View Full Version : Our new project

12-03-2004, 12:32 PM
I am cross-posting this in all the rescue areas and in general, because I want to get ideas and knowledge from as many people as possible. I want to tell the whole story, so I hope you’ll stick around to the end.

On Wednesday, Ralph got an email from his boss about an animal shelter here in Toledo, that is in desperate need of help. The boss’s daughter is a vet is told her dad she had been helping this place, and told her dad about it. He then sent out an email at work asking people for small donations so that he could go buy supplies to donate.

Ralph took it a step further then just giving his boss some money. First, he called me, and asked what I thought. Then, he left work, went and bought several supplies and went to the shelter himself. He spent about an hour talking to the owner and got the basic history.

The guy started out small a few years ago, taking in a bird and a raccoon. He now has taken in over 200 animals, from cats and dogs to bird to rabbit, to fish. He asks for donations when the animals are surrendered,. But if he has room, won’t turn an animal away if no donation is offered. He does not yet have 501-3c status, is not on Petfinder, and really has very little exposure, except that he is in the phone book and takes, a few animals each Saturday to Tractor Supply. He has very little help and cares for most of these animals alone, with his family.

What we are offering to do, since we can’t give a lot of money, is to give our time. This where I need help and advice from PTers!! The first thing we are doing is asking for donations. We are going to talk to our therapy dog group tonight and asking if people will donate foods, toys treats, cleaners, or money to us to buy these things.
Next, we want to do is get him on Petfinder, and maybe get a Paypal account sent up so that people can make donations and know he is out there. I have offered to take pictures to post on petfinder, and when I called today he was in the process of revising his adoption contract so he can get the paperwork filed to get an account.

Beyond that I need any information I can get about getting funding. Does anyone know anything about applying for 501-3C status? I’ve heard there are grants available to shelters and rescue groups. Does anyone know where, or how to apply?

Any other general knowledge would be appreciated. We are not looking to go in there and take over his shelter or let this take over our lives. The basic idea we have to teach him where help may be available, and help get him started. Not that we wouldn’t continue to volunteer to do things, but being on PT and in groups like therapy dogs, we know a lot of people with ideas and knowledge that he doesn’t have. We want to pass that on, to make sure his shelter is a success, because he seems to take in a lot of the animals other rescue group in the area turn away, even though they are much better funded

If anyone would be interested in making a donation to the shelter, please PM or email me at [email protected].
Thanks for your help!!

Cinder & Smoke
12-03-2004, 08:01 PM
Originally posted by Cincy'sMom

Does anyone know anything about applying for 501-3C status?

I’ve heard there are grants available to shelters and rescue groups.
Does anyone know where, or how to apply?

From personal experiences with three Volunteer Groups who "wished"
they could obtain Federal / IRS "501(C)3" Status I offer this:

It's a LONG, tough, bumpy road you will have to travel! :(

The place to start is with the Rescue FIRST registering with
the Ohio "Secretary of State" - several informative articles
are on their web site at >>>
Ohio Sec of State - Publications page (http://www.sos.state.oh.us/sos/busiServ/index.html)

You can "Incorporate" in Ohio rather easily (well - SORT of easily) -
the publications tell you HOW to do it.

You need a NAME, physical address, Board of Directors,
Constitution & By-Laws; then you apply for the Corp Charter in Ohio.
Helps to have an ATTORNEY to guide you; but I've helped two groups
do it with only minimal Attorney Help - which we got for free.

Being an Ohio Not-for-Profit CORPORATION does NOT get you
FEDERAL "501(C)3" Status - the Feds are a Tough Bunch to deal with!

Here's an IRS Site that gives info on "501(C)3" procedures >>>
IRS "501(C)3" Publication - a .pdf file (http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/p4220.pdf)

Note the REQUIREMENT to obtain a Federal Employer Identification
Number (EIN)! I think you also need an EIN to get the Incorporation
documents from Ohio.

Here's an informative Dept of Agriculture web page that gives a good
slant on "501(C)3" status and some more "tips" on pulling it off >>>
Dept of Ag - 501(C)3 "Tips" (http://www.ezec.gov/Toolbox/501c3factsheet.html)

Being a "501(C)3" Corporation is IMPORTANT to Corporate Donors
and most "Foundations" that support Animal Rescues -
if you're not a "501(C)3" "exempt" organization -
the Big Guys won't talk (or donate) to you! :(

If you read through these sites, you'll probably agree that it
Looks like a Major Pain-in-the-Butt - which it IS! :(

The Rescue would be well advised to try to Sign Up a Local
ANIMAL-LOVING Attorney who could advise them.


/s/ Phred

Cinder & Smoke
12-05-2004, 06:18 PM

Hey Amy ~
Did you *see* this?

/s/ Phred

12-06-2004, 07:43 PM
I did. Sorry I didn't get a chance to reply sooner. Thank you for the links and the information. It will give me some reading to do while I am off work!

I do know one pet friendly lawyer...but she is on the other end of the state....