View Full Version : Josie has ASTHMA . . .

12-04-2004, 09:20 PM
Just got back from the Animal ER.

Josie was having serious trouble breathing when we got home from a long day away from home.

They did x-rays to see if it was due to blockage . . .

Turns out that Josie has ASTHMA! She was having a serious asthma attack.

They gave her a shot of Dexamethasone and gave us a bottle of Prednisone tablets for when she has attacks.

If anyone has a cat with Asthma, I would LOVE to hear from you!

I'm worried to death . . . so many questions . . . how serious is this . . . what should I expect . . .

12-04-2004, 09:43 PM
Gosh, I don't know any cats with asthma but I have it!! The dexa-methasone and prednisone should fix her right up. I wonder what causes a cat to have asthma? Maybe people???

Josie should be good as new soon. Maybe other PTers will have info for you on kitty breathing problems. Sure glad you found out what was wrong with little Josie. Take care ----


12-04-2004, 09:46 PM
My Abby has asthma, but not very bad. She hasn't had to take meds for years now. It is worse in spring and fall, when the windows are open (she stays indoors). Things I have found to help:

1. Change your furnace filter often! I think a dirty filter is one of the main causes in Abby's case.

2. We got a HEPA air filter for those times of the year when there is a lot of pollen in the air.

3. Don't smoke or allow anyone to smoke in your house.

4. Keep the dust down (I am a horrible housekeeper, and I hate dusting, but keeping dust down helps).

5. We haven't done this yet, but when we have the money I want to get rid of the carpets (most of them) and put down wood. Carpets trap a lot of dust.

Your regular vet can also give you information, and there is a lot of info on the internet.

Relax. I know it is scary. Abby has had it for years and has not suffered an attack for a long time. She is horrible about pills so when she was having attacks often I'd bring her into the vet and they'd give her a steriod shot. That stopped it for a few weeks at a time. Abby didn't do the weird stomach thing that you described, but she was having what looked like to me, hairball yakking episodes, but nothing would come up. I got concerned and when I brought her to the vet they dignosed asthma.

12-04-2004, 09:52 PM
bobbi: Thanks for your good thoughts :)

boscibo: Thank you for your tips . . . it's good to hear that this might not be as bad as I am imagining . . . you know how it is though, always think the worst. She has had those coughing fits that you described for almost her whole life. (she's only a year old) but we always thought it was hairballs.

I will definitely start sweeping more & dusting more. That will give me an excuse so I will have to do it more often! (I hate dusting! LOL)

I'll talk with my Vet about it some more when I take Brodie in for his next set of shots.

Thanks again for your input . . . and I look forward to more ;)

12-04-2004, 10:20 PM
Basie has asthma too. He gets dexamethazone every few months, along with pred and allergy medication weekly (daily when he's worse).

Its really scary when you don't know what's going on. :(

Luckily, that dex lasts a while and should help her feel a lot better.

12-04-2004, 10:43 PM
I have asthma, and know that it's just NO FUN when you can't breathe. Prednisone is a help, but tthe funny thing is that with me, it makes me *think* I'm hungry - starving - all the time! I'm always glad when I'm back off it. Wonder if it'll do that for Josie! ;) Yup, dust and dust mites are a common asthma trigger, and get me every time. And a cat is closer to the floor, too. Josie has my sympathy ... but I also know that it is pretty well understood, and treatable, so it's not the end of the world!

12-05-2004, 12:36 AM
Aww, poor Josie :( Best wishes to her!!!

I Googled and found these links. Hope they can provide some information:





My Boomer started showing signs of allergies, but that completely stopped when I bought the Karcher 5500 Water Filter HEPA Vacuum

This one: http://www.best-vacuum.com/karcher-water-vac-5500.html

smokey the elder
12-05-2004, 08:10 AM
The munchies are a side affect of pred. That's why they gave it to my RB foster Maddie, to get her to eat. I'm glad you know about Josie's condition so you can manage it. (Too bad cats can't use inhalers.) I could just see one of the vet medicine companies trying to make an MDI for a cat.

Maya & Inka's mommy
12-05-2004, 08:36 AM
Good luck with Josie!! My son used to have asthma because of his allergy to dust. It was so scary when he got an attack in the middle of the night...:eek: ; Since then, we have absolutely NO carpets in our house; it is all tiled. Yes, it's a bit cold on your feet, but a good pair of socks helps a lot ;) !
Luckily, he grew out of it in his puberty :)

12-05-2004, 08:42 AM
oh poor Josie!:eek: That must have been a scary trip and info to find out!! But, reading the replies, hopefully, is reassuring. I had no idea that cats could have asthma! When I worked one day a week as a relief school nurse, I always dreaded the asthma students because I felt so helpless to help - just have to stay calm while calling the squad. Please plant some *smooches* on Josie's head for me would you? Eliot would like to give her a few licks too, but maybe Brodie can do that for him? Eliot also sends headbumpies.

12-05-2004, 09:06 AM
Thanks everyone for your replies. It has been upsetting . . . I've been on the verge of tears since it happened . . . but some of you are reassuring me that this isn't the end of the world for my Josie & that does make me feel better.

Debbie: That's exactly how I felt last night, HELPLESS! Made me sick to see her sick. Smooches have been planted & I told her that Eliot is worried about her also . . . :D

smokey the elder: Actually they do make inhalers for cats! LOL They tried to give Josie a puff at the ER last night but she resisted :eek: and I don't blame her. She was already scared to death from not breathing . . . she barely even cried during the car ride there! Only a few moans . . . The inhalers are supposed to be more effective, more quickly, but the oral meds will work just fine.

Thanks again for your input . . . right now I'm just trying to learn everything I can about what I can do to keep her from getting these attacks.

12-05-2004, 10:33 AM
Poor Josie. I don't know anything about asthma but I'm certainly sending prayers and positive thoughts her way. Hopefully the meds will help her and she won't have anymore attacks.

12-05-2004, 12:39 PM
We are praying,for Josie,that her astma,is not so bad,that she cannot enjoy,her life,and that the Meds,give her some relief.

12-05-2004, 02:38 PM
Originally posted by Uniqueviking
Aww, poor Josie :( Best wishes to her!!!

I Googled and found these links. Hope they can provide some information . . .

Thanks for helping me with my research! I will read anything I can right now . . . I want to know everything possible about what I'm dealing with here.

As far as I can tell, it could be just a seasonal thing, or it could be a daily thing . . . guess it will all depend . . . and we'll just have to wait and see.

12-05-2004, 07:06 PM
Poor Josie. How scary that must have been for you Christa.

I'm glad to read that it is something that can be controlled under medication.

Sending prayers and positive thoughts your way.

(((((HUGS))))) for you Christa and kisses for Josie.

12-05-2004, 11:36 PM

Prednisone can also make Josie drink more so don't be too surprised if she spends more time in the litter box. Our RB dog, Rat, took steroids for severe allergies and besides constantly banging her bowl for more treats, :p she tanked on water. We quickly learned that resulted in the need for more trips outside to pee. One big difference--- you don't have to worry about taking her out since you have conveniently provided Miss Josie with indoor plumbing. :)

Hope she's feeling much better today...and that you are, too.
