View Full Version : Cat in heat?

12-10-2004, 10:26 AM
How does a cat act if she is in heat? Ebony has been rubbing on everything in sight and quite vocal. The other boys are quite interested in her rear end- more than normal. Is that typical behavior for a cat in heat? I have her locked up in the bathroom- I was worried a fight might break out between the boys over her if she is in heat. She goes to the Dr. on Monday to be spayed. Is it neccessary to lock her up? Is there anything else I should know or be warned about? Never had a cat this old not be fixed!

12-10-2004, 11:46 AM
Not that this matters but I was told it was $8 more to spay them when they are in heat - mine was in heat when I adopted her from Animal Control. no big deal but just thought I'd give you a warning in case. :) She will feel much better afterwards I bet! :) Debbie

12-10-2004, 02:23 PM
Yep, sounds like she is in heat. You might check with your vet about spaying her while in heat .... can be more risky and more expensive.

NOW ... LOOK AT THAT CHRISTMAS BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D :eek: :D
How absolutely precious Misha looks! Amy Beth got a Santa outfit almost identical to that, we still have to put Jenna in it and take pics! *must get busy* :D :D :D

Laura's Babies
12-10-2004, 04:28 PM
Heat or not, take her to get her snip... As darling and sweet as kittens are, everytime I see one, I wounder if it will end up in a shelter, being abandoned to starve or freeze to death or some free entertainment for some cruel, sick minded people.

That baby had GROWN since I saw her last pictures! That outfit is adorable on her too... CUTE! CUTE! CUTE!

12-10-2004, 07:54 PM
We are getting her fixed no matter what. Do I need to keep her locked away from the other fixed cats while she is in heat?

Thank you about Misha! We did that picture here at home because we weren't happy with what the professionals did or their prices!

12-10-2004, 08:12 PM
Since your male cats are all fixed it shouldn't be a problem. However if they start to bother her and she doesn't look happy, or if the boys start acting crazy then I would lock her up.

12-11-2004, 08:44 AM
They MMMMMEEEEEOOOOOW,roll in front,of the Males,and are restless,and are LOUD,in other words,I want Kittens time.Good Luck,with the spaying.