View Full Version : Package from my Penpal - rg_girlca

12-08-2004, 10:23 AM
WOW! The postman bought a HUGE package for us! Would you like to see what all my penpal sent? I am just overwhelmed!!
Lots of toys for the kitties...
Lizzie is a toy hog...
Robbie prefers the blue feather...(blue for boys of course)
Eliot likes it too...
Now Robbie is the hog...
MY feather!....
all mine!!!!....
Dylan got a turn too...
He loved this blue ball - I know because he put it is his food bowl...

12-08-2004, 10:24 AM
Pressies for ME too!! There were several books to read....and this cute pocket calendar, and a new coffee mug that I am using at this moment...it says "Supurrior Purrson"
There was a beautiful Angel calendar . I know it isn't 2005 yet but it fit perfectly in the wall frame Dennis built me years ago, so I HAD to put it up - doesn't it look great?
Do you think I am spoiled enough yet? It isn't over yet!! Lorraine knew I collected little boxes - here is part of my collection...
and HERE are two new porcelain boxes from Lorraine!! The blue heart and the pink oval. The pink stained glass you can see came from my friend Kim of kimlovescats. I am SOOOO spoiled. How did Lorraine know I love pink and blue???
(please notice the artificial *dust* that I cleverly added with my graphic software. I wanted to give everything that "lived in" and homey look)
She also sent this set of stacking boxes with a Christmas theme and I happened to have a bare spot that needed them!! Aren't they pretty?
There was also a poem Lorraine posted about being a grandmother that I told her I was touched by. She printed it up, and had it framed for me!! If that wasn't enough, I also sent it to my friend and SIL, Carol (persianmom) who loved it as well - and Lorraine made one for her too!!! My copy is hanging right on the wall here next to my computer area.
Lorraine - THANKYOU THANKYOU ...for this wonderful package. I surely did not expect this and feel quite overwhelmed and happy that you thought of me and put all of this together for me and my kitties. I loved everything and just thank you so very much!! I so enjoyed all the love and thought put into the package.

12-08-2004, 10:31 AM
Wow! Looks like the kitties (and YOU) got spoiled ;) :D

And DYLAN!! He plays JUST like Tigger, no movement at all, just the paws LOL :D

12-08-2004, 10:53 AM
What thoughtful gifts! Each item is perfect for its intended. How nice!
