View Full Version : I Am Furious!!!!

12-08-2004, 10:22 AM
Last Saturday when I was having my nails done, my nail technician asked me to find her a kitten for her 3 nieces. I asked her specifically if she okayed it with their mom and she said yes, just to avoid any problems. She said she wanted a free one and I told her that most people who post them in the paper ask for $25-$50 so they don't get research laboratories grabbing them.

I searched high and low and finally found a beautiful female tortie at a disgusting kill shelter in Trenton. They don't give them any shots and don't test them for Feline Aids or Leukemia. The cost was $50 BUT...you get $25 back after it's spayed. Not bad. Yesterday I got a reprieve of 3 hours from work and decided to go look at the kitten. She is beautiful and very loving and also the only one left. So, being the good person that I am in trying to HELP her, I put down the last 50 bucks, took the cat home (she's 3 months old) and found out she had fleas!!! I drove around in the pouring rain and got flea shampoo and immediately gave her a flea bath. This cat (I refuse to name her as I am NOT keeping her). She is now in my spare room and my cat boxes are all over my apartment. My cats are pissed!!!

Well, she leaves me a voicemail message saying, "I HOPE you didn't take the kitten!! My friend said her landlord wasn't too keen on the idea!!" There was NO mention of any permission of a landlord or I wouldn't have plunked down the last 50 bucks I have to my name till I get paid next week!! It also means I can't get my computer fixed. Can things get any worse???

I asked her to take the cat in and give me my money back via voicemail and email. She gets CASH everytime she does nails so I KNOW she's got it. She has 2 other older cats and a house, so it wouldn't be a problem. I can NOT in my heart, justify keeping this kitten after I just rehomed 3 of my own!!

My blood boils everytime I think of it. She sent me an email this morning with all sorts of excuses like she didn't tell me to actually pick one up, that she was going to pick up a newspaper and see if they had any there. That's a bunch of bull because she told me if I find one, could I keep it in my spare room till Christmas. I threatened to drop it off at her nail booth and told I'd pick up my money then.

So, what should I do??? Everytime I go in the room and see her, she's all over me, purring and I start to cry. I can't afford to have her tested and fixed. She makes me feel guilty for rehoming my other cats.:( :( :( :(

12-08-2004, 10:26 AM
My heart truly goes out to you. You're a kind soul for finding this woman a cat at a not-so-nice shelter and out of the goodness of your heart, you plunk down your own cash and then she doesn't want the cat?! How infuriating.

I feel for you, I really do. I can't offer any advice. Is there someone else who might want her? Being the owner of a tortie in the past, I know they can be shy and timid and sometimes difficult to home.

I just don't know what to say.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
12-08-2004, 10:34 AM
I'm so sorry Donna, I don't know what advice to offer.... I guess the only thing you can do is try and find a home for the kitten yourself....:confused:

12-08-2004, 10:44 AM
What about explaining the situation to the shelter you got her from? I know they probably hear excuses all the time and it sounds like a dreadful place, but what about asking if you can foster her, for THEM. Once she finds a home, the people can make the check out to you?

Don't feel bad. You did what you thought was right and while it can be a pain, it'll work out.

Your furkids are in EXCELLENT homes, Donna. Remember that. :)

12-08-2004, 10:44 AM
Wow...you went way beyond the call of friendship..what a wonderful person you are, I am so sorry it turned out this way for all your goodness...I don't blame you for being upset, you've a right to be!
I hope you can find someone who will take the kitty in...that woman owes you $50 or at the VERY least a couple of freebie nail appts!!

12-08-2004, 10:50 AM
Your furkids are in EXCELLENT homes, Donna

I have absolutely NO doubt about that!!!

I might just call the shelter and run that idea of fostering her. I hope the ACO (who has the personality of a bag of rocks) agrees.

I'll let you know.

Oh and BTW, I don't WANT any freebie nail jobs. I WANT MY MONEY BACK!!!!! Nails don't pay my bills, unfortunately.

12-08-2004, 11:51 AM
Oh Donna. :( I'm sorry that woman did that to you. How much is it to run an ad in the paper? You could ask for $50 in hopes to get refunded what you spent.

And don't feel guilty. You are helping the kitten and got it with good intentions.


12-08-2004, 11:56 AM
:( I am so sorry Donna. Hopefully the shelter will either let you foster and maybe even refund your money and take her back.
I bet you'd like to break someone's fingers, eh?:mad: Have you tried getting in this woman's face and demanding the money? Would that be a possibility?? Bring the kitten to her and collect your money - if you are feeling generous, agree to keep the kitten until she finds a home for it??

I am really sorry to read this.

12-08-2004, 11:58 AM
That totally sucks...

Or as the saying goes, "No good deed goes unpunished".

For that reason I stopped helping friends out.....They weren't friends for very much longer.

You may have to eat the 50 bucks but you can always find a new
nail tech.........A few last minute cancelled appointments may give you the satisfaction that you may not get otherwise....

Follow that up with a "I thought it might be a bad idea to make you work today........" or "I have to go check on a CAT, so I have to cancel...."

Revenge is a dish best eaten cold......
But a few minutes in the microwave changes the flavor!!!!


12-08-2004, 12:46 PM
oooooh! I love Richard's suggestions on breaking last minute appointments!! That would get her where it hurts.

Hey, Richard...how do you know about this stuff? ;)

12-08-2004, 12:52 PM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy

Hey, Richard...how do you know about this stuff? ;)

Microwaves or evil?????:D

12-08-2004, 01:01 PM
Oh Donna - I'm so sorry :(
I would take her in a heartbeat if I didn't already have my little Miss Tortietude. :(

Hopefully the shelter will either let you foster and maybe even refund your money and take her back.

I don't think that's a good idea since it is a KILL shelter. She will be PTS. :(

A few last minute cancelled appointments may give you the satisfaction that you may not get otherwise
While I think that is a good idea - be careful with that b/c some places charge you if you don't show up. The place I sometimes get my hair done- charges for appts not cancelled within 24 hours.

I wish I could help you out Donna but I don't have room or the funds for another kitty, and I don't know anyone that wants one either. :(

12-08-2004, 01:23 PM
Originally posted by shais_mom

I don't think that's a good idea since it is a KILL shelter. She will be PTS. :(

Oh YES, you are right Staci, I did not think of this:( I just wish Donna could get her money back.

12-08-2004, 01:49 PM
I am so sorry to hear this. You are a good person and such a horrible person as your nail tech. didn't really deserve such a lovely kitten. I do feel horrible that you lost your money, though. I'm a college student so I know how it feels to look in your fridge and see if there's a way to fill it up on the $2.50 in your bank account. I hope there's a way you can get it back.

About cancelling the appointments....maybe I'm a mean, vidictive person but if they aren't the kind of place that charges you for missing appointments, I would so make tons of appointments and not even break them. I simply wouldn't show up! My mom is a beautian and nothing gets to a person like waiting on someone who didn't bother to call. If she had to wait around for you (especially if you were her last person of the day) maybe that would teach her some respect for other people and that no one will respect her if she continues to treat people like she does and be so careless with her friends.

12-08-2004, 10:44 PM
heh heh! I like the last reply/recommendation here! Donna I am so sorry! I do hope your babes will not get fleas- oh my goodness it took me months to get a flea infestation out of my apt. twice when I was doing lots of foster care! (Spraying the floors, furniture, etc. repeatedly and oh geez, the eggs would hatch sometimes anyway and a spraying i would go! -with pet friendly spray from the vet which cost about $35.00 a bottle...) Keep us posted? or is there a new thread on this gal?

Cinder & Smoke
12-09-2004, 01:16 AM

Hey Moo ~

Tell yur Mom to check her PMs -
Dad jest sent wun.


12-09-2004, 08:57 AM
Sadly,there are a lot of People,who say,they love Cats and Dogs,until they have,to actually reach,into thier pockets,and we are sorry,that this happened to you.But The found Cats,say that yoiu have a New friend,now,and that cant be all that bad.

12-09-2004, 09:12 AM
You have such a big heart. That was very nice of you to help her out. I would explain the situation to the shelter and see what they can do.


Originally posted by RICHARD
That totally sucks...

Or as the saying goes, "No good deed goes unpunished".

For that reason I stopped helping friends out.....They weren't friends for very much longer.

You may have to eat the 50 bucks but you can always find a new
nail tech.........A few last minute cancelled appointments may give you the satisfaction that you may not get otherwise....

Follow that up with a "I thought it might be a bad idea to make you work today........" or "I have to go check on a CAT, so I have to cancel...."

Revenge is a dish best eaten cold......
But a few minutes in the microwave changes the flavor!!!!


That's why I love you Richard...you always turn a bad situation into something funny. hehe

12-09-2004, 10:02 AM
I don't think she was really INFESTED with fleas. I may have caught it just in time. I gave her another flea bath last night even though I couldn't find anymore on her. Once she's outta the room, I'm gonna spray it down like Leslie said.

Last night after I bathed and blow dried her, I stayed in the room with her while she fell asleep next to a beanie buddy lion I gave her. I wish I had my camera handy. I will post pictures once I get my computer back (next Wednesday).

She's doing great, looks healthy (eyes clear, no earmites) and has an appetite like a horse. She wants so badly to come out and play, and Moo sits at the door waiting. Once she gets a clean bill of health, I'll let her out to terrorize the rest of the crew.

I'm going to see how soon my vet will spay her. She's only 3 months old so it's a little soon. Some vets do it early. I guess it depends on each vet's policy.

I got a nasty email from Laura trying to make ME feel guilty for finding her a kitten as she ASKED me to do. I have since blocked her address and will not take her phone calls. I'm also having my nails done elsewhere.

12-09-2004, 10:06 AM
Good for you! She sounds like a horrible person. I can't believe she is resorting to sending nasty emails. You just keep thinking positive and be glad you saved another kitty girl. I'm sorry about the money; I know how hard it is when money is tight. Congrats on saving a life, though! You are a wonderful person with a good heart.

12-09-2004, 10:08 AM
Before I blocked her address, I told her the next time she wants anything, DON'T CALL ME!!!

12-09-2004, 10:16 AM
:D Donna, why don't you just be honest and tell her how you really feel? Why coddle her so much?:D :D :D

BTW, does this new "it" have a name?? Have you checked with the shelter about being a possible foster mom?? Thank you for taking care of her:)

12-09-2004, 10:44 AM

I called ACO from this hideous shelter and she said no I couldn't get my money back. All I would get back is $25 once she's spayed from the voucher she gave me.

As far as a name is concerned, I sat last night watching her sleep against her beanie lion and thought of these names. Let me know what you think.

Amanda (Worthy of Love) Noel
Bella (Beautiful) Dora (A Gift)

Once I get my computer back I'll post pictures and then maybe we can figure out what kind of name her looks deserve.

12-09-2004, 10:55 AM
How sad!!! Some people... you just want to spin them around and give them a swift kick in the fanny!!!:mad:

I feel so bad for you, but at least you DID save her from being PTS in that kill shelter!

I look forward to seeing pictures soon!!!

By the way... I like the name Noel the best!!!:D

12-09-2004, 10:55 AM
Bella Dora! Bella Dora! :D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
12-09-2004, 11:15 AM
I think you should call her I-T. Kinda like ET, but with an I instead. In honor of her humble start with you. :D

I agree with lady_zana that it's good that you don't keep pursuing this with "her." Just stay positive, block out all the negative and everything will work out wonderfully. :D

Welcome home IT or whatever your name is going to be! ;) :D

12-09-2004, 11:58 AM
Where are you located?? You are not in Texas by chance??

By the way you are a wonderful christmas gift to this kitty and some things are meant to be. Hopefully one day you will thank that horrible lady (though not to her face) for the kitten or someone else will thank her if you place the kitty in another home. So glad you saved her. Debbie

Samantha Puppy
12-09-2004, 12:42 PM
I like Amanda (Mandy kitty, how cute). I also like Natalie (From the Late Latin name Natalia, which meant "Christmas Day" from Latin natale domini). Or Noelle. Something to celebrate the season she was rescued. :)

12-09-2004, 03:09 PM
I am really sorry that the nail tech treated you that way. I am sorry you lost your last $50.00 too, I know how that is when you only have so much money. I don't think you should take the kitten back to the shelter either. Please find it a good loving home. Wherre are you located? Maybe we can help find a safe group that will take the kitten and find it a home.

12-09-2004, 05:16 PM
I didn't even consider taking her back to that awful shelter. She is a sweet little thing that just wants love and attention. I also like the name Bella Dora which would stand for "beautiful gift". I'll post pictures when I get my computer back and take a poll. I do also like the name Amanda (Mandy for short).


I have a feeling she's staying right where she is. By the time she has all her tests and is spayed, I'd never be able to part with her. I'm already in love. Didn't take long, did it??