View Full Version : Back from the vet w/ Raustyk

12-01-2004, 11:25 AM
We found out a bit more about her blood work, not only is her BUN & Creatnine off but also her Alk. Phos., SEG & Lymph. are off.

Her urine sample results came out better than we thought, no blood at least. WBC was slightly off & so was the bacteria.

She is on Ceph. for 2 weeks.

Both docs are leaning towards Lymphoma.

We are going back in a few days for a re-check on the blood work.

Anyone have any experience with this at all?

12-01-2004, 11:27 AM
No experience, but keeping the prayers coming.

12-01-2004, 03:40 PM
Oh no:(:(:( What makes them think it's lymphoma, based just on blood work?:( I hope it's not the case:( Please keep us updated. I hope the meds help her feel more comfortable. I've never had experience with a dog with lymphoma but I know others here have. Hopefully some of them will check in. Please give Raustyk a big hug for me. Prayers continue for a positive outcome. Sandra

12-02-2004, 09:46 AM
Originally posted by tatsxxx11
Oh no:(:(:( What makes them think it's lymphoma, based just on blood work?:( I hope it's not the case:( Please keep us updated. I hope the meds help her feel more comfortable. I've never had experience with a dog with lymphoma but I know others here have. Hopefully some of them will check in. Please give Raustyk a big hug for me. Prayers continue for a positive outcome. Sandra

The vets says with the experience they have woth other dogs, Raustyk's history, her symptoms & her current blood work & urine samples, they say that it is a good possibility that is what they are dealing with.

We don't know for sure but it is a good possibility. I was warned 2 years ago that with all of her bloodwork & urine samples that we may be dealing with cancer in the future with her. So that does not make matters any better at all.

We go back in a few days for more blood work, then possibly a week after that x-rays & an ultrasound.

12-02-2004, 06:58 PM
and if it's Lymphoma I can give you a wealth of information.

If it is Lymphoma then it's something you need to have confirmed and treated ASAP. In the common form called Multicentric which is characterized by multiple swollen lymph nodes, the expected life span for a dog NOT treated is 4-6 weeks. The cancer will ravage their bodies very quickly. Depending on the treatment selected and other factors the life expectancy of a lymphoma puppy is anywhere from 2 months to 2 years. Mine made it 1 yr 3 days post diagnosis.

The first step is to confirm a possible diagnosis of Lymphoma. You should get an immediate referral to a Oncologist, who can also do the Ultrasound. Insist on an appointment within a week.

Oncologist finder (http://www.perseusfoundation.org/page22.html)

The most common way for confirmation is needle aspiration of a swollen lymph node. If no lymph nodes are swollen, and it's internal then a biopsy might be needed.

This is one case where you have to wish for kidney disease over lymphoma. :(

12-02-2004, 10:48 PM
My heart goes out to you. Prayers on their way.

12-05-2004, 06:22 PM
Thinking of you Raustyk. Have your mom update us after you next check up sweetheart. Paws crossed for an encouraging update. {{{HUGS}}}