View Full Version : Dogs Needing New, Forever Homes...Urgent..Reason Has Been Added

12-01-2004, 10:02 PM
There is no adoption fees, they just need good loving homes.
this is a partial list of animals.
DOGS for adoption

We are looking to place the dogs into lifelong loving homes. In order to achieve this, we want to be open about any issues that might arise in the first few weeks of adjustment in a new home. The dogs are used to living communally, in family groups. In general, the dogs that are up for adoption will get along with other dogs ... some of them get along with cats. Most of them will have to be in secure, fenced yards ... supervised especially during the first few weeks as they learn to bond with their new person(s). All of the dogs have been spayed or neutered and will be up-to-date on their shots. There is always what we call an "Adjustment Period". During this period, especially during the first few weeks, your new animal friend needs to adapt to your lifestyle and home. Routine is the key. Use of a crate (all the dogs are crate trained) and a structured routine will reduce any stress that might be experienced by such a big change. To create a lasting bond with your new animal friend, regular walks, playtime in the yard, brushing and treats at the same time each day will ease any stress for the dog(s) and be the start of a special relationship for you and your dog(s). We will be happy to assist in any way to ensure a positive adoption experience.

Timber & Tundra - father & daughter shepherds ... big dogs, scarey dark faces, gentle giants. Timber is 10-11 years old, Tundra is 5-7 years old. These dogs are very bonded to one another. Both are in good health. Tundra doesn't have any health issues to date; Timber has some hind end weakness, possibly the start of arthritis in the hind end also, but he carries on with life with no discomfort. They are big love bugs who enjoy the outdoors, always have to be on lead ... need secure fenced yard, will curl up on the bed or couch .... but love a crate and both will curl up together in a large one. These dogs cannot be placed in a home with cats or small animals. Sadly, they have a high kill instinct with smaller critters. To our knowledge they have not lived with children, however, they have been fine with older children who have visited the farm. The most important thing to know about Timber & Tundra is that they are very loyal and loving. They desperately want their own people who will dote on them.

Winnie - female, 5 years old, beagle/shepherd cross. Medium-size, smart as a whip, loyal and loving. Loves to be stimulated, would love training and bonding in this way with her new person(s). Her health is excellent, never a health issue to date. She has two issues. Winnie is an escape artist and we mean this. She can get out of any enclosure if she so desires and she has on the farm. She hasn't ever gone far, never off the property and always comes when she is called. She is very in sync with p eople so if you bond with each other ... she will look to you for direction and the more bonded, the less likely she will be to try to escape (although, we think she does this just for fun, it's the beagle in her). Her other issue is her hatred of all critters small. Like Timber & Tundra, she has a high prey drive and will kill cats and other small animals. Despite this trait, Winnie is one of the dearest spirits you'll ever meet. Easy to fall in love with and she'll try to earn that love for the rest of her life. While she hasn't been living with children, she would do fine living with older children that enjoy interacting with her.

Maple - female, 3 year old petite beagle, pretty & sweet with a mischievous streak. Maple's favourite place to be is with her person ... she'll sit with you on the couch and sleep next to you on the bed. Maple needs lots of attention and exercise ... she loves to play with other dogs so she'd benefit by being placed in a home with other dogs. It has been one of our greatest pleasures to watch Maple and her dog friends playing like puppies. She would fit into any dog family and would be fine l iving with cats. She is a runner (hello, a beagle) ... if she catches a scent, she's gone and you can run as fast as your little legs will take you ... and you still won't catch her. Thankfully, she does come back but this can be dangerous for her so she must be on-lead at all times. She also has the ability to escape from backyards ... so you need to have one that is securely fenced and it isn't advisable to leave her alone there. She will use her time to find a way out. She is to be a house dog, not a hunting dog. Maple will be your loyal and loving companion. She is not used to living with children but would fine with older children.

Ami - pronouced Ah-me (French for "friend") is a 3 year old black lab/hound cross. He suffered a serious head injury as a puppy as a result of abuse which resulted in Ami being brain blind which means his brain isn't telling his eyes to see. He suffers from epilepsy and is medicated daily with phenobarbital and valium. Ami is a gentle, loving soul. He is able to connect and love his person and enjoys the closeness of curling up on the bed with you at night. Ami is most definitely a special needs dog and therefore will only appeal to someone wishing to share their life with this special boy. Ami enjoys the company of other animals ... dogs and cats both. Certain dogs will try to attack Ami when he is having a seizure, others will stand back. Ideally Ami bonds with a dog who is calm in nature and would enjoy the role of protector. Ami must have a secure fenced yard to explore in ... not alone for long because this can be confusing and frightening for a blind dog. Ami is a very quiet dog. He is very easy to love and will fit in nicely to a routine in a new home.

Tex - 5 year old black & white petite border collie. Tex is blind as a result of abuse after WD-40 was sprayed in his eyes by his abuser. Tex is alert and able to get around as any sighted dog would once he's figured out his boundaries. He prances slowly when in unknown territory but once he has it figured out, he will run full speed. He is tender-hearted and active and would love a person to call his very own. He has a particular fascination with cats and will lie on the floor motionless for hours if he knows they are in the room but high up somewhere. He'd live fine with cats that can get up and out of his way ... perfect companion for the cat that likes to rule the roost and taunt Tex from on high. Naturally Tex requires a securely fenced area to keep him from getting into harms way.

Mork & Marigold - these two dogs are very special in that it is their chosen preference to live outdoors on the farm most of the time. Mork will ask to come in on occasion, if it's raining for example. But Marigold decided to live outdoors one day and would not come back in. She stays on the property (which is kilometres from any roads) and likes to sleep in a few different places but her favourite is in the old part of the barn where the hay is stored. Mork likes to sleep right at the house ... under a tree/bush where no one can see him but he can see everything. We put a lot of straw under there for him and now he thinks its the best place ever. They really enjoy each other's company and would be thrilled to live on someone's property where they could follow you around as you do chores. They really like to participate and Mork likes to oversee and caretake the farm. Mork is a 9 year old chow cross ... big dog with a gentle heart. He only barks to alert you and is calm, quiet and gentle. Marigold is an 7 year old shepherd cross with the sweetest most soulful brown eyes. She too is gentle and will simply wiggle like crazy when excited. They would be happy living inside and out ... right in the house or happily on dog beds in the mud room. Both are in good health. Recently because of coyotes we had to encourage Marigold back in the house. She has moved back in happily spending her days outdoors and her nights in the kitchen on a favourite bed. They could be adopted separately but you couldn't ask for a better pair of friends to join your family. Adoping pairs helps the adjustment period for the dogs because they have each other, a familiar friend to help them adjust. We call Mork & Marigold our move in and fit in dogs. Note: during the adjustment period, and until the dogs bond with you and your home, property, it is important that they be in a secure fenced type area until they *know* this is *home*.

Mindy - 9 year old chow cross with three-legs. Mindy lost her leg to cancer but since having it removed, has been thriving. She is sweetness itself. The vets love her because she is the most delightful patient, will just lie there patiently as you treat her or groom her. She is gentle, kind and loving .... very sensitive. Somewhat timid of other dogs and will try to eat cats, so we think she'd do best in a dogs only home with a gentle dog as a companion. She will be the apple of your eye, loyal t o you for life. She is in good health and gets along fine on three legs. The cancer did not come back and she will live for many years to come.

Kiddles - 16 year old Lhasa Apso. Slightly timid because of past abuse but loving and loves to be loved. She is old but would love to have someone love her and just her for the rest of her life. She loves to go for walks, has loved living on the farm and enjoys exploring as if she was a big farm dog in a little dog's body. Kiddles is in good health and needs a patient person. Her eyesight isn't the greatest so if you move in on her too quickly she might snap or growl therefore an adult home only. If you like to go for walks and have a quiet, loving dog by your side day and night, Kiddles is the dog for you.

Lady - 13 year old black lab cross with grey face. Lady is a delight. Old yes but offers so much. Lady loves to explore, loves to spend time with and be directed by her person. She loves treats, balls and cuddles. For some reason, Lady is loved by many a dog at the sanctuary. At any given time, you will see another dog licking Lady ... grooming her, letting her know she is the best. This happens on many an occasion ... and with many different dogs. We haven't been able to figure it out to date .. . we just think she must have that something special. Lady only barks for three things: food, water or to go out .... she'll let you know. She gets confused from time to time so you don't let her out on her own because she can become disoriented ... but if she catches you in her sight, she'll run to you, excited and eager to be by your side.

12-01-2004, 10:05 PM
What website or where are these dogs located? Why is it urgent?

12-01-2004, 10:10 PM
This is very important and quite urgent.....please read and distribute to all networks.

This farm is located in Westport, ON.

If you do not reside in Ontario, you may have received this because you know others who may be able to help.

Please send this email to your friends and family.

Thanks very much!!!!!


----- Original Message -----

From: Wendy Workman

Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2004 7:42 PM

Subject: Fw: Sherlock's Maple Haven

Hi Friends,

I am asking for a plea for help for animals. A friend of mine (Kimberly) who has an Animal Sanctuary in Westport, Ontario, is in dire need of help. She must find homes for all of her animals before Dec. 31st of this year. If you knew her, you would know how horrible this situation is for her. She is an amazing human being and her non-human companions which she has rescued from unspeakable situations, are her family members. This is truly heartbreaking for her and she needs all of our help. Attached you will find her email to me regarding why this has happened, as well as a 'bio' on all her non-human companions that need to be adopted and placed immediately.

Please forward this on to other true animal lovers ASAP. If you have any ideas of how to help her, you can contact her by phone at (613) 273-6315. It is best to call her in the evening. Also, you can email Kimberly at [email protected]

Also, feel free to contact me by phone (613) 386-1355 or email [email protected] if you feel more comfortable.

Please help! This is a real emergency situation and we need a community effort for this to work. I know we can do it, if we pull together!!! THANK YOU!!


For The Animals,


Since my breast cancer diagnosis two years ago, things have been very strained. Despite my desire and determination to continue on the scale that I have been ... I have had to face my physical and financial limitations this year and come to the very difficult realization that I will have to shut down our sanctuary. We simply cannot keep up with the expenses. Many things are in need of repair (both inside and out) and we don't have the funds or the manpower to fix them. I'm also going through a divorce, had to go back to work (in Kingston). I'm simply spreading myself too thin and this significantly effects my short and long-term health putting me at risk of the cancer returning. I have two live-in interns at the moment and they are taking very good care of the animals while I'm working. The working conditions are difficult however and I cannot afford to pay the one intern for much longer. The farm itself also has to be sold as part of my divorce which simply adds more fuel to the fire. I always promised I would provide the best life possible to the animals in my care and in order to do that now, I need to place them in permanent, loving homes as quickly as possible. Our deadline is December 31st, 2004. Donna and I both realize how difficult a task this will be. Certainly impossible without help and this is why we are reaching out before we reach crisis mode.

I am concerned about getting other animal rescue workers involved because I need to see the animals placed with extreme care and concern. It's my preference to reach out to only those who have caring, compassionate and understanding hearts. We've been through so much already that we would find it difficult to deal with those who are judgemental about our situation. I'm sending this to you because I believe you are one of those caring and compassionate people. I so enjoyed meeting you at the conference that day and I trust that you will share this information with people you trust. We also had an idea that there might be someone out there who is interested in buying the farm and taking over the sanctuary. A longshot yes, but one worth mentioning. So if you have any thoughts, please do share them.

The following is a list of the animals up for adoption. I've tried to provide as much detail as possible. I can have photos available for anyone who is interested. If you have any questions at all Wendy, please ask them. I have been checking emails regularly and will continue to do so. We have had many successful adoptions this year and we feel very positive about those placements. It makes this entire process a little easier knowing that we are doing something good for our beloved animals, placing them where they will have one-on-one attention and love for the rest of their lives. So that you aren't totally discouraged by this news, I do intend to proceed with the therapy work with some of the sanctuary dogs that will remain in my care. I'd like to talk to you about that too at a later date if you're interested. Okay, read on and let me know what you think. Is this email okay to send out to people? This is emotionally very difficult that I find it hard to know which way to turn at the moment. I appreciate any help you can provide. Talk to you soon,

Kimberly ... read on:

Sherlock's Maple Haven - Animals for Adoption