View Full Version : The soldiers in Iraq.

12-09-2004, 01:34 AM
Not a huge fan of Donald Rumsfeldt.....

By taking the comments of the soldiers in Iraq he elevated himself in my eyes....

The comments should have been directed to the people here in the US.....

Instead of protesting the war we should be urging the elected officials to make sure that the men and women over there should not have to take "hillbilly" measures to protect their lives....

Shame on the people who decided that that 87 million dollars was too much to pay for your sons, daughters, fathers and mothers safety.

I support the troops....but I don't want to pay a few more dollars for their safety....


12-09-2004, 06:39 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by RICHARD
....Shame on the people who decided that that 87 million dollars was too much to pay for your sons, daughters, fathers and mothers safety.
richard, mr rumsfeld has quite a bit to do with that 87 million dollars, he sends his budget requests for ALL the troops needs to mr bush, then mr bush sends it on to the congress, and congress then votes on it. there is a lot of shame to go around on that point.

By taking the comments of the soldiers in Iraq he elevated himself in my eyes....it's part of his job, i get feedback from my bosses all the time about my job performance. The comments should have been directed to the people here in the US..... those comments WERE directed to us here in the US, how many outside the combat military knew that the troops were scrounging for scrap metal to repair vehicles?

Instead of protesting the war we should be urging the elected officials to make sure that the men and women over there should not have to take "hillbilly" measures to protect their lives.... i'm doing both. my representative pat tiberi, senators george voinivich and michael dewine all got letters from me yesterday, expressing my strong displeasure about this kind of nickle and dime troop maintaince.

it is a shame, disgrace and not to be tolerated that our troops in harms way get the change from the bottom of the money pit.

12-09-2004, 06:55 AM
It's time this country set its priorities straight. Number one priority should be adequately providing for the needs of our service men and women, not only when we send them to war but when they arrive back wounded, physically and mentally.

To all those who don't want to give up their precious tax cuts and and to those who feel the need to cheat on their taxes, I say shame on you.

12-10-2004, 01:28 PM

Now I am EVEN more cheesed off.....

In typical slanted media fashion, a reporter from a Tennessee fish wrapper asked that soldier to pose the "Hillbilly Armor" question to Rumsfeldt.

(Notice, no reports of people from the South protesting about the use of the term, "hillbilly"...)

The reporter's editor thought that there was no problem with his employee doing this.


My journalism teacher always told me to report the story, do not be the story.

I guess we can take the word "ethical" out of the dictionary.:mad: