View Full Version : Please say a prayer for a little new soul at the RB...

12-10-2004, 01:21 PM
(Please don't read this when you're easily offended.)

Another precious little kitty soul went to the RB this evening.

I just came home from work with my car and when I was almost there, I saw something lying in the street, only a few metres away from my house. My heart sank when I saw it was a kitty, and that it was obviously dead. It was dark, and all I could see was that it was a tabby. Please don't blame me, but my first thought (or fear) was that one of my girls has slipped out when I left earlier, so I rushed into my apartment to look for Luna and Lily. They were there, so I went back to the kitty.

It was lying on the street, and I thought the least thing I could do was to lay it down on the sidewalk, that no more cars can ran over it. At the same time, several other neighbors showed up to look for a cat, each of them relieved when they saw it wasn't their's, but also very sad for the poor kitty and its humans. Nobody knew this cat, so we agreed to put it aside; away from the street, but to leave it on the sidewalk so its humans would be able to find it there - just in case somebody was looking for it. It was my task to move the cat, 'cause everyone else refused to touch the body. It was still warm, even though the ground was frozen, and for a second I thought it was still alive, but it wasn't. Blood ran out of its left ear, and - oh it was so horrible - the eyes had come out of the head (I'm sorry for being so graphic, but these are images that haunt me now, when I'm looking into my girls beautiful eyes). I don't know what the neighbors may think of me, but I petted the kitty's fur for a while, even though I knew it couldn't feel that touch anymore.

When I looked up, I saw the most heartbreaking thing: Aside, in the bushes, sat a beautiful Orangie looking at us and the dead kitty, staring at the scene - and I swear this poor kitty was mourning its friend! When we finally left, it still sat there, watching the dead body...

I don't know if we made the right decision to leave the cat there, but to me, it seemed to be the best thing to do in this situation. I hope that poor kitty didn't have to suffer too long (I suppose it didn't since there seemed to be severe cranial injuries), and that its humans will find the body, so they don't have to wonder all their lives why their kitty didn't come home.

My thoughts are with this little kitty soul tonight, and its humans, and its little poor kitty friend with the mournful eyes.


Maya & Inka's mommy
12-10-2004, 01:31 PM
Oh no, poor little kitty....:( :(
You did the right thing, Kirsten, I would have done the same! If that cat had a home, it's humans will go out looking for him/her. Of course, it won't be a happy reunion for them, but at least they will know that they don't have to search any further... .
I would go back to this place regularly, and if the body is still there in two days, then I would take it with me and bury it. It would be to sad to leave it there forever.

Poor little cat, be happy now at the Rainbow Bridge !!

Thanks Kirsten for caring for this poor little thing:)

12-10-2004, 01:35 PM
What a horrible, horrible thing for you to have gone through.

I think you did the right thing and I too would have patted the little critter.

I am crying for the kitty and for you for having to go through that.

12-10-2004, 02:23 PM
Kirsten, I would have done the same thing. If in a day or so no one has come by for the kitty then I would take it and bury it. :( It is never easy to see things like this but at least kitty is looking down from the RB and knows that someone cared to at least do what was right.

You are such a good person for caring so much....most people would just continue on their way without a second thought.

Laura's Babies
12-10-2004, 04:24 PM
I agree with catlover4ever, I would give the owners time to find it, the bury it. That is what I would do... but leaving it there would also serve as a reminder to other owners just what could happen to theirs when left outside.

I feel so sad for it's friend that witnessed it and now has lost it's companion. THAT makes me want to cry!!!

12-10-2004, 04:52 PM
Thanks for your tears and the kind words...

I don't know if the cat is still there, but I will see it tomorrow when I leave the house. Burying it would be difficult as it's very cold here right now and the ground is frozen. I hope somebody will find it!

I'm still very sad! Only a couple of hours ago, this kitty was probably still full of joy and was enjoying it's life, and didn't waste one thought about death... Maybe it was just playing with its kitty friend when it happened... I don't know, but all this seems so unfair!


12-10-2004, 05:49 PM
Oh Kirsten......how heartbreaking for you, especially to see the other kitty nearby just staring. I'd fall to pieces in an instant. :( :( RIP little kitty. {{{HUGS}}} to you.

I wonder if you could borrow a scanner from the vet and scan for a microchip. Did you see if there was a tattoo? Mind you, if I were in your shoes I'm not sure I would be able to touch it. You are much stronger than I. Just don't know what else to say....it's all so very sad.

12-10-2004, 06:31 PM
How very very sad :(:(

12-10-2004, 06:37 PM
Perhaps if the poor kitty's body is still there in a couple days, you could give it a shoebox "coffin" even if you cannot dig up frozen ground very well. I hope the kitty's owners (if it has any) find what happened to thier kitten and consider having indoor-only kitties from now on.

Thank you, Kirsten, for easing this poor feline's soul, and if any of the nieghbors think anything askance of you for petting it, it reflects poorly on them, not you.

Now you give Luna and Lily each an extra snuggle from me, and then one from all of Pet Talk. Sending you a hug, too!

12-11-2004, 07:41 AM
Thank you, everyone!

Well, when I left the house this morning, the kitty's body was gone. I hope it's been its humans who found it and that not somebody has just "disposed" the kitty in the next trash bin...

I would like to believe that a loving and caring person found the body. And I'm thinking a lot about this beautiful Orangie that was mourning it's little friend. I looked out for him/her this morning, but couldn't see it anywhere... I hope this kitty has a good home where it can get over it's loss.


12-11-2004, 08:38 AM
That poor Little Cat,is now at Pet Heaven,where there are nocars,and he is playiong,in the fields,of Cat Nip,with all the Pet talkers Pet Angel,and is touched,by the fact,that you wrote about him,now hes not anonimous,anymore.

12-11-2004, 08:42 AM
That was beautifully said, Gary, thank you VERY much! :)


12-12-2004, 11:51 AM
Heard from one of my neighbors that the kitty was found by its humans, the same evening it's lost its life...

Don't even want to imagine how they felt that moment... :( :( :(


12-12-2004, 11:58 AM
You did the right thing, even better than I would have done. I never thought of leaving so owners could find it. I only think to move it into bushes, where it can RIP. I've moved a couple and wished I moved some others.

Thank you for helping that poor kitty,

Godspeed to the bridge, unknown kitty.

12-12-2004, 01:57 PM
Oh Kirsten! How upsetting for you.

Rest in Peace, sweet Tabby, and frolic happily at the Rainbow Bridge.

12-12-2004, 03:44 PM
That is so very sad. Poor kitty. I too would have done the same thing. I always move animals, even tiny squirrels. You did a good thing by placing the body there for the owners to see. :(

12-12-2004, 03:51 PM
Thanks for your kind words everyone. Just wish there would have been more I could have done for that poor kitty.... :(


12-12-2004, 03:55 PM
Bless You Kirsten - how loving of you to look after that poor kitten - even though it was dead.
I'm glad it's family found the poor kitty - oh I do hope it's orangey friend has a good home to go home too xxx

Once again Kirsten - Thank You {{{{{{Hugs}}}}}}} across the miles xxx


12-12-2004, 04:33 PM
How sad and distressing for you, at least you know that the owners found their baby, even though that is so awful , just thinking about it all,I am sure they are comforted by the thought that someone like you cared and they could give their kitty a decent burial.

My neighbour came over last weekend , they found a dead cat in their driveway, she thinks it was dead before she ran over it, Oh I surely hope so, she thought maybe it was ours, I was so relieved to say no, mine are safe and sound inside, I did ask her to put an advert in the paper , deceased cat found, but I never saw it in there, I hope they did not just put it in the trash.