View Full Version : This makes me so mad!!

12-03-2004, 04:02 PM
I just got a call from a friend, and she's very worried about her cat Verdi. She wasn't eating for a week or so and got weaker and weaker, and now they have finally taken her to a vet who found out she has a bad abcess in her mouth. She's on antibiotics now but they don't help, so now the vet thinks she may either have panleukopenia or FIV also. Now my friend wanted some advice from me.

Turned out that Verdi wasn't eating much for a while, and they have found out some time ago that something's wrong with one of her teeth, but she hasn't been taken to a vet. My friend's excuse was that she has a toddler at home, and that her boyfriend didn't have the time (or was too ignorant) to take her to a vet. Now Verdi doing very bad and it's not looking good for her.

I also learnt that she's not been vaccinated which I find totally irresponsible since Verdi is allowed to go outside since they have moved.

BTW, it's the same friend who always argues with me that I'm overprotective with my cats. Well, maybe I am, but at least I'm not negligent!

Sorry, I just had to vent! :(


12-03-2004, 05:00 PM
I'd be angry too Kirsten! ONE cat, and they can't take proper care of her? I sure hope the poor kitty pulls through this, and if she doesn't that they don't get another one. Sounds like not even a fish would do well there sorry to say. :mad: :( Poor Verdi. :( If it is panleukopenia, I hope you drill it into their heads about how horribly conatgious it is, and it stays in the environment for many, many years.:(

12-03-2004, 05:14 PM
Sounds like she shouldn't have animals, much less a kid! I would have to bite my tongue if I were you because that's exactly what I would tell her. I wish her cat could find a real home.

12-03-2004, 06:06 PM
Originally posted by Kirsten
wanted some advice
Turned out that Verdi wasn't eating much for a while, and they have found out some time ago that something's wrong with one of her teeth, but she hasn't been taken to a vet.
Ignoring a cat health especially one who is not eating is cruel.

Originally posted by Kirsten
I also learnt that she's not been vaccinated which I find totally irresponsible since Verdi is allowed to go outside since they have moved.
Vaccinations are essential for inside/outside cats.

This 'friend' should not own cats, I would report her to your local RSCPA, that cat needs a proper home if she gets better. :(

K & L
12-03-2004, 06:08 PM
Unfortunately (for pets) there are too many people in this world like this! It's all very frustrating and venting is about the only thing you can do! I sure hope things turn out OK for Verdi.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
12-03-2004, 08:21 PM
Too bad there isn't a nice way to say "I told you so." Then you could tell her just what you told us - that she may think you're over protective, but at you're not negligent....like "someone" you know. :rolleyes:

And, by the way, just how good of a friend is this? Maybe you could just tell her that....?

12-04-2004, 09:03 AM
That makes me mad,too,as some people,are good Cat Guardains,as long,as nothing is wrong,but when they actaully,have to have the Cats,taken care of,and that costs then money,than thats a diffrerent matter.I hope,that that Cat survives,and is rehomed.I am proud,that when Princess needed help,and the Vet couldnt reach me,he did the work,anyways,knowing,that I would have said yes,for My Girl.

12-06-2004, 02:34 PM
I can understand how upset you are!! I got even more upset myself when I learnt yesterday that Verdi is still allowed to go outside, even though the vet has suspected she may have a viral disease! My friend and her bf are just not taking these things serious, they are exactly the kind of people I made www.catmom.de for!

They're caring well for their baby boy btw, but it seems they just don't have time left for the kitty anymore. :( Verdi is 13 or 14 years old, so I guess she will stay with them till the end.

Besides, we used to be good friends for many years, but since the baby was born, we barely talk because she doesn't have the time. Actually, when she called me the other day to get some advice for Verdi was the first time for many weeks that she called me.


12-06-2004, 10:59 PM
I don't suppose you could kidnap the kitty? Like in the thick of night since they leave her out a lot and in the dark, they wouldn't see you if you are careful. I don't suppose anyone wants to adopt an old gal? (you can't, I know, but do you know of any elderly people that would like an old cat?-- just a thought....)

12-07-2004, 12:10 PM
I have sad news about Verdi. :(

Appearantly she had FIP ( and has been PTS yesterday. My friend didn't have much time to tell me anything about it, but obviously the second cat they had, Mozart who had died in 2003, had it too. :(


12-07-2004, 10:27 PM
oh dear! I am so sorry! Darn it! Do people know that fip may be in the house once they have it? It is hard to rid (this is what my vet said after I had an fip kitten die), I was told to not adopt any more cats for at least 6 months.... I don't know much but am wondering if it is in the house? Is this discussed on your website?

12-08-2004, 02:11 PM
Well, I'm not quite sure about how long the virus will remain in the environment. I have always thought it would be 6 months, but when I wrote the website article about viral diseases here, people told me I was wrong, and that it would only be a couple of weeks. I saw medical websites with the same information, so this is what I used for the website. Think I'm going to ask my vet, too.
