View Full Version : No ones helping...PLEASE

12-01-2004, 06:06 PM
Rex is ill
I'm pretty sure my iguana is dying. Hes been really sick latley, hes not eating drinking or anything and hasn't been for a few days. There is no vet around here that helps lizards... I feel really bad. I'm just hoping that if it is his time his last few years with us were happy. He's had a lot of abuse in his past. I just went to sit with him for a bit his face is all suken in and he is cowering when your get close. He never has done that before. I know this sounds bad, but if he is going to the bridge I hope its soon, I hate to see him suffering. Please keep him in your prayers....

I just gave him some water he drank it!! Well I though this was good news then all of a sudden the water all came back up and was puring out of his mouth... CAN ANYONE HELP???

12-01-2004, 06:08 PM
I'm so sorry, I don't know much about iguanas. :( Maybe search on google for help? You will definitly be in my prayers and thoughts.

Love always,


12-01-2004, 06:12 PM
:(:(:( I'm so sorry for you and for Rex. I wish you had a vet close by that could give you some help and support. I think a few people here do have experience with Iggys and hopefully one of them will respond. But know that I will be keeping you and Rex in my thoughts and prayers. It's the hardest thing to see our beloved "kids" ill:( And I'm sure his life with you were the happiest years of his life. Gentle hugs to you Rex. Love, Sandra

12-01-2004, 06:35 PM
Forgot to mention he is bright green and his legs are orange.

12-01-2004, 06:40 PM
I am sorry I can not help you,
but I am sending many good wishes that Rex will pull through.

12-01-2004, 06:55 PM
I dont know alot about Iguanas but I found this site (http://www.iguana-news.com/qanda.html) that might help a bit :)

I hope Rex is okay!

12-01-2004, 07:31 PM
yes thanks I read it a few days ago... Nothing seems to be helping I'm just gonna give him peace and quiet now :(

12-01-2004, 07:59 PM
I asked my husband (we have an iguana, but he know a lot more about them then I do) and he didn't know how to help. I'm sorry.:(

12-01-2004, 08:09 PM
See this page: http://www.herpvetconnection.com/

There is a links for iguana vets for each US state, and Canadian province - perhaps you can find someone to at least do a phone consultation!

12-01-2004, 08:14 PM
I also dont know much about iguannas, I can pray for you and Rex though. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Please get better Rex, and soon!

12-01-2004, 08:14 PM
I can't believe it!! One was my town, but it says shes no longer there how much does that SUCK!! I'm sooo Frustrated. I'm gonna call one of them tomorrow and see if they will help me over the phone thanks everyone.

12-01-2004, 08:30 PM
Oh Jods...I'm so sorry to hear about Rex! I hope you can get someone to help over the phone tomorrow, if only to help keep him comfortable. Lifting prayers and sending {{{hugs}}} for you and Rex.

12-01-2004, 08:45 PM
I am sorry that I cannot help. I don't know much about iguanas. I hope he gets well soon. :(

12-01-2004, 08:52 PM
I have some excellent links for iggys, but AOL is being horrid again tonight. It sounds to me like your guy has a blockage somewhere in his stomach, or intestines. Have you tried putting him into the bathtub in warm (not hot) water? Has he been pooping? Often they feel better after a good poop etc, in the tub. I hope you can find a local vet who can treat him fast. Keep us posted..my big girl Carmen sends her prayers for his recovery (me too) Jan

12-01-2004, 09:12 PM
He has a bath everymorning in the tub. Gonna ask my mom if hes went to the bathroom though. The only thing I don't understand about it is his face is so sunken in...:confused: I went on a bunch of sights and it says to force feed him, but he gets so stressed when we go near I don't want to make it worse. He's never been exaclty friendly so I don't wanna upset him in this state. I guess I'll call the vet tomorrow and see what they say. I gave him his fav food and he didn't eat it either SIGH I hate this!

12-02-2004, 05:40 AM
You might PM Koxka. She lives in Spain and she has at least one iguana, I think 2.

All the best for you and Rex!

12-02-2004, 07:46 AM
Oh Jods, I am so sorry I can not help you!! I wish I could!! I hope you find a vet to talk to!!!:(

12-02-2004, 09:00 AM
Any update on Rex? Still praying for him and you...

12-02-2004, 11:36 AM
I gave him some water and he kept it down. I tried to give him some lettuce, but was unsuccessful. I called one of the vets Karen listed and the lady was a lot more helpful then I expected. She asked me a lot of questions and is going to go find the vet and call me back. One of the things I forgot to mention to you guys was last week when we first started noticing him acting strange we have this shelf he stays on it unless we take him down thats his cage since he won't go in a cage anyways he never leaves it on his own and 3 times last week we found him off his shelf once in the window once under the couch and once beside the couch and I just picked him up and put him in the window cuz I thought that was what he wanted, some sun. He was pretty grumpy again thismorning more then usual. He never has liked being picked up or touched, but he'll usually deal with it. But he was gonna whip me this morning and I didn't even touch him I was just standing there. Then when I tried to give him the lettuce he closed his eyes like as if he thought if his eyes were closed I'd go away. I dunno, I feel so horrible for the big guy. I just hate to see him suffering even though he hates me LOL.... I hope the vet calls back soon I will keep you guys updated.

Queen of Poop
12-02-2004, 11:43 AM
Our vet has a website, go to Goggle and type in Calgary Avian and Exotic Pet Clinic, go to their website, they don't have an email but you could possibly phone (403-240-3577) or fax (403-249-8160) them. Both doctors are amazing with our snakes and they only do the "exotics". I'm sure they could help you out somehow. Dr. Korber has been around a long while and Dr. Skalinski is new but did some vet time in Florida. Both are awesome, I hope they can help.

12-02-2004, 11:47 AM
Thanks. I'm going to wait till this one calls back and see what they say if no help then I will try the one you listed. I took a picture so people with iguanas could see and maybe be able to help by the way he looks.
Look at his mouth, it just looks odd. At the bottom

12-02-2004, 11:49 AM
This one is so you can look at his coloring. I put his lettuce beside him so he could acccess it easier. He just wont leave his teddy.

12-02-2004, 12:18 PM
She phoned back and said she couldn't help me over the phone. I'm so mad right now... she gave me another # to call I'm gonna try it when my mom gets home and see what she says.

12-02-2004, 12:27 PM
Fingers crossed that someone can help you soon!

12-02-2004, 01:30 PM
I just went down to check on him and the pieces of lettuce were gone. I'm thinking he may have ate them, but I can't be certain since he could have knocked them down. I put more up there and I left and peeked in the room he was interested in it but didn't eat it yet. He drank more water :)... Now my mom is gonna cook his fav dinner tonight and we'll see. I'm gonna keep checkeing to see if he ate anything. Keep Praying!!!

12-02-2004, 11:25 PM
I'm so sorry to see Rex in so much pain. I saw the pictures & wish I could help you too but still don't know much about these creatures. I wish I could get a hold of my cousin, he's training to be a vet. in Colorado. I know this probably doesn't help much but......I'll be thinking of you & hoping Rex will be alright!!!!

12-03-2004, 12:27 PM
How is he today?!?!?!

12-03-2004, 01:11 PM
Jods; I have post this morning but I can't see it now.

It would be very helpfull if you give detail how she/he lives, temperature, humidity, food,UVB lights, ect...Also if it is a girl or a boy. If she is bright green with some orange, could be that she/he is in season.
Right now, Magda, in my siggy, is full of eggs, about 25 or 30 from we can see from the x-ray the vet took.And he doesn't eat much either, because the eggs don't let place for food in her stomach wich is normal.

You should check

www.iguanaden.com (http:// www.iguanaden.com)

also, Melissa Kaplan website, wich I don't remember by memory, you can google for it.

A trip to the vet is in order, ill or in season, to see what is causing him/her not to eat. Even if is not an especialist in exotics, should be able to take a x-ray and "read " it, right? And se what is causing it's lots of appetite.

I'm still at work, will check later when at home. I'm willing to help.
There are other members in PT that own iguanas too. Fox-Gal, and Greencamaleongirl and CampCamp3 I think have iguanas too.

12-03-2004, 02:25 PM
I have found this morning post

posted in Pet General (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=65233)

12-03-2004, 03:01 PM
I read your post very very quick at work, now I see is a "he", sorry.

Would you mind if I point :

Do NOT feed lettuce, there is NO nutricional value.Feed mainly.: Collard greens, mustard greens, ruquola(?), dandelions, these are the most important greens.

Sunbathing behind a window don't give them the amount of UVB rays that they need to metabolise vitamine D3, as UVB rays don't go through glass. Does he have a Reptisum 5.0 or Reptiglow set up in his backing spot.?

Hope you have checked the link posted in Pet General.
There is also a couple of book considered the Bible of Iguana Care:

Iguana for dummies by Melissa Kaplan and
Green Iguana:The Ultimate owner's Manual by
James W. Hatfield

There's much more, I highly recomend you read all the care information in Iguanaden.

Hope that helps.

Barbara: Only one (thanks god) they are sooo demanding!!! Not to mention expensive to mantein.But I
wouldn't tread her for anything. :D

12-04-2004, 12:40 PM
How Rex is doing?

12-07-2004, 10:07 PM
Is he ok?????