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11-13-2000, 08:04 PM
How do you get your Hamster to quite chewing his cage. hes keeping me up and my dog Daisy. The paint on his bars are coming off.

11-14-2000, 08:20 AM
Try getting a bigger cage, try buying an aquarium (one that's large enough for him to run around in, 15 gallon is a nice size), try putting wood chews or toilet paper cardboard rolls in with him. It's natural for them to carry on at night time, they are nocturnal. It does sound like he could use some more stimulation though, things to chew up and things to climb on, do you have a wheel in his cage? I used to call my hamsters' wheels "boogie balls". That may releave some of his bordom, but often wheels will squeak.

11-14-2000, 11:56 AM
I have had the same problems historically with my hamsters. We have them both in glass aquariums now, fit with wheels and other distractions. You are right, the wheels can squeak badly. We have the metal wheels and our hamsters love them. We do get a little relief from the squeaking by using vegetable spray (PAM) on the wheel. You have to respray about every two or three weeks, but it definitely helps.
My trouble with the hamsters is that they really do want to get out all the time. We laugh at their antics. They stretch and strain trying to reach the lid of the cage. A word of warning for you with the aquarium set up.. we put tubes and "treehouse" attachments through the aquarium lids to give them something to climb on and one of our bright stars, Phoebe, wedged herself between the tube and the wall of the aquarium and proceeded to chew a hole through the lid and escape! We covered it with layers of duct tape and she did it again. We had to "discipline" her by taking away her privledges of having the tube and treehouse. I hated it, but couldn't risk her continuing to get out of the cage.
Sorry to go on and on. Just wanted to let you know of our experience. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

11-18-2000, 01:09 PM
Hi there!

When hamsters chew on their cage it is called bar biting. It is a behavior they aquire from being kept in captivity. The problem can be alleviated by spending lots of time with her (i.e. letting her out) and by having plenty of things for her to do in the cage (wheel, chew toys) and then rotating these toys so they don't become "boring."
The aquarium is a great idea as well. But be sure you still have toys for her or she will develop a different habit (ever see hamsters turn saumersauts in their cage?)
Good luck!

12-05-2000, 03:55 PM
HAHA!! I HAD the same problem with my guinea pigs.. I spread vinagar (as suggested in my book) all over the bars and it never happened again! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

12-07-2000, 07:00 PM
try spreading vinegar over the bars.. it worked with my guinea pigs, they used to keep me up all night banging on the bars but vinegar(as suggested in my book)worked really good. I'm not sure but I think it should work the same with hamsters.

Pip N Squeak
12-26-2000, 10:34 PM
Consider yourself lucky- they chew the cage- not you!!!! Try hanging intriuging treats such as lettuce from large clips to the cage top so the hammies want to find them all over their cage. Try buying a Tank Topper from your local petstore-made by Habitrail that tightly encloses the cage so you can use your tubes and treehouse. Hope this helps! Visit my topic by Pip N Squeak! Please help.
Hammy momma

12-26-2000, 10:59 PM
Chew sticks worked great for me. Also, as previously suggested, try a different container. PetSmart has a really good selection, especially the brand Habitrail. Keep him entertained. The wheel is what drives me nuts! The Pam idea is great.

Pip N Squeak
12-27-2000, 05:34 PM
Genia, have you ever had dwarf hamsters? I just got some (2) and was wondering if you or anyone knew of any tubes small enough for lil ones. The Hartz brand @ WalMart have tubes too big so they spread their little arms so wide they can barely get traction on the plastic. Their furry feet don't help either! You seemed to know about Habitrail brand, so maybe you'd know about this, too. Please visit my other topic and try to help!!!
Pip N Squeak's mom

12-27-2000, 06:01 PM
For little hamsters try putting rolled up sand paper inside the tubes, you have to make sure the sand paper is a snug fit but it helps.

I posted some time ago about giving hamsters a digging area. It is natural behaviour and they love it.
I don't mean to cause offence but putting vinegar on the bars stops the symptom but does not address the cause of the problem.
Has anyone tried a digging area for their hamster? Please, try and let us know.

12-27-2000, 06:11 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Pip N Squeak:
[B]Genia, have you ever had dwarf hamsters? I just got some (2) and was wondering if you or anyone knew of any tubes small enough for lil ones.

I have never owned a dwarf but since they are so small have you considered mouse cage accessories? Also I found this site you might be interested in: http://www.homestead.com/hamsterpage/home.html

Good Luck! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

[This message has been edited by Genia (edited December 27, 2000).]

12-27-2000, 09:22 PM
We had a Siberian Dwarf hamster who did fine in the normal habitrail tubes. He was an adult when we got him, second-hand. He wasn't much of a digger - the most digging he did was to immediately empty his food dish and bury the food every time. He was more of an "up" hamster - he would climb on his branch just to jump off the highest point, and best of all was climbing up the habitrail tube, stopping at the top, then pulling in all four feet as close as he could so he just dropped, really fast! Are your dwarf hamsters adults, or still babies?