View Full Version : Strange things we call our cats...

12-09-2004, 04:19 PM
I know everyone has their nicknames for their little babies, but I feel mine might be most strange.

Here's the story so I don't sound completely insane: my husband has a much, much younger sister (he's 24 and she's about to turn 5 in January). Anyway, for the first 2-3 years of her life they always called her Nani goat??? for some unknown reason. Of course, I got use to calling her that and anything I say on a general basis gets warped to dealing with my kitties--you all know what I'm talking about...taking popular songs and making them into "cat songs," etc.

Somehow, the cats have become the "nawtee goats." I don't know why but I am a strange person. When I'm in a hurry and ask my husband how they are doing, I just call them the goats. "Are the goats behaving themselves?" "Do the goats miss me?" Am I crazy?

12-09-2004, 04:51 PM
I call Doogie Doogie woogie. A variation of doggy woggy which is what I call Duke. But, I don't call them goats! :D

Laura's Babies
12-09-2004, 05:00 PM
OK, Amy I call Baby Gurl...Mommies baby gurl..

Chester is Mommies BIG BOY!

They are all "My Babies" and referred to as such.... and I know everyone has heard me say I have to go get my "girls".. meaning all my female babies.. LOL!

Samantha Puppy
12-09-2004, 05:01 PM
This is horrible, but Kirin and Sushi have been dubbed "The @$$holes". I hadn't even realized it until my husband sat up in bed this past Sunday morning after I had fed the boys and locked them out of our room (so we could sleep past 6am, when they think we should get up) and said, "Where are the @$$holes?"

Kirin's newest nickname is "Fatty" because he finishes his food in about 2 minutes and then will eat the rest of Sushi's food.

12-09-2004, 05:21 PM
Well my two cats Snowball and Rocky have interesting nicknames. Snowball's nickname is Noballs, because he has none literally and figuratively :D ! Sometimes, he's a big furry chicken. As for Rocky, his is Rockstar.


Ontario, Canada

12-09-2004, 05:50 PM
I call Ilio 'Ilo' sometimes... or Ilo-Bilo.. :p
Ilio means 'dog' in Hawaiian (I purposely named him that), but 'ilo' means maggot! :eek: LOL

12-09-2004, 06:28 PM
Whee! Nicknames!

Zelda is either Ms. Prissy-pants or Sezzy Lady.

And Mowgli is most often Brat, Mowgi-bear, or Mowg-monster.

No cute stories to go with the nicknames. They just popped out of my mouth and I just kept using 'em. :D

12-09-2004, 06:36 PM
Mitzi is often called Mitty ... it's those big white mitts that inspired her "real" name; itty-bitty-pretty-kitty. Mitzi-mess-maker. Meetza meatball.

Mishi becomes "Biggie" or my Big Boybee. Also MEESH! or Mishka or my Milinki Mishinki (phonetic spelling of my bad Russian!) "Milinki" means little in Russian and he's anything BUT little! :p Goofus, Goofy, Goony, my main Goon and/or silly cat :D

12-09-2004, 08:43 PM
Ginger = Gingie
Louis = Loose
Krissy = Krissy-pants

12-09-2004, 08:56 PM
Ron is Biggie Fat or Big Ol' Fat
Raven is Pretty Ray

12-09-2004, 09:21 PM
ROFLMBO :o We call them so many things....hmmmm...they prbably don't even know their real names. As roving toilet reporter, you can just imagine what some of them are called.
We have been battling diarrhea for months so they are often called little sh!t. In general they are referred to as monkeys kinda like CalliesMom's goats:D
Robbie is my "chunky monkey" or if he is really nawtee he is my "spunky chunky monkey"

Lizzie is caled silly cutesy things like Lizzie Wizzie:D Oh and Robbie usually comes out "Wobbie"

Emily's names are associated to royalty although I call her deragatory things to tease my hubby but I will leave it at that:o

Eliot has long been Smelibutt for obvious reasons.

Dylan is called by his real name or Dylie.

But little sh!ts is pretty common:D

12-09-2004, 10:25 PM
They all have their individual nicknames, of course.

Callie (my orange female tabby) tends to be called by her normal name, but when I use the term nawtee goat it is usally in reference to her. She can be AWFULLY NAWTEE at times...

Whisper is usally Whispy Crispy or Crisp Whisp..real original I know. My husband just refers to him as our um...gay kitty because he has a little feminine meow and tends to like men more than women (sorry if that offended anybody). Besides his little girly mew (if you heard it one would have to agree), he's the only kitty that does the little tail swishy thing when he is really happy.

Shadow is just...well a little ROTUND. She just gets called fatty (not by me...again the hubby is real original) but I like to call her nickname from me is love muffin. She is simply the sweetest cat, so I also call her punkin pants (in reality my husband's nickname but fits her too :D ).

12-09-2004, 11:05 PM
Miagi-baby kitters,meowgi, fish face,baby boy:cool:

Maya & Inka's mommy
12-10-2004, 03:53 AM
These are Inka's nicks: Inky , Inky Pinky , Inkatje , Poezewoefke , Spinnekop(=purr-head), Schattebolleke(=sweety), Pinky Winky, Snoepje(=snack), Inkske, Wiebelkontje(=shaky butt) LOL!!!

and Maya's: Maai , Maaike , Maymay , Smaya , My princess Maya , May-bol, Maaitje

I know, I am nuts :rolleyes: :D

Don Juan's mom
12-10-2004, 04:08 AM
Hey Mister
Big Fella
Mr. Abs-of-Butter
Oh Great Lord And Master (his favorite)
His Majesty
C'mon Lemme Up

and, of course, Sweet Cat. :-)


Maya & Inka's mommy
12-10-2004, 04:10 AM
Originally posted by Don Juan's mom
and, of course, Sweet Cat. :-)



12-10-2004, 08:48 AM
Joseph,is Juke Joint Joseph,as he was on the radio,Mooses size,is the reason,that he is the Magnificent,and Michael,is Michaelob,even though,.he wouldnt touch beer.

smokey the elder
12-10-2004, 08:54 AM
Let's see...not all of them have nicknames, but here are the ones that do.

Diva: Sweetiediva
Pixel: Pixelicious, Pixeliciousness
Bosun: Sweety-b*tch

Foster Nutmeg: FATmeg
Foster Bubba: The Love Sponge

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
12-10-2004, 09:16 AM
Instead of goats or monkeys, I've got snots. If either Terry or I says "Where are the snots?" we both immediately know who we're referring to. :rolleyes: ;) :D Peanut is the little snot and Tubby is the big black snot.

Other than that, Tubby is Tubby Wubby, the Tubster, the big black blob or big boy.

Peanut is snotty little girl, sweetie pie, goofy kitty, goofy anen (in honor of Kofie Anen (sp?) who was in the news everyday for quite a while) and many many more. :D

12-10-2004, 05:14 PM
Pansome Hince
Little Baby Boy
Spoiled Boy
Little Sweetness

Baby Girl
Little Sweetness
Fluffy Girl (she has a big of a girth LOL)

When I get home from work, I walk in the door and greet them with "Where's my Little Sweetnesses"....

:o :o

12-10-2004, 05:24 PM
Luna-Lun (okay, this doesn't make any sense! LOL)

Little One


12-10-2004, 06:59 PM
mommys gurl
my little girl

unkie LOL since hes my parents cat I call him Pixies Uncle