View Full Version : A Bullying Box Turtle

Ben E Gas
05-03-2001, 10:54 AM
Ok, many of you know, I have a new turtle named Izzy. This is the first spring that I have a chance to observe 2 box turtles together. A male who's atleast twice as old as the female, Izzy. I had the day off yesterday and was able to observe their morning behaviour. I noticed that when Izzy finally came out for food, Igor was bobbing his head at her and bullied her away from the food.
Is this normal? Does he hate her being there. He hasn't lived with another turtle for years, over ten actually. For the most part they seem to like each other.

Igor Inc. (c)2001

Ben E Gas
05-04-2001, 09:10 AM
Does anyone that posts here own a box turtle?

05-04-2001, 03:07 PM
I don't own a box turtle. used to have a painted turtle, though. Sounds like Izzy is just trying to maintain his position as top turtle! As long as the new gal is getting plenty to eat, I wouldn't worry.

Ben E Gas
05-07-2001, 01:45 PM
I agree. But probably because of the way I worded it, you got it wrong, Izzy is the new comer. Igor is the one doing the bullying. He didn't really act that way this weekend though.