View Full Version : What Is Your Favorite Part Of The Christmas Season

12-10-2004, 08:53 PM
I know this isn't really anything to do with our furkids except we get to spoil them, spend more time with them ( for those who have time off ) but I thought it was something a little different to get everyone involved. ( Hopefully ) PLEASE!:D :D

I love Christmas, always have. That is once i've figured out what to get everyone and then finish shopping & wrapping and can sit back and look at how pretty everything looks before it's all torn open. LOL
My favorite part of the holidays would be going for a drive at night and seeing all the beautifull lights, snow on Christmas Eve and Day, the smell of the turkey cooking, all my family together, feeling that extra love that seems to come with Christmas, watching the grankids and grown kids open their gifts. Oh heck I could just keep going, better stop now.

12-10-2004, 08:56 PM
My favorite part is going home to see my family! I really love all the homecooked meals I get to eat when I'm there, staying up late chatting with my sister, going shopping. I always look forward to my trip home every year.

12-10-2004, 08:58 PM
My favorite part is the sudden air of civility that comes over most people...saying hi and merry christmas to strangers....not enough of that anymore...and the sweets and meal are right up there too :D

12-10-2004, 09:30 PM
My favorite part is going home to see my family! I really love all the homecooked meals I get to eat when I'm there, staying up late chatting with my sister, going shopping. I always look forward to my trip home every year.

That sounds wonderfull and I hope you have a great, safe trip and a wonderfull visit with you're family. You will have to fill us in when you get home. :)

12-10-2004, 09:32 PM
My favorite part is the sudden air of civility that comes over most people...saying hi and merry christmas to strangers....not enough of that anymore

You can say that again. It is wonderfull when people show more kindness and gentleness towards each other. Too bad it's not year round.:p