man and she didn't want to go with him. She was just making darn sure she got to stay with Jen!:D
I hope your ok and I hope that man doesn't go see his lawyer!:rolleyes:

12-12-2004, 05:13 PM
When I returned to the store and heard about the fiasco I was in shock to hear about all the commotion caused by one little cat who barely even moves at home. She lays on her chair or in her cubby and doesn't do ANYTHING! she is the most gentle creature around. I know she does not like the adoption event, but I never imagined in a million years she would react that badly I felt so bad for her. So bad for everyone.

12-12-2004, 05:41 PM
Don't feel bad Kim or Jen. We all know that the thing we love most about these little critters is the fact that they are so unpredictable and have a mind of their own.
I'm telling you Jen, she just wanted to make sure she got to stay with you!;)
The shelter had a very gentle cat go bolistic on them at PetSmart one time. He was such a sweety but went crazy one time when they got him out. He bit someone too and had to be cornered. He never got to go back to adoption days again either but he did finally find his forever home on Petfinder. The shelter had to pay all this guys medical bills.
I was in Feeders Supply the other day getting tons of kitty litter and I saw one of the shelter ladies checking on the cats and one got away from her too. It was hiding under some shelves when I left but she was having a hard time trying to get it out. Fortunately no one was around at that time or it could have been a fiasco too. It is bound to happen sometimes. It's not anyone's fault.