View Full Version : Jessica Simpson

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
12-01-2004, 01:41 PM
They're advertising the heck out of this special she's having tonight with her "new" hubby - gag me.

So my question is, just who is Jessica Simpson and why would I want to watch a Christmas special with her and Nick - whoever he is. :rolleyes:

Am I getting old and "out of it" or is it right that I think the whole thing is ridiculous and why do I even care?

Oh, and who's this Ashley Simpson that Jessica will be singing with "for the very first time." Like, oooohhhh....I'm so excited - NOT! :rolleyes:

Oh, and everytime I hear the name Jessica Simpson, for some reason Homer and Bart come to mind and I try to figure out where Jessica fits in the family......;) :p :rolleyes: :D

12-01-2004, 01:50 PM
I'm SO happy I will be missing this. Jessica Simpson is some blonde who's famous for being a dumb blonde (apologies in advance to all the other smart blondes out there). According to reports on some show she and her hubby have she reportedly thought Chicken of the Sea (tuna) was actually .... chicken!

Ashley Simpson is her sister who cannot sing and was caught on one of those late-night shows (Letterman?) lip syncing.

Why do I know this detritus? I guess I must watch way too much ET and The Insider! Geez! :rolleyes:

so now you know ... :D

12-01-2004, 01:57 PM

What is the matter with you???

Jessica Simpson is the girl that had to have her zits covered up when they shot her music videos!

Even I KNOW THAT!!!!

They play the commercial every 15 minutes on the radio...ZITADE or ACNE-B-GON

And maybe you ladies can help me out....

When does a husband stop being 'new'???

I don't want to fall into that trap should I marry.....;)

12-01-2004, 02:11 PM
Originally posted by RedHedd

Ashley Simpson is her sister who cannot sing and was caught on one of those late-night shows (Letterman?) lip syncing.

Actually Redd it was Saturday Night Live!!!!!!! I'm not kidding either. Don't care for Jessica Simpson either. I do like the group her hubby sings with though.

Richard.....I think it is actually customary for a husband to stop being new after the first year of marriage. How long have these two been married now?????????? I wonder when Lee and I get married if I'm going to be considered "new" for so long?

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
12-01-2004, 02:24 PM
Originally posted by mina'smomma
I do like the group her hubby sings with though.

.....uummm....which group is that?

Richard, I believe you're considered "new" until the anulment papers are filed. :rolleyes: :p I swear, I wonder if these "famous" young girls today even know what the word "married" means. :rolleyes:

Glad to hear I'm not missing much by not knowing who these people are. Sounds like some canned pop artist type. Thank goodness for homework....and public TV. ;)

12-01-2004, 02:35 PM
I have seen their show "the newlyweds" here and there...I actually think they make a cute couple...she definetly doesn't seem domestic at all but they portray a couple devoted to each other. He is or was in the group 98 degrees I think he is actually pretty cute and I am 43:)

12-01-2004, 02:42 PM
Hmmm... I actually like Jessica & Nick. I think they're adorable together and I like a lot of Ashlee's music, too. I think Jessica's family is a lot more normal than most famous families. Both girls grew up about 10 minutes from me, and I've been seeing them on local shows and hearing them on local talk radio ever since I can remember.

Maybe I'm the weird one here, cause y'all seem rather annoyed with all of them. LOL :)

I'm 37, BTW.

12-01-2004, 02:47 PM
She is such a bimbo! Add her to the "I'm sick of hearing about them" list, along with JLO and Oprah

12-01-2004, 03:10 PM
I really don't like Jessica or Nick. I thought their show was so stupid.:rolleyes:

12-01-2004, 03:37 PM
Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom
.....uummm....which group is that?

98 degrees. They're pretty decent.

12-01-2004, 03:39 PM
Originally posted by micki76

Maybe I'm the weird one here, cause y'all seem rather annoyed with all of them. LOL :)

I'm 37, BTW.

The only reason I'm so annoyed with them Micki is because it seems like lately if one of them farts it makes the six o'clock news. They are smothering the public to death with them.

12-01-2004, 04:59 PM
I like The Newlyweds (the MTV show) a lot. I think it's funny. I think Jessica's a pretty good singer. Sometimes she over-sings, but then so do a lot of female singers. I like the Nick and Jessica specials - I guess it's because I started following both of their careers when they first started dating, and now they're married, and I think it's cute. :)

I liked Ashlee's CD a lot. I kinda lost a little respect for her when the whole lip-synching thing happened, only because she said in a magazine she would never lip-synch (I know tons of artists out there lip-synch). I've been gradually forgiving her though. ;) Everyone makes mistakes. :) At least she co-wrote all the songs on her album, and performs with a live band.

Edwina's Secretary
12-01-2004, 05:36 PM
Debbie...I have the same problem....who are these people and why should I care???

The most awful and over-exposed is Paris Hilton....at least the others mention have DONE something....oh that's right....Paris made a movie.....

12-01-2004, 05:41 PM
Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary
....Paris made a movie.....

It wasn't that good!

But, I too can say I did spend a night in a Hilton...

The Las Vegas Hilton... :rolleyes:

12-01-2004, 05:54 PM
I think Jessica has an amazing voice.

12-01-2004, 06:08 PM
Originally posted by micki76
Hmmm... I actually like Jessica & Nick. I think they're adorable together and I like a lot of Ashlee's music, too. I think Jessica's family is a lot more normal than most famous families.

I agree.

12-01-2004, 06:14 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD
Jessica Simpson is the girl that had to have her zits covered up when they shot her music videos!

Even I KNOW THAT!!!!

They play the commercial every 15 minutes on the radio...ZITADE or ACNE-B-GON

I thought it was ProActive? Thats the one I hear about all the time. :rolleyes: I could care less about her though. I think they do do a lot of stuff on her. We need more of *cough* Johnny Depp *cough*. :p Although Nick is a hotty. ;)

12-02-2004, 02:48 PM
I actually like them.

Some of the things jessica does *DOES* annoy me, but other than that i think they're both really cute together.

And i like ashlee simpson. I think she sings really well, and i lovvvee her music..

:D I agree with micki though..

12-02-2004, 03:20 PM
I think she is very beautiful but has very little singing talent..its not the singing its the presentation..works too hard at it, doesnt seem natural..guess showmanship as they say..but she is pretty..almost too pretty..
And as for the dumb blonde remark (which I am as well and doesnt offend me}..she is not even a true blonde..look at her growing up pictures.....so she cant even use that as an excuse..lol
She doesnt stop bleaching that hair every so often its gonna fall out...lol..cuz you never see her roots..

Nick is not too bad on the eyes either!
(and I am 44)

12-02-2004, 10:36 PM
LOL... hubby and I caught the tail end of the show (like the last twenty seconds :rolleyes: ) and we were having this same discussion. She is a total ditz... and we were wondering if its real or an act. My mom acts an awful lot like her - speaks before she thinks. As soon as its out of her mouth she realizes how stupid it sounded and says "never mind, dumb mistake". Perhaps Jessica likes the attention her stupid comments bring and she plays along with them for the attention?

12-03-2004, 02:57 PM
I just watch it because of Nick. ;)

98 Degrees - they were a good group..

12-03-2004, 03:06 PM
Jessica Simpson sings songs like "take my breath away" and "angels" etc. I really like her songs. And Nick Lache (sp?) is her "new" hubby. Ashlee Simpson is her sister she is singing with for the very first time. She sings songs like "pieces of me" and "shadow" etc. I really don't know the big deal about it though.

12-03-2004, 07:39 PM
I probably wouldn't know it if I did hear her sing something, so I can't profess to know anything about her except what I have "heard". She is obviously a very beautiful woman, must have some kind of singing talent because she sure is popular, and I have also heard that she is a Christian and doesn't mind letting anyone know that.

She seems like a funny, ditsy, very successful young lady to me.

12-03-2004, 08:28 PM
Yeah i like Nick & Jessica.I like Jessica's remake of "take my breath away*
Ashlee is ok.I like her new song,the one that go's " you make me wanna La La..." lol:p
And i love Ashlee's haircut too;) :p

12-06-2004, 02:38 PM
Originally posted by RedHedd
Jessica Simpson is some blonde who's famous for being a dumb blonde (apologies in advance to all the other smart blondes out there).

Yes, I am one of them ( :D :D :D) ) - one of the smart ones, of course!

I hate all kind of reality shows.

12-06-2004, 03:13 PM
Do I really want to say this? Yes, I do.

I agree with Logan. I think ANY woman that can get ahead, legally, ethically, with hard work, etc., deserves to be commended- not torn down. Isn't your taste in music? Okay. That doesn't make her less of a person, does it? There is lots of music I don't care for. I don't know that that makes the person any less intelligent (on its own).

The show is harmless, really. It surely is as entertaining as most other stuff on the air these days, a lot more 'clean and wholesome'. Do we really need to see another show with people eating live insects? Or, subjecting themselves to physical feats that pose an incredibly high risk of harm to themselves?

Why is it that Jessica is torn down for looking good when her husband is lifted up for the same physical qualities? Anyone that thinks he doesn't 'try' to look good is fooling themselves. He prolly spends close to the same amount of time looking as good as he does as she does. Makeup? I bet. Hair? I bet. Clothing help? I bet.

I think she is a talented young lady, pretty inside and out.

12-06-2004, 09:36 PM
I think shes pretty and has a good voice, but I hate it when people try to act stupid... She acts like she knows nothing and nick has to teach her everything :rolleyes: That really bugs me...

12-08-2004, 10:32 PM
I'm in the minority here, but I love Jessica Simpson. She's one of my favorite celebrities. She does play up the dumb thing, but I think it is funny and cute. I have caught every episode of 'Newlyweds' and LOVE the show. Nick is great and I think they make a perfect couple. I adore Ashlee too (and Joe and Tina - the parents).

I admire Jessica for a lot of things that I won't really go into since most people here seem to hate her anyway, hehe.

12-09-2004, 12:02 AM
I think she is hilarious. And honestly - I was a straight A student in high school and in a LOT of situations, I sound just like her. I am perfectly willing to admit that I can be a real airhead. So.. I guess people would be annoyed me too :p

I think the show is really cute. I can't decide if I like Ashlee's show, because I think that SHE puts on an act way more than Jessica. But, she's only 19 too so time will tell :)

12-14-2004, 05:12 PM
I just love that girl,, she has the ability to be stupid, cute and genuinely funny!!! nick is definatly darned nice eye candy.. mm mmm mmmmm... I like em..... and yes,, I really am 41 yrs old!!!

12-15-2004, 12:40 PM
Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom

Oh, and everytime I hear the name Jessica Simpson, for some reason Homer and Bart come to mind and I try to figure out where Jessica fits in the family......;) :p :rolleyes: :D

You mean she isn't a cartoon person ? She's a REAL person?:p I have been hearing the name more and more in the news but I had no idea who she was or what she does:rolleyes: