View Full Version : Mr. Monty Wanted To Share This With You

12-08-2004, 10:00 AM
My Life, I'll Start With My Rescue By The SPCA

I Was So Cold And Scared To Death

I had been on the run for a while when a white truck and a couple of scary people tried to catch me. I ran and they followed until I couldn't escape them. I was cold and hungry and didn't know what to expect. I was loaded into a crate with something around my mouth that I had never seen before now. They drove to a building and took me out of the cold metal crate I was in. I listened to them talking about me, saying they were going to have to put me down because i was so viscious. I wasn't sure what that meant but it didn't sound good. Suddenly a beautifull young girl with long blond hair showed up. She asked the people why is he muzzled? They replied that I was viscious and going to be destroyed. She said no way are you putting him down and she took me from them. She was my angel and took me into a room with lots of barking dogs. I was so scared but she got in the cage with me and we became best friends right away. Thank God she was there to save my life and treat me so nicely. She fed me and gave me fresh water and laid beside me for a long time talking to me. For the first time i felt loved. I thought ok this is good, i can handle this, it's warm, dry and my belly is full. I got sick and wasn't allowed to go out on walks like the other dogs. Time passed so slowly and my only joy was the blond girl spending what little time with me she could. One day 4 weeks later the big door opened and in walked 2 people who began talking to me. I wasn't at all nice to them and the man walked away but the woman stayed and kept talking to me. She asked me for a paw so i gave it to her. The man came back and I finally gave him a paw. They left for a while and I sat wondering if they would be back. Well sure enough in they came again and told me they would be back to adopt me as soon as I could be released. I thought to myself that they would never come back for me, but I was wrong. The very next week, a Thursday morning there they were with a leash. They took me out for a walk and right then we felt at ease with each other. They then filled out paper work and put me in their car and brought me for a car ride and to a new home. I was so happy, they seemed so loving and kind. They bought me a new bed just for me and put it in front of a nice warm fireplace. I had a Mommy and Daddy that loved me! I was safe, warm, not hungry and it was as though I had died and gone to heaven. That was Jan. 29th 2004, the best day of my life at that time and I had no idea how much better it would get. So that's the start of my new life. I'm a very lucky boy. So that's my first page and lots more to come, I hope.

12-08-2004, 10:06 AM
What a great story Monty! You are and your mommy and daddy are lucky that blond haired lady showed up when she did!

12-08-2004, 10:09 AM
Thats so sweet.......:)

12-08-2004, 11:30 AM
Oh Monty... you made me cry!!
Please tell your mommy to wrap her arms around you and give you a BIG hug from me!!

Buddy's story is much the same! Running loose, people being afriad of him. But the person at the shelter was not a blonde haired lady, it was a man, he was the only person he would warm up to. Until I came to adopt him!

I wish we could take all of those bad memories away from you boys, but we can't, all we can do is make new memories... good memories!!!

12-08-2004, 11:33 AM
What a touching story Monty. :)

12-08-2004, 12:54 PM
I am so glad you have a happy ever after!!

12-08-2004, 01:34 PM
What a great story!! I'm so glad the woman with the blond hair showed up ;)

Deb-Monty certainly is a lucky boy, but you are also very lucky to have him :)

Please give him a big hug for me!

12-08-2004, 01:35 PM
How anyone can abuse or neglect a face like that (or any animal) is beyond me

My Peanuts
12-08-2004, 01:55 PM
What a wonderful story! I'm turning into such a softy because your story made me cry Monty. You are lucky to have the blonde woman and your mommy and daddy. :)

12-09-2004, 04:29 PM
Oh Monty!!! Every pup's "Gotcha Day" tale brings tears to my eyes, and yours was a 5 hankie reading. Knowing your Mom as I do, I know that for every day of your life you will be loved, cherished and adored like no other:) Bless all the earthly angels who were able to see the deserving soul that dwelled within you and made your homecoming a reality!:) Happy Gotcha Day dear, beautiful Monty...just a little bit early;) HUGS!!! Sandra

12-09-2004, 06:07 PM
Thats was a beautiful, tear-worthy story, Monty. Thank you for sharing your heart with us! You're a gorgeous boy, with a wonderful family...and a nice warm bed by the fireplace! I'm so happy you have such a wonderful forever home!