View Full Version : I have never been so mad in my life....

11-30-2004, 09:25 PM
I don't remember if I told you all, but about two months ago I was having some problems with the school buses.

They gave me a bus schedule and verbally told me that my son was to ride Bus #4 home. Well, I went to the school and talked to bus driver #4 because we were going to do a practice run. The driver said "Oh, no! You need bus #5, I don't go anywhere near there." So, I go talk to bus #5 and she confirmed that was the proper bus. I asked why the confusion and she said "Oh, we have a brand new busing supervisor that doesn't know anything." So, I load my son onto the bus, intending to drive behind it and meet him at the bus stop. Well, I was at the stoplight, and the bus turned another direction. To make a long story short, the driver was mistaken, she goes no where near our house. She dropped my son off in some strange neighborhood on the other side of town. So, I called and luckily they were able to catch her on the radio and get her to go get my son and bring him to me. I was livid. My son was mortified. Can you imagine as a 7 year old the horrible feeling of being dropped off all alone in a neighborhood you've never seen before?

So, fast forward two months. This morning, I told Jaden that today was the day he would start riding the bus home. He was petrified. I reassured him that what had happened last time was a once in a lifetime thing. I swore up and down that it'd all go smooth this time and I'd be waiting for him at the bus stop. I called the school office, talked to the bus driver, and called the bus supervisor, plus I had a schedule saying that bus #1 was it. So I double triple confirmed that the information was right. I called the teacher and told her to make sure he gets on bus #1 and I wrote bus #1 on his hand.

So, I go to the bus stop this afternoon and wait and wait and wait. Bus #11 pulls up, but no bus #1. So, once again, I call the supervisor and she goes "Oh, I am so glad you called back. Jaden is to ride bus #6 home, not #1...I was mistaken." I flipped out. I was like "SO WHERE IN THE #%$^ IS MY SON!!!???" She was all "I don't know, but Bus #1 doesn't even go to his school any longer. We changed that." I was all "WELL YOU BETTER FIND MY SON FAST!" So, she radios all the buses in the area and calls me back and calmly says "I appologize, none of the buses picked your son up. We don't know where he is." I hung up on her and drove to his school. By then, school had been over for an hour and a half. I found my son wandering around by himself on an empty campus bawling his eyes out. I'd told him to stay put until he saw bus #1. He was still waiting for it, and he was freaking out because the school was empty.

So, by then, I am LIVID. I called the head superintendent of the school and ripped his head off. He made a few calls, and reassured me that it'd never happen again. He swore up and down that he double triple verified, and bus #6 is indeed the bus he rides home. I told him I didn't know who to trust and how can I believe my son will make it home safe. He said "I promise you that if your son boards bus #6 tomorrow, he'll make it home safe."

Well, I just got home and there is a voicemail "Hi, this is the superintendent, I appologize, but I made a mistake. It is not bus #6 that he rides home, it is bus #11. Sorry about the confusion."

Now, you can mess with me. But don't mess with my son. For God's sake, he is only in the 1st grade! I remember my biggest fear as a kid was boarding the wrong bus and getting lost in some strange area. I can't imagine how scared he must have been.

Anyways, thanks for listening to me rant. I hope I made sense. I'm so pi$$ed off that I can't see straight.

11-30-2004, 09:32 PM
That's horrible! I would've been really angry too:mad::9 I'm glad he made it home safe! He must have been so scared! When I was in grade 2 something similar to that happened to me.

11-30-2004, 09:32 PM
Oh Good grief! I think the superintendant needs to take your son by the hand and step on that bus toorrow morning with him. The superintendant is to ride that bus home with him too... threaten a lawsuit - that should get his attention!

You have every right to be steaming mad! :mad:

11-30-2004, 09:45 PM
It's okay now, mom, he's safe now. And try not to be angry in front of him, so he won't get more worried for next time. When he's in school tomorrow, call who ever is in charge and THEN read them the riot act. Demand they write a letter of apology to Jaden, and explain to him that they are very sorry that a mistake was made. Ask him what would make him feel better, and reassure him that this will NEVER happen again.

Tell him he was a great boy for being so brave and waiting so long, and you know he must have been worried, but you are glad he was brave and stayed put in a situation where another boy might have tried to walk home, or done something foolish. How proud you are, how brave he was, how glad you are to have such a brave, smart boy, when some of the adults were not nearly as smart!

11-30-2004, 11:16 PM
Tonya, this is a different world we live in...........

I would be a maniac if I was in your shoes!

The whole chain of events is entirely unacceptable.

Here is what I would do........don't you have the MODESTO BEE?

Well, how about a nice long article on the front page of what they put your son through?

I firmly feel that a few heads need to roll up your way.

We are dealing with CHILDREN here.........ALL OF US are responsible.

Good lord, I am getting angry just replying to your post!

Just suppose you have the brand new baby to tend to......and Jaden doesn't come home?

Poor Jaden, he isn't going to forget this trauma anytime soon.
Thank God he has a Mom who will go right to bat for him.

11-30-2004, 11:36 PM
I would have been livid too.

Your poor son, this is now a bad experience for him.
After your post I would be afraid to ever
leave my child in the hands of the school bus system.
Hope all gets straightened out and the bus system
ends up working out for you SAFELY.

12-01-2004, 01:44 AM
Holy you know what! I don't blame you one iota. I'd be flipping OUT! There have been so many incidences here where kids Jaden's age and younger were dropped off in parts unknown with the drivers not even giving a poop. Or kids falling asleep on the bus and stranded in the bus at the depot! The drivers are suppose to check the bus at the end of their route. The second the cops get involved (missing person), it's in the news, in the paper and heads roll. I agree with the suggestion of writing to the newspaper editorial section immediately, and I can almost guarantee it'll never happen again. It makes the school and super look bad. They deserve it. Big hugs and praise to Jaden for being a brave young man through this ordeal. Tonya, you know what they say about the power of the written word....

12-01-2004, 06:48 AM
That is pathetic. That school should know exactly what schoolbus for him to get on. That is so wrong. I don't blame you for being mad. If I had kids, and they let them off at the wrong bus stop I would be really mad too. I don't blame you. Good Luck in trying to get it figured out.

12-01-2004, 07:00 AM
I can't even believe HOW MANY times they screwed up!! Being a mom, and a very protective one, I would be so very livid...:mad:

Are there any kids in your neighborhood where he would be able to recognize on the bus, to help him not worry so much when boarding the bus? I remember my first time on a bus and it was a scary thing...I would definatley make it be made known to a head person at the school and bus company...((HUGS))) to your little boy...

12-01-2004, 07:37 AM
OMG!!!! Poor Tonya and even more poor Jaden. I feel so bad for your son. I agree with everyone else. I would write a letter to the newspapers in your area telling them your delimma.

12-01-2004, 07:47 AM
I would contact the papers and if there are any the local TV stations. That is totally unforgiveable!

12-01-2004, 09:04 AM
Well, I probably didn't do the best job of calm mom. I wish I could have taken your advice, Karen. I reassured Jaden in front of the principle and superintendent, but probably not in the best way. I basically said "Don't worry, they will not make this mistake again. Because if they do, I'll call the police and file a missing person report. The news and everybody would be out looking for you which would be very embarrassing to them and they would get into big trouble. So trust me they will make sure that you get on the right bus."

Jaden's laughing about it this morning. I think he's going to be ok. He told my husband "You should have seen mommy yesterday. She was crazy mad because my school is stupid and lost me again." My husband appologized to Jaden and Jaden said "That's ok daddy, mom felt so bad I got a new Santa hat and a slushie."

Reminds me of something...a friend of mine pulled her daughter out of a school because they left her at a zoo on a field trip. They didn't even realize that she was missing until they drove the hour back home. She was only in kindergarten and they found her wandering alone at the zoo.

12-01-2004, 10:47 AM
Tonya...something horrible could have happened to your son I would also be mad at the school for letting him wander around for that long...at that age there should be a monitor out on the grounds making sure everyone is accounted for. At my kids grade school they would be asked why they were still on campus 15 minutes past let out time and probably taken to the office if the reason wasn't satisfactory.

I had something kind of like that happen, my daughters friends mom calls me at work and asks me if I can pick up her daughter and give her a ride home. Well at let out time there was no sign of her...I had the whole office in an uproar I was frantic and driving all around the neighborhood...turns out her mom had a change of plans and left a message on my voicemail at work...well I had been in a meeting and left to go get the kids...she had my cell #...you know what she had the gall to say? Well your work should make you check your voicemail more often...I was livid!

12-01-2004, 10:57 AM
Tonya...here in my area I have to pay $240.00 per child for bus service...do you have to pay?

12-01-2004, 01:13 PM
I am ticked too! Just reading all this..how crazy are these people?? I work at a school...but its junior high level..and you have so many rights that they KNOW you have but are hoping YOU don't find out! You can practically have Jaden chaffuered to school in a limo driven by Spongebob Squarepants if you want for the rest of the year!

Just yesterday it was on the news here in Texas that a 4 year old was left on the bus because he fell asleep and the driver failed to check so he is suspended while they are investigating...don't know what there is to investigate..he failed to do his job..period..the child was left on the bus.......period. If I was that babies mother, heads would roll!

Well, maybe Jaden was able to bounce right back but you can be sure he won't forget this..I can still remember things from age 7 and that was pretty traumatic even tho it all turned out ok..

I would have to think about what would be a satisfactory redemption for them..

12-01-2004, 04:09 PM
Originally posted by caseysmom
Tonya...here in my area I have to pay $240.00 per child for bus service...do you have to pay?

We don't have to pay for the bus service. If I had to pay $240, I'd just hire the neighbor!

12-01-2004, 04:18 PM
Tonya I would be livid as well, and I would not be putting my child near a bus ever again, I had a slight problem with our public system, My daughter was often not picked up to come home, it is not far to walk so it was ok, but she was upset, when I complained they sent me three free bus tickets, it did happen again, and they made excuses this time, so now she just walks to and from, which is fine, but she is 12.

This is so appalling, I cannot believe their casual attitude towards it, anything could have happened to Jaden, too close a call for my liking Tonya, I say forget the bus and drive him there.

Thank goodness he is safe, someone was looking after him thats for sure.:)

12-01-2004, 04:40 PM
I don't really mind the money considering gas prices and my kids jr high is about a 15 minute drive...long story but we bought in an expensive neighborhood that knew they wouldn't get the outragous prices for the houses if they went to the closer jr high...anyhow the issue I have is the afternoon driver is new and a total jerk, my daughters friend was late to get to the bus and he had just closed the doors (her fault I realize) but the jerk started to laugh at her...he just totally lowers himself to their level.

12-01-2004, 04:43 PM
I am a teacher, and that whole situation is absolutely appalling! I would have been furious. I'm glad he is okay, and that he seems to be handling things well.

12-01-2004, 05:13 PM
Well, he made it home on a bus today. Yay! His teacher was reprimanded which is total b.s. It's not her fault. She can't walk 30 kids to their buses and parent's cars.

12-01-2004, 05:29 PM
I'm glad things were better today. There are some schools that do expect a teacher to make sure that all of their students get in the right car or on the right bus. Sometimes mistakes do happen. However, it can be done and done correctly. She should have, at least, made sure that none of her students were left before she returned to the classroom. It does sound, though, like his teacher was not the only one at fault, by far. Most school where I have worked have had duty teachers who were responsible for getting the students to the proper buses each afternoon. If a child missed his/her bus, the duty teachers would take the child to the school office and the parents would be contacted. It sounds like there was a breakdown on several fronts in your situation. If it happens again, I would conact your school board representative.

12-01-2004, 09:39 PM
wow~ i would be P-I- DOUBLE S'ed! I'm glad that he made it home~ If that happened again I would go and pick him up myself~ unless there's no way you can do that. I would TOTALLY understand why he would be petrified! I would be too! :eek:

12-17-2004, 06:56 PM
Have you ever gotten to the point, where you are so frustrated that you just start laughing? You kind of get to the point where you are soooo at wit's end that you don't care anymore?

Well, Jaden has been riding the bus with no problems for a couple of weeks now. I pick him up at the bus stop everyday. He'd been begging me to let him walk home from the bus stop by himself. I was nervous about it, but today was the big day. I told him that I would not come to pick him up at the bus stop, he could walk home.

So, I sat home, nervously waiting for him. He showed up at home just when I'd expected him. He was all proud that he was a big boy. I asked him if he had any trouble, if he looked both ways when crossing the street, etc... All that normal paranoid mommy stuff. "Nope! No problems, mom! I stayed on the sidewalk and was very careful."

So, we're sitting there chatting a few hours later, and Jaden nonchalantly goes "The bus driver doesn't go to Ustach (the name of the bus stop) anymore. She dropped us off somewhere else."

I said "So, where? Right outside of Ustach?"


"At the park next to Ustach?"


"Jaden, please tell me she at least dropped you off on the same street as Ustach."

"No, but it's ok. I was able to find my way home."

I just calmly looked at him and said "Ok. Isn't that nice. Glad to hear that you made it home." :rolleyes:

We went for a drive right now so that he could show me where she dropped them off. It is about 2 blocks further away then his regular bus stop. -A little further then I'd have allowed him to walk alone (I was already pushing my limit). He's on holiday now. I guess I'll deal with that issue when school resumes.

12-17-2004, 07:00 PM
Jezzz :rolleyes: what kind of people are they?? What if you were waiting at his bus stop???

12-17-2004, 07:04 PM
OMG:eek: I can't bvelieve all the trouble you've been through with this bus thing, Tonya! What if he got lost or something happened to him?! You'd have no idea where to look or what if you were waiting for him at the regular stop and the bus never came? I hope you can do something about all this nonsense!!! I feel so awful for you:(

12-17-2004, 07:20 PM
I just had a call from my ten year old niece back east.

She said her school bus had an accident. The bus driver made the turn too sharp and hit a parked car.

My niece "whispered into the phone to me" the bus driver kept saying "s h _ _" and "d a _ _".

She didn't want Mom and Dad to know she had heard those words.

Everyone was safe.

Tonya, I think you have BIG TIME problems with your school bus situation. They changed the route and no one told you.
So what if you HAD been sitting at the old stop and waited and waited for your son's bus to arrive? There is a lack of concern and responsibility here that I find very disturbing.

The media would have a field day with this stuff!