View Full Version : the waiting is killing me...Pingo update

12-02-2004, 01:11 PM
Pingo is still at the clinic. My vet wanted to keep her while he runs the blood tests. Apparently now he can do basic screenings in the clinic immediately and only the thyroid test has to be sent out. He figured it would be easier to just keep her if the test shows he needs to do something else.

He's a wee bit confuzzled by her symptoms. He said her stool indicates she's dehydrated, but her skin, gums, ect all indicate that she's not. Pingo has always wanted a lot of water. I haven't noticed any increase or decrease in her water consumption lately. She shows no sign of pain when he did the skeletal exam on her. She didn't tense up for the abdomen exam. He thinks her spleen and liver may be slightly enlarged, but said that it wasn't enough to worry about, except that she's not acting normal. If she had been otherwise acting like herself, he would have just made a note of the enlarged spleen and not worried about it. He can't feel any masses in her abdomen, but may do x-rays.

He said she seems distracted by something, like she's somewhere else.

He's calling me within an hour...how is it possible that only 10 minutes have passed since he said that!?

12-02-2004, 01:14 PM
fingers and paws crossed that Pingo gets good results from the tests!!!!

12-02-2004, 02:22 PM
Prayers for Pingo.

12-02-2004, 02:28 PM
The blood test results are generally normal. Her red blood cell count is slightly elevated, which Kim says is more evidence that she's dehydrated. Liver and kidney function is normal. Right now he's trying to get a urine sample and is going to do a lumbar spine x-ray. His current theory is that she has injured her back (pulled muscle?) and is a little sore--therefore not moving much, drinking less ect. She's pretty stoic so maybe she wouldn't show pain. (Should have done the tests while she was in a tub--not stoic about that at all. She hates baths) He also wants to check for sponydlosis of the spine. X-ray will also show her abdominal cavity, if there is anything in there that shouldn't be. Urine sample is just to rule out any problems in that area.

Again, he's calling in an hour and then hopefully I can go pick her up. If nothing else shows up, he'll be giving her a week's worth of Metacam to see if that helps. I'm feeling a little panicky as these are all the same tests and so far the same results that he ran on Hoodoo just a few days before Hoodoo died. That's not happening again, it's just not.

12-02-2004, 02:36 PM
Hang in there, Mom. Pingo sounds like she is in good hands, and she is definitely in our prayers. Keep us posted as you can, and think POSITIVE!!!!!! :)

12-02-2004, 02:44 PM
Pingo is in my prayers.:(

12-02-2004, 02:45 PM
I'm with Logan, Glacier. Sounds like your vet is very thorough and I'm sure she'll get to the root of the problem. I know you're still hurting from Hoodoo's passing, but try to think positive. Hopefully it's nothing more than a muscle strain or a little arthritis. The good thing is all tests so far show a basically healthy pupper; all organs functioning well! Hope the hour goes fast and soon, Pingo will be back home where she belongs:) {{{HUGS}}}

12-02-2004, 03:01 PM
Paws crossed!!!

12-02-2004, 04:57 PM
Pingo is back home now. X-ray showed nothing--no arthritis, spondylosis or other spinal problems. :)It did answer one question though--her spleen. Pingo's spleen is not enlarged. She's just built funny and it's in the wrong place, a little forward from where it should be. Urine was normal as well.

So, she got a dose of meloxicam today and will get that for three more days. If she perks up a bit, that could be extended. No pulling for a week, lots of rest and tons of water. She got some sub-q fluids before she left the clinic. Dr. Kim thinks that she is dehydrated and pulled a muscle in her back. I was trying to figure out when she could have done that and think it must have happened after our last big snowfall. We had to break trail through some deep, heavy snow. It was hard work for me and the dogs must have been working even harder. Pingo does have an odd build--she's very long and tends to run on the sides of her paws. Perhaps her gait makes her more suspectible to muscle strains.

I explained to Kim that I was concerned about how similar this sounded to all the things he told me before Hoodoo died. He was Hoodoo's vet as well and clearly remembered the similarities and fortunately the differences--he pointed out that Hoodoo was much more lethargic, couldn't run at all (Pingo will still pull and keep up if I put her in harnesss), wouldn't pull,showed signes of pain ect. He also reassured me that what happened to Hoodoo was extraordinarily rare and absolutely nothing could have prevented it or changed the outcome. (Hoodoo had a brain tumor which eventually caused a massive stroke)

Thanks for all the support and suggestions everyone. Pingo has returned to her favorite place--on the couch with the TV on!

12-02-2004, 05:27 PM
Glacier I'm glad to hear that Pingo is now home and things from them the vet sound good:D I hope Pingo is getting a good spot on the couch to watch survivor tonight;)

12-02-2004, 11:43 PM
Glad to hear good things praying that hes right and its just a pulled back. Both of you in my prayers.

12-03-2004, 07:33 AM
I've seen it before. In fact, I have the same illness.

Surely hope your baby is better soon!

Positive thoughts coming your way...all the way from Camp Vermont.


12-03-2004, 08:04 AM
Get well soon honey!!!! :D

12-03-2004, 08:25 AM
Glad to hear Pingo is back home and so far so good. Ah...what's her favorite TV show?;) It must have been very scary to see similarities to your beautiful HooDoo, you must be so relieved to know Pingo's case if different. Paws crossed the medicine & rest will have her up and playing soon.

12-03-2004, 03:38 PM
So relived to read the happy update! Welcome home, Pingo:) Hopefully a little rest and the medic. will do the trick!:) Feel better soon, dear Pingo!

12-03-2004, 03:51 PM
Glad Pingo's back home and on the couch where she should be. I hope she perks up again in a jiffy!