View Full Version : Posting videos on PT?

12-10-2004, 02:31 PM
When I got a new computer, I didn't save Windows Movie Maker because I figured I could download it again. Well, now I can't. The link that was posted in the tutorial works, but there is no way to download it on the site, or maybe I just can't find a way?

Can anyone help, please??


Tubby & Peanut's Mom
12-10-2004, 03:37 PM
Kay, if you got a new computer, you probably got XP and XP comes with Windows Movie Maker on it. If you click start then All Programs, it should be there. If not, do a search on your computer for "movie" it should be on your c: drive under programs

c:\Program Files\Movie Maker

Let me know if that doesn't work.