View Full Version : Elvis's love for tennis balls, maybe flyball? *questions*

12-07-2004, 02:49 PM
Elvis has a deep love for tennis balls. Their one of his favorite toys, and he can play with them for hours. I was thinking about flyball, and how Elvis might like it.

I know we have some flyball dog people here, and I have some questions.

*Is their equiptment for flyball you can buy?

*How do you train the dog to get the ball and come back? (Elvis would just take it and run away. :p )

*Once your dog was trained how did you get you and your dog involved in groups?

*Any other information would be nice too.


12-07-2004, 03:03 PM
the training is acually done IN a club, you can find clubs in your area by checking the NAFA website. it will be cheaper to train with a club trust me lol a box can cost several hundred dollers, jumps, you can build yourself, how much that costs is up to you lol the box can be built yourslef as well but you can screw it up if you dont know how to properly build one, a very smqall mistake on a box is what caused happys toe to get caught, the pedel was just a little to far from the face plate. other costs depend on how flyball is done in your area, in someplaces it is done outdoors, h0owever here it is done indoors on mats, that cost upwards of 1000 dollers. but because you dont know how to train for flyball yourself I most certainly reconed you just take classes. also a overly obsessed tennis ball freak is NOT a good flyball dog in most cases, despit what many people think. why? because then the dog will go up to the box fast, have its reward, and not bother comming back, or mosie their way back to you, because the tennis ball is the only prize they care about, they have it, why do anything else? Happy is only differnt because she is so competitiveshe flys there and back for the sole purpose of winning lol

12-08-2004, 08:55 AM
Amber, did you find any clubs near you to join, or at least to test Elvis out at flyball??