View Full Version : My Thought's On Arthur, Also In Original Post About Arthur

12-05-2004, 11:07 AM
I have done a lot of reading and soul searching since Arthur was put down. I have read every post several times. I have very mixed feelings about everything that has happened. Our first rotti was Nikita, we got her from the local shelter, she was roughly 2 years old at that time. Nikita hated other animals. She would try so hard to pull me on leash to get to another dog, it was embarrasing and going to the vets was worse when the waiting room was full. About 1 week after we adopted her I took her to a pet store. At this time I didn't know she was animal aggressive. The girl that worked there also had a rotti. She saw Nikita try to go after another dog that came in the store as well as a big stuffed dog that was sitting near the cash. Nikita tried so hard to kill that stuffed dog. The girl working abruptly told me that my dog should be destryed due to her aggression. I of course said I think not. She told me that if my dog ever went after hers she would kill my dog, that Nikita was not a good dog and i had better take her to the shelter and put her to sleep. At this point my blood pressure was rising quickly...this girl was getting on my nerves, she was one of those opinionated no it alls. I stopped going there!!

Now I knew we had a problem with our girl and we took every precaution to make sure she would never hurt anyones dog. She was an awesome rotti who loved us, our grandchildren, all people so very much. We knew as long as we had her we would not be able to get a second dog or any other animals but that was okay because we loved her so much and everything else about her was perfect. Had she been aggressive to my grandchildren or people my decision may have been different. Or I would have crated her when need be. She was our baby and the love of my life along with my kids, grandkids and hubby. She was family. Well we had her almost 6 years and during that time she never touched another animal. We just made sure she couldn't. I made sure I had complete control over her on walks because to let anything bad happen would have meant losing my baby. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I likely would not have had Arthur put down but would have tried other things like crating him until I could get profesional help with the aggression, working with him using positive training, or at worse finding a home without other dogs or dogs similar to the type he was aggressive towards. My dogs don't like small dogs but are great with other large breeds.Kiki will not accept another female in the house except for my sons dog. Knowing these things we just work with any issues as best as we can because no way in he** would I put either of my babies down. I guess my only real problem with Arthur being put to sleep is that maybe there was a different way to solve the existing problem. it's too late after the fact. I'm trying to not judge because I feel that is up to God not me. But I do have my own feelings and have expressed them.:( I'm fairly new here and feel like an outsider still as so many of you have been together for such a long time. I don't want to offend anyone or make enemies here. I enjoy being a part of PT and hope to be here a long time making new friends. It's tough being a newbie in a tight group of people and I thank everyone who has made me feel welcomed here.:) I guess that's about all I have to say.

12-05-2004, 11:28 AM
thanks for posting that Deb.

ive also had problems with a dog aggressive dog.My RB dal Sheena,she was raised in a loving home,and was raised around other dogs.but around 1 year old she started to turn very aggressive towards other dogs.She' has attacked dogs,one dog even had to get stitches b/c of her. But we kept her,we loved her very much.She wasnt people aggressive,loved kids and new people,wouldnt even try to hurt someone
i support you 100%,and im sorry that you had to do this to your sweet little boy:(
We werent there to experience what really happened at her house,and it could have been worse than how she put it in her other posts.

12-05-2004, 11:45 AM
We werent there to experience what really happened at her house,and it could have been worse than how she put it in her other posts.

I totally agree with you on that, we weren't there and really without being there and being terrified and seeing one of your fur kids being mauled would most certainly be at best very very difficult. A famous saying is you really can't know or understand unless you walk in that person's shoes. It's just harder when it involves a life. I'm not trying to make heinz 57 feel any worse than I'm sure she feels. This is just a gut wrenching situation for all of us because of our love for animals and we want to help and protect as many as we can. So many of us are involved in rescue and that makes it even harder on us. We want to save animals not see or hear about putting them down. :( :confused:

12-05-2004, 11:48 AM
I too have mixed feelings about the whole thing.

I hate seeing dog put down for any reason, and maybe a behaviorist or a new home would have made a difference.

I also believe that being a good owner means taking responsibilty for your dog, and if that dog has an issue that I myself can not deal with and and would cause me to live in fear, I'm not sure it is fair to pass the problem on to someone else. I like to think in the same situation, I would try to find someone who was expereinced in dog aggresion, who could take the dog in a controled environment and the dog would live happily as an only dog. ( Assuming it was animal aggrresion and I already had others). But sometimes time and resources don't allow that. Unless I saw one of my dogs mauling another of my dogs, I can not tell you how I would react.

I'm not sure I agree with the way the stiuation as handled ( and that may be in contrast to my orignal posts, as I have had more time to think), but I am trying to be understanding. I don't really think it is up to us to make JC feel better or worse about how the situation was handled. And by that I don't mean we can't or shouldn't share opinions and thoughts, I guess I mean she did what she felt in her heart was the best for her and her family and she has to deal with that.

I am certainly not tring to offend anyone and I am trying to see both sides of the issue.

12-05-2004, 11:49 AM
Originally posted by RottiMommy49
I totally agree with you on that, we weren't there and really without being there and being terrified and seeing one of your fur kids being mauled would most certainly be at best very very difficult. A famous saying is you really can't know or understand unless you walk in that person's shoes. It's just harder when it involves a life. I'm not trying to make heinz 57 feel any worse than I'm sure she feels. This is just a gut wrenching situation for all of us because of our love for animals and we want to help and protect as many as we can. So many of us are involved in rescue and that makes it even harder on us. We want to save animals not see or hear about putting them down. :( :confused:

Well said

12-05-2004, 11:52 AM
If I were to put Simba down because of his aggression at 8 months (He bit my mom twice, and went after a chocolate lab I used to walk the FIRST day we had him) I would have never had the pleasure of owning such a wonderful dog.

We worked with him over the many years we've had him, and still occasionally he will spout off at new people or dogs, but has since then accepted 2 sister dogs, many other friends/families dogs, as well as the 2-legged type.

I don't necessarily think that what has happened is right, but we can't really do anything aobut it now, unfortunately.

12-05-2004, 12:04 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
If I were to put Simba down because of his aggression at 8 months (He bit my mom twice, and went after a chocolate lab I used to walk the FIRST day we had him) I would have never had the pleasure of owning such a wonderful dog.

And for that reason and many stories like it, is why the more I think about it, the less I agree. The more I think about it, the more I think the decision was made in the heat of the moment, and maybe taking a deep breath would have made a difference.

At the same time, I also know someone who has an aggressive dog, and knew the dog was agressive. Despite her best efforts to keep her dog away from other dogs, her dog killed another. Stories like that are what force me to try to see things from both sides.

12-05-2004, 12:05 PM
I am certainly not tring to offend anyone and I am trying to see both sides of the issue.

I totally agree with that!

I think what is bothering me the most is that it seemed Arthur was only agressive to the one dog. Had it been to all the dogs he lived with I would be more apt to think he had wiring problem. Some dogs just don't like a certain dog for whatever reason, size, color, sensing fear, an alfa issue, jealousy, etc. Once tension starts between 2 animals it's going to be harder to stop. I'm sure Arthur looked at Charlie as the dog that stole his food and rotti's don't forget things that we want them to forget. Selective memory!!!!
Not all people like every person they meet during their lifetime either. Dogs are very much like humans and share most if not all the same feelings and emotions. It happens here, nothing like fighting but Kiki likes to be the center of attention and will push her way past Monty to get it. She is a very jealous little girl but luckily it's not a big issue and there is no fighting between the dogs. Thank God:)

12-05-2004, 12:23 PM
My one big question here is why is everyone just assuming
that Arthur was an aggressive dog? The orginal problem was
posted as a aggression problem with Charlie, not Arthur.


Some people responded with advice and the subject was just
dropped. No follow up on trainers help or anything else. I do agree that Arthur had just had enough of Charlie's harrassment.

When problems like this crop up I believe it's up to the folks
involved to actively work to find a solution before it ever reaches
a crisis stage. I keep thinking what will become of Anna now that
she might probably driven to behave the same way Arthur was
forced to do. So sad.:(

12-05-2004, 12:38 PM
Originally posted by lizbud
My one big question here is why is everyone just assuming
that Arthur was an aggressive dog? The orginal problem was
posted as a aggression problem with Charlie, not Arthur.

I'll be honest, Liz. I never saw that orignal thread. I saw two recent where Arthur attacked Charlie. I didn't know the history. That gives me more to think about for sure.

12-05-2004, 12:49 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by lizbud
My one big question here is why is everyone just assuming
that Arthur was an aggressive dog? The orginal problem was
posted as a aggression problem with Charlie, not Arthur.

I'm sorry if I got things wrong. I remember the post about the first attack during feeding time and that Charlie would steel food from Arthur and it resulted in the first fight I heard about. I will have to go back and read the first post again. All I feel for sure is that there was deffinately a problem between Charlie and Arthur. Thanks for bringing up that point.

12-05-2004, 01:07 PM
I am going to respond completely different than most of your posts here, but here goes anyway...

My cousins had a german shepard who became aggressive to their other dog. She had never been aggressive to humans before. That said, they were walking her in a park one day, and out of NO WHERE, she lunged at a man walking by, ( she was leashed), and she bit him, through his shirt and everything. They were completely stunned that it happened, b/c she NEVER showed any aggression to humans before, just toward their other dog. Anyway, the man tried sueing them...and it turned into a big mess. They had her put down as well...they couldn't risk her hurting another human. She is at peace now at the bridge, and her issues that she had are at rest. My cousin misses her and speaks of her with fondness, but it was just something that he felt had to be done, and I stand behind him. Heaven forbid, the dog injured a small child or worse. I would never want to be in that situation, and I feel for anyone who is...

My point being, I know how hard it was for my cousins to have to deal with putting her down, but they felt it was the right decision...and they have cried over her, as i am sure Arthur's owners have done...and are still doing. Life comes with tough decisions, and I feel that they did what they had to do, and it is done, and i am sure it is hard for them to deal with, but the fact is, I don't think it is anyone's place to comment on whether they made the right decision or not...it is a hard/sticky situation to deal with for the owners of Arthur, and at this time, I feel like only support should be offered, and if your are in disagreement over their decision, remembering that they will read this and may already feel horrible about it all, maybe those that disagree should just refrain from commenting. I am not trying to sound rude, but just trying to put myself in Arthur's owners place...which is somthing that none of us have personally experienced ( owning Arthur)...the decision is made, and what is done is done. (((HUGS))) to you, Heinz 57...you were placed in a hard situation, one that you, personally had to live and deal with, and you did, what you needed to do...i hope your home be a more peaceful place to be now, and I know that Arthur is at peace with his issues that he was dealing with inside, at the Bridge.


12-05-2004, 01:32 PM
Speeking for myself I am not trying to make heinz57 feel any worse than she already does. I have expressed some opinions but have also posted that it is not up to me to judge anyone, it's up to God. I'm sure nobody intends to make them feel more sorrow than they already do but once you open a door to something you are going to get responses you want and some you don't. I am just an animal lover and can only imagine what Arthurs parents went through and making a decision to put him down would not have been easy. Watching a dog being attacked by another dog would be devistating. They had a very tough decision to make and made it, the way they saw fit. None of us really know what we would have done under the same circumstances because we weren't the ones dealing with it. My heart breaks for all of them including Arthur and charlie. I have prayed that they can move on and come to terms with all they have been through. I am not judge and jury and don't want to be. I can only try to understand it all and wonder what I would have done and pray I never have to make that decision for that reason. It's just a sad situation all around.:(

12-05-2004, 02:19 PM
I know you aren't trying to make JC feel bad, and I understand how impassioned Rottie owners feel about their breed. They get such a bad rap anyway. :(
I am not sure how I feel on the subject, I wonder if Arthur was blamed b/c he was the bigger dog and Charlie was the smaller of the 2 and unable to defend himself as well as a big dog would.
My heart breaks for JC and Bella - I wouldn't want to be in their shoes.
I have never had an agressive dog, so that I can't walk in their shoes. I do try to see both sides, but I really don't know how they feel.
{{hugs to all}}

12-05-2004, 03:01 PM
I've been literally sick to my stomach about the whole situation so I don't think I can even say much. I am just utterly devastated. I feel almost like it was my own dog who was put down. I could only briefly scan the threads about it because I was too upset about it. I did catch that he was taken to animal control to be put down and I only hope he wasn't left alone during that :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

I have lots of opinions on this, but I guess it is hard for me to say them because it is too late to save him :(

12-05-2004, 04:01 PM
I know you aren't trying to make JC feel bad, and I understand how impassioned Rottie owners feel about their breed.

Yes I love my rotti's, in fact I havn't met one yet I didn't love but that's not what this is about at all. It could have been a lab, golden retriever, doberman, poodle, pug, etc. and I would still have written everything I wrote. I love all animals and always have. This is not a rotti thing...it's about a lost life that has me and others upset, including Arthurs owners. I hope this didn't come out sounding like I'm upset about the comment, I'm not but did want to clarify it had nothing to do with the fact that Arthur was a rotti. He was a baby, with feelings like all the babies on PT.
His Mommy is suffering I'm sure and can bet on the fact that she likely has been crying her eyes out since this happened. I feel terrible for Arthur and his family.:( :( :(

12-05-2004, 04:47 PM
I'm reading these threads and I have to say that I'm shocked. I normally stick to the cat side, and I now know why.

We're supposed to be supportive here. JC, Bella and their animal family have been apart of PT for almost a year...and this is the "support" we offer to them?

I'm not so proud to be apart of PT if this is how we treat people when they are truly down. :(

12-05-2004, 04:54 PM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
I normally stick to the cat side, and I now know why.

Funny, since normally I just stick to the dog side because a large amout of the Cat PT'ers have been nothing but unsupportive when i've wanted to get a cat, like I know nothing.

12-05-2004, 05:05 PM
Noah's Mommy, The other thread that this came from is full of more supportive comments to JC.

I still believe she did the right thing. Why? Because of two things. During both attacks arthur did to Charlie, nothing the humans did, not yelling, not scolding, not even hitting Arthur (which they normally never, ever did) not wading in between them - nothing could dissuade Arthur from the attack. And is was an attack - not a nip, not a "disciplinary growl and snap," not one bite. The second incident happened days later. During the time between attacks, they had been feeding the dogs separately, keeping them separate, etc., doing everything to try to prevent a second occurance and try to deal with the problem.

The second thing is that the second attck occured NOT at feeding time, and Arthur had to climb a five and a half-foot wall to accomplish the attack. Arthur was still a puppy. he was just going to get bigger and stronger. Perhaps given the money for a behaviorist and time and a home with no other dogs, no chances of encountering other dogs, or even small children, always being fed with no one else in the room, etc., Arthur MIGHT never have attacked another living creature again, but that is a very big chance to take. Especially given the severity of Charley's injuries.

I love dogs. You know that. I love big dogs. I love Rotties. I love all dogs. I wish none ever had to be put to sleep. I am sure JC and Bella will have this weighing heavily on their hearts for a long time to come, but I believe, given their situation, they did the right thing.

12-05-2004, 05:13 PM
I have to agree with the majority of you guys here.

When i read the post from JC, my heart literally dropped. I think they're was PLENTY of other things you could have done, and if it all failed, then you take the step and put the dog down, because you know you've done everything you could to try and stop it.

Rehome the dog, Take him to a Specialist, etc....

I just think their was other approaches that could have been filled before the last decision was made.

And, I agree with Kayann (About what NoahsMommy said).... You guys weren't exactly supportive when everyone found out Cali was an outside cat either. It's not like we're horrible people just on the "Dog side".

12-05-2004, 05:17 PM
Originally posted by CamCamPup33
You guys weren't exactly supportive

a large amout of the Cat PT'ers have been nothing but unsupportive

OK, point taken. I guess that was unfair of me to say it was a "dog side" issue. Its not.

I'm not used to the things said on this (or the other) thread when someone has lost a beloved animal. I guess if something happened similar with one of my cats, I'd be horrified that people where debating if I was right or wrong in my decision.

12-05-2004, 05:19 PM
I agree with Karen. It's very saddening to me to hear that any dog was PTS, no matter the reason, but I do believe that it was necessary this time. Like others mentioned, some dogs are just 'wired wrong'.

I also agree with the ones who said that no one should be allowed to judge her until they've been in her shoes, and have had to make the decision she had to make.

I'm very, very sorry JC and Bella. I can't imagine what you're going through. :(

12-05-2004, 05:29 PM
I've been reading Arthur's story and have been refraining on commenting because I wasn't really sure what to say. This whole situation really breaks my heart. I cannot imagine how JC must be feeling right now, and really, I think the way a lot of you are commenting is going to tear her heart apart. I'm not trying to condemn any of you...I know you feel strongly on this issue, BUT put yourself in JC's shoes for a moment. Just for a moment. Suppose you had to make this horrible, 'nightmare-for-a-pet-owner* decision. You are torn inside, your heart literally bleeding, and you're constantly asking yourself if you made the right decision. You come to PT for love and support, and instead, you have to hear comments like this. HOW would you feel??? If you're ALREADY so hurt over the fact that you made such a difficult and painful decision, and your 'friends' react in this manner, how would you feel? I think its just rubbing salt on the wound. The time of a pet's death is never the time to bring such discussions up. It would only make the animal's death 1000 times more painful for the owner. If you all HAD to say this, I think it was best to give JC some time to think and grieve before bringing this up. Just imagine how she's going to feel now.

None of us know JC in person. We don't know her dogs in person. We do NOT know what she was going through at that time that caused her to make this nightmare of a decision. Who are we to judge her decision? What if we were put in her shoes and had to make this decision, only to find the entire board against us for that? What if she gave Arthur another chance, and he jumped over a 5 1/2 foot wall and killed a child? Then what would you all say? If he really was this aggressive that he would jump over a high wall to get Charlie, and that beating him with a shovel wasn't enough to stop him, he could have gotten away with something MUCH worse. The fact is, WE were NOT in JC's shoes at the moment, and we do NOT know how severe Arthur's aggression was. Her heart is already breaking over this, so I think we should just stop adding our thoughts and feelings against it, and just offer support right now. None of us like to see animals put down....none of us. We ALL love animals here. Sadly though, sometimes, and in certain cases, that is the best that can be done. EVEN if there was something else that 'could have' been done, the fact is, it is now too late. The decision was made, the deed done, and nothing can bring Arthur back no matter what we say. There's no need to rub salt on the wound when there's nothing that can be done about it now. It has been done. We don't know what situation JC was in that she had to make such a decision. Its best to offer support for the loss of her pet, whom she obviously, loved dearly. We all do the best we can for our pets, but the fact is, we are human beings. We *can* make mistakes even when trying to make the best decision. Its best to let it go. If you have to say something, say it later...but not when the wound is so fresh and open. :(

JC, I'm so sorry about your loss. I know your decision was a painful one, and I can't imagine how you're feeling right now. :(

12-05-2004, 05:41 PM
I'm going to chime in here as the owner of a seriously dog aggressive dog. Kayleigh is a mal-GSD mix. She hates any other female dog and anything smaller than her is prey. Keeping Kayleigh safe from herself & keeping other dogs safe is a full time job. I can never let my guard down for a second with her. Until you've watched another dog, a dog you love, try to kill another dog you love, you can't fully understand what it's like. I don't mean a simple dog fight. An attack is a whole different ball game from a regular fight. It's HORRIFYING!

I can only support JC's decision--maybe Arthur could have been rehomed or retrained, but having spent thousands on Kayleigh--training, behaviorist, Tellington Touch, and massive vet bills with limited success, I understand why she choose to euthanize Arthur. I have spent many hours in tears over Kayleigh. Once two years ago, I spent the night sitting in the snow with her, sobbing, convinced it was the last night I'd ever have her. She had bit my husband that night. Fortunately, once he calmed down, we were able to work out a different plan for her. Our situation is different in that we don't live in a city--I have enough land that I can give Kayleigh room to play and keep my other dogs safe. I have a husband who can build the most amazing fences! There are areas around us where I can take Kayleigh and let her roam a bit without too much worry.

In terms of rehoming, I have placed one dog--Kayleigh's sister--who had a temperment like this. She went to a trapper who lives ten months of the year in a fly-in only camp with only Summit for company! Homes like that are not going to happen very often.
If Arthur had been taken to a shelter, even a no-kill, shelter and JC had told them the full truth, he would have been euthanized anyway. At least she had the guts to make that decision herself instead of leaving it to strangers! My husband is the administrator of our local no-kill shelter and I'd guarentee he would euthanize a dog with this kind of temperment. Aggressive dogs can't be safely adopted out. The liability risk for a shelter is huge.

I'm not sure what the law is in JC's area, but where I live, any dog involved in a fight can be declared dangerous and euthanized by Animal Control. Doesn't matter who started it or why the dogs were fighting. Fight=dangerous dog=dead. It's why Kayleigh is rarely off our property, unless we are way back in the bush. One bite to someone else's dog and she's dead.

12-05-2004, 05:46 PM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy

I'm not used to the things said on this (or the other) thread when someone has lost a beloved animal. I guess if something happened similar with one of my cats, I'd be horrified that people where debating if I was right or wrong in my decision.

I understand how you're feeling Kelly, but in certain situations, people need to speak their minds to possibly prevent any similar future occurances. I applaud people who say what they are feeling, even if it makes them look like the bad guy. It is a terribly sad situation. I'm sure no one would even question it in most situations, but sometimes things just need to be said.... for the animals' sake.

Just for the record, I've seen equally horrifying and equally wonderful things on both the dog AND cat sides.

12-05-2004, 06:54 PM
I will say one thing and one thing only, and then I will say nothing more. It will be pointless anyway. Unless you were the one trying to beat off your dog with a shovel and not having any success... unless you were the one who saw a dog clear a 5 ft + fence UNPROVOKED to ATTACK... unless you were the one covered in blood, trying to save one dog from another... unless you were there to see the look in his eyes, the look that said "I will NOT let go.. I plan on killing" ... unless you are the one worried about all the possibilities and/or ramifications of rehoming a potentially lethal dog... Unless this was you, then you have no idea what we've been through. SHould we have rehomed him, then waited for a call that said he had flipped and attacked a child? Should we have kept him, and waited til he cleared our wall and attacked another dog outside? His aggression was no longer limited to just Charlie and his food. I could no longer take his chewies away without him going for me. NO ONE could walk near him, regardless of whether he had a chewie or not. We talked to a behaviorist. And again. And again. And again. When we did what we did, even she agreed it was for the best. The safety of my family and others had to be a priority. I loved Arthur. and how DARE anyone imply I acted rashly. I have never had to make a harder decision. The vet told me Charlie is a VERY lucky dog. He should not have survived. SHOULD NOT HAVE SURVIVED. Had Charlie been killed, would you all have been so supportive about my keeping Arthur? Or would you have judged me about something else I did wrong? Would I get one thread about, "Oh no... I'm so sorry" and another one chastising me for any decision I made? I'm shocked and stunned at all the 2 facedness. Or maybe I'm not. How dare any of you judge me.

12-05-2004, 07:10 PM
I'm the first one to admit I have been flip flopping. I truely do not know how to feel. The what ifs of the situation and not being there to witness the entire situation of know the entire activites of the past several months can not allow me to.

I am sorry that Arthur is gone, and that you were put in the position to maket that decision. And I do believe you felt you had to do, what in your heart was the right decision for your pets. On those points I have not and will not changed my opinion.

12-05-2004, 07:24 PM
I'm really glad that you, RottiMommy49, have brought this up. While my heart aches for the whole situation, there was one thing that really stuck out here to me:

And it's not fair to Bella and myself having to worry about Arthur's aggression (This was taken from here (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&postid=930609#post930609)) I'm sorry, but even tho' it doesn't seem fair to you, it's called responsibility. Maybe that's not what you meant in that quote, but it's how it came across. It just makes it that much more cruel and unnecessary. Was every other possibility thought about????

Let me say too, I am really sorry for your loss. Life is harsh and cruel sometimes.


12-05-2004, 07:28 PM
I personally have never been so disgusted with PT as I am right now. These people made the best decision they could in a horrific situation that NONE of you witnessed, or had to live with.

How dare any of you question JC and Bella's actions???? :mad: :mad: :mad:

JC & Bella, you still have my support 100%. I'm so sorry that you've been treated this way. I hate that it happened, and I hate that you had to do what you had to do, but sometimes it is the best thing, as hard as that is for me to say.

I hope I never have to face any decision like this, not only for the trauma that it will cause me, but because this community that I consider a very important part of my life will no doubt second guess me. :(

12-05-2004, 07:31 PM
I agree with you 100% Micki.

I can't believe what I've been reading by some of you..

I support the decision made by JC & Bella, and I personally find it horrible that you people would question someone who just had to put their dog to sleep.

12-05-2004, 07:35 PM
Originally posted by Karen

The second thing is that the second attck occured NOT at feeding time, and Arthur had to climb a five and a half-foot wall to accomplish the attack. Arthur was still a puppy. he was just going to get bigger and stronger. Perhaps given the money for a behaviorist and time and a home with no other dogs, no chances of encountering other dogs, or even small children, always being fed with no one else in the room, etc., Arthur MIGHT never have attacked another living creature again, but that is a very big chance to take. Especially given the severity of Charley's injuries.

I completely agree with Karen. RottiMommy, what you did to help your dog was wonderful, but not everyone can do all of that. Arthur's mom has other dogs in her home and, obviously, it would be extremely difficult for her to keep Arthur from attacking Charlie after the first two incidences (he DID jump a 5 1/2 foot wall just to get to him, unprovoked)! Behaviorists cost atleast $100's, probably more like $1000's of dollars. And, as for Rottie rescue or finding a new home, there is already (SO sadly) an abundance of Rott's in shelters everywhere! I knew people who were moving out of the country and couldn't rehome their wonderful male Rottie of 2 years, and no Rottie rescue would take him because they were all full. It is not easy, I'm sure Arthur's parents made a decision that was absolutely necessary, because we all know they loved him more than anyone!! Seriously, everyone has a right to there opinions, but there's no use dwelling on this. :( Arthur is at the RB, happier then he ever could've been here, and he is safe. I won't criticize his owners' decision because they probably know and understand a lot more about the situation than we do..

12-05-2004, 07:51 PM
Originally posted by micki76
I personally have never been so disgusted with PT as I am right now. These people made the best decision they could in a horrific situation that NONE of you witnessed, or had to live with.

How dare any of you question JC and Bella's actions???? :mad: :mad: :mad:

JC & Bella, you still have my support 100%. I'm so sorry that you've been treated this way. I hate that it happened, and I hate that you had to do what you had to do, but sometimes it is the best thing, as hard as that is for me to say.

I hope I never have to face any decision like this, not only for the trauma that it will cause me, but because this community that I consider a very important part of my life will no doubt second guess me. :(

I too agree with you Micki. I am completely disgusted with the way that JC and Bella are being judged for their decision.

JC and Bella, I'm so sorry for your loss. I do think you did what was right for you and the situation you were put in. I'm so sorry you were forced to make a decision like that. I hope that Charlie is making a fast recovery. ((hugs))

12-05-2004, 08:01 PM
i dont know if im one of the people who were questioning Jc's and Bella's actions,but i support them.I know that must of been one of the hardest things they have ever done.:( again,im sorry for the loss of your beautiful little boy,Arthur.:(

12-05-2004, 08:08 PM
I haven't seen anyone say they were passing judgement. Any time an innocent life is lost, it is a very sad and confusing time. It is normal for people to wonder if there was anything that could be done to save that animal. It only comes from caring and compassion, not cruel and judgemental people. Of course anyone who wasn't in the situation firsthand will never totally know. And everyone who is having mixed feelings did acknowledge that.

12-05-2004, 08:13 PM
I'm going to close this thread.

We all agree that it was an awful, awful, awful decision JC had to make, and one that will weigh heavily on her heart for a long time.

Rehashing it here will help know one.

We all love you, and hope Charley heals well and quickly.