View Full Version : Bunnies

10-22-2000, 08:37 PM
Hi guys~

I have a ? for the rabbit buffs out there....

Is it 'normal' for a bunny to lay on their stomach/side. My Sophie is ill (gastric upset) and I don't know if she's doing this because of pain or if she's just relaxing.

Thanks for your replies!

10-22-2000, 09:44 PM
It is perfectly normal, the bunny I know only does it when she is very very relaxed, but does it often, that's how you know she's really comfy!

10-22-2000, 10:01 PM
Hi thanks for your reply.

I sure hope it's just her relaxing. She certainly needs it with all the tummy trouble she's experiencing.

Any ideas on how to get her to eat pellets? She'll eat timothy hay but that's about it...

11-17-2000, 08:05 PM
Hi Zippy-Kat,
I always get my bunny to eat pellets by mixing them in with berry scented rabbit feed. She always loves that!!!!

11-17-2000, 11:35 PM
Thanks puff, I'll have to remember that trick. I'm proud to report that Sophie started eating her pellets about two weeks after that post. Her vet seems to think that she was taken from her mommy too soon. As of right now, I have a very lively, loving bunny and her tummy problems seem to be a thing of the past! (finally!! lol)