View Full Version : Felines, furniture and fashion.

12-05-2004, 03:07 PM
Owning a cat is a huge step in anyone's life.

You have to change your way of thinking on many fronts.

You must choose your furniture carefully.....
A few weeks ago there was a thread and many suggestions about leather-what to do when the cat attacks it, the resignation that comes with the first visible scratches! What is a cat owner to do??

Fashion is another consideration.

A white cat lends itself to wearing light colors. something that won't clash with their fur.....Dark cats are the opposite.....long hair versus short hair.....you get the picture.

One fashion that I have carefully considered is tattoos.

Now a 'cat tattoo', scratches that scab and disappear after a few days aren't too bad.....something a little more permanent deserves a little more thought.

Piercings are a little different......

There are not readily visible, unless you decide to hang Xmas ornaments from the holes.........

There is a great deal of thought that goes into getting something pierced....unless you own a cat.......

I would never have thought about getting ANY kind of piercing until last night......But then again, Edward made the decision for me...:eek:

Ed has the habit of hanging on to my shirt when we go outside....

Just a little 'paw and claw' to make sure that dad isn't going to toss his arse to the ground.......

Well, Now I am the proud owner of a pierced nipple.

Not a flamboyant Janet Jackson kinda nipple with the fancy hardware.......Nope, just a nice little, painful, bleeding nipple.

Something about cold weather, carrying a cat that has nails and
moving about that make getting a piercing a little easier.....Maybe not easier..........More apt to happen?????:rolleyes:

Now, I'm not looking for any kind of compassion or sorrow thrown my way......

I'm looking for a gig at the Super Bowl this year....I can't sing a lick or dance.....so maybe my 'show' will be less offensive to the masses......

And who knows.....

Maybe I'll can hang some ornaments this year until I get my big break!!!:rolleyes: :eek: :confused: :mad: :( :D

12-05-2004, 03:30 PM
awww...Richard:( I can't offer you a gig, sorry. But I really hope you take good care of that piercing:eek: Keep it clean and perhaps use an antibiotic ointment on it for a day or so OK?

12-05-2004, 04:00 PM
OUCH! I can't help ya with a gig either, I only can send healing thoughts for your nipple! :D Take care.

12-05-2004, 04:14 PM
OUCH! I'm sure you must sing better than Rosanne Barr, and with that new piercing you're sporting, and the lyrics to a 'one hit wonder' (Batonga-Wonga Blues) I'm sure a gig could be found somewhere for you! ;) I think Eddie should ask Santa for some nail clippers for his catmus stocking too. :D Unless you want double piercings :confused:

12-05-2004, 04:25 PM
How considerate of him to make sure dad was staying with the fashions! Though I;m sure you would have preferred that he used some sort of numbing agent before he performed the piercing, but what can you do about it now? I think a simple ring of white gold might be best--- considering Edward is white. Must not clash with his fur ya know!

12-05-2004, 04:28 PM
Catnapper, I think a ring is asking for a rip! I think maybe one of those straight shaped thing-a-ma-jigs may work out better! Like a rod? :confused: Yup....I know all this piercing lingo right?:rolleyes: :D :p :o

12-05-2004, 04:56 PM
I think that a barbell like this would be perfect, and certainly much safer than a ring. *Visions of claws grabbing ring and pulling* oooooooooowwwwwwwwwww

Or, if you want to instead pay homage to the feline who was certainly just trying to save you the $60-$90 it would have cost to get it professionally pierced, you could wear something like this:
...though wearing a pink kitty on your nipple may make some people have doubts regarding your masculinity :D :D

12-05-2004, 04:59 PM
Richard, I feel your pain. My little angel, Phoebe Elizabeth gave me a piercing there too. :eek:

She was almost asleep on my chest one night and David came in the door and startled her. She freaked out and made a flying leap off me.

OUCH!!! :eek:

12-05-2004, 08:33 PM
Oh yes, those unwanted nipple piercings hurt like the dickens.

My sympathies are with you RICHARD on this one, as I have had a few pierced nipples that I was not planning on.

12-06-2004, 08:23 AM
:D :D Will it make a showing at the July BBQ???

12-06-2004, 08:29 AM
You are quite correct,Richard,in that owning a Cat,can be a bit stressful,at times,as yesterday I was rubbing Michaels tummy,anf my little Pal,grabbed hold of my ahnd and scratched me.But he was being a Kitten,again,and the Good that your Catys bring,easily outweighs,the bad.

12-06-2004, 12:29 PM
Originally posted by slick
:D :D Will it make a showing at the July BBQ???

That should clear the room nicely!:D


I'll trade a hand wound for a piercing any day of the week!!!:eek:

Let's see..

barbell, pink kitty, barbell, pink kitty, barbell, pink kitty....