View Full Version : Just stopping by to say Hi - it's been so long!

Dixieland Dancer
11-30-2004, 02:03 PM
Hi Everyone!

I was lurking around the past couple days and realized how much I miss all of you! Just thought I would give you all an update on what's been going on in our world.

Dixie and Dusty are doing great. Dusty had some allergy issues but now that we have them pinpointed he is much happier. He will be 4 in May and Dixie will be 7 in January. She is mostly white faced now but still full of energy. Her son gives her the gray hairs since he never leaves her alone. She does tend to be jealous when I spend too much time with Dusty but I must admit... he is a little (ok big) cuddle bug and I just enjoy it maybe a little too much. NOT!

The doggie daycare and training facility is where I spend most of my time. Since the pups get to be with me, I find it most enjoyable. I sometimes wonder why it took me so long to take the step of starting it. As with any personal business I spend many many hours trying to make it work. That is why I have been absent from Pet Talk for the better part of the past year or so.

I must admit, things were a bit scary at first. Training some breeds was a lot more difficult than I expected. Others are a breeze. Aggression issues seem to be the biggest challenge. I have learned a lot. But in order to qualify for our doggie daycare, the dog must complete our basic obedience classes and by then I have a good feel for what dogs are candidates for daycare. I have turned some dogs away just because I can't risk the chance of them fighting with another dog.

The reason I am able to visit Pet Talk now is because I have just had knee surgery and am recuperating. Until I am off the crutches, I cancelled daycare and have someone else doing training classes. I should be back at it next week. I am so use to being on the go that all this time at home seems really weird. One plus is that I got to stop in and say hi to all of you! I won't be able to visit reguarly once I'm recuperated but I do hope to check in more than I have while things were getting started.

I updated my email so if anyone wants to drop me a line from time to time, I would welcome it. Email is the preferred way of getting through to me since I can't check Personal Messages as easily.

I wish everyone a Blessed Christmas and a very Happy New Year! It was nice to "Come Home" for a few days!! ;)


11-30-2004, 02:09 PM
Hello! It's great to hear from you. :D

Let's see... quick rundown of my world....

Became mom to two cats in 2002, started dating a guy named Andy in 2002 and we're now engaged, Kia had a seizure June 2003 due to ProHeat 6, and she's just recently been having a few behavior issues (likely neurological damage from the seizure).

We take things one day at a time here. :D

Hope you recover quickly! Congrats on the buisnesses!

Have a great holiday!

11-30-2004, 02:23 PM
It is SO nice to see you again, Candy! :D I was just thinking about you a week or so ago, wondering how you were. I'm glad things are going so well for you! I hope you recover from that knee surgery ASAP so you can get back to doing what you love best :)

Keep in touch!

11-30-2004, 02:35 PM
WOW, weird! Candy, I was JUST thinking about some of the "old-timers" that we don't hear from very often. Funny thing, every now and then someone will pop up and yell SURPRISE! Just as we often suspect, PetTalk is a hard, hard place to leave totally. I was just getting my feet wet here (as it were) when you realized you just couldn't spend as much time as you wanted to, and would have to take some time off. What I remember most is whenever a "behavior" issue came up it was "Who ya gonna call??" DIXIELAND DANCER! But of course! So welcome again. Sorry it took an injury to get you here but in most of our hearts you never really were gone.


Cinder & Smoke
11-30-2004, 04:26 PM

Well... HELLO - HELLO - HELLO!!!!

Sorry bout the Knee - but what a great excuse to *yap* at you!

Glad the Business is going well -
Do you have a Web Site for it?? URL Address??

Try to stop in more often - we all *MISS* you and the FurKids!!

OH - and HAPPIE HollyDaze, Candy!! :D

/s/ Phred & the FurKids

11-30-2004, 04:34 PM

We've sure missed you around here!

Sorry to hear about the knee, but glad to hear the furkids are doing well as is your business.

I'm happy that you have a little time to "yak" with us:D
Hope to hear more from you soon.

What's new in my world is our big boy Angus went to the bridge September 6th of this year and we've now added even a bigger boy to our family named Bon (he's an english mastiff). Otherwise all is well with us.

11-30-2004, 11:36 PM
Welcome back Candy!
Glad to hear everything is going well for you!
My 'little' Keegan has become a wonderful young lady, (if I do say so myself!) ;) She is the light of my world along with her 2 kitty sisters. I added a tortishell kitten to my Krew on Sept 20th. Her name is Kloe.
Check in again when you can!! :)

11-30-2004, 11:50 PM
So glad to hear dixie and dusty are doing well. Sorry to hear about the knee. Stop by more often we miss you.

12-01-2004, 12:11 AM
I am so glad to hear from you. I hope you pop in daily while you
are re-cooperating.

I am so glad that everyone is doing well.:D

12-01-2004, 01:01 AM
Hey Candy! :) Nice to see you check back in! I'm sorry you've had to get knee surgery, I hope it all heals well. I'm glad that Dixie and Dusty are doing great! Any chance for some new pics? :D

12-01-2004, 07:06 AM
Yeah Candy!!!!
So good to hear that all is well!!!!!
Hugs & Treats for those Beautiful Pups of yours!!!!

Nice to hear the business is doing well!!!!

Things are good here...just a hurricane...or 4...put a kink in our step for awhile...but all is back to normal now!!!!1

Please check in when you can!!!!

12-01-2004, 08:58 AM
Hi, Candy! :D Good to hear from you, sorry about the knee though, hope you are healing well, and in double-quick time too.

Glad to hear the fur kids and the business are doing well. Good news indeed. :)

Please try to pop in more often, you are missed around here! :)


Dixieland Dancer
12-01-2004, 10:35 AM
Thanks everyone for making me feel welcome again. I almost feel like a trader because I know I won't be able to continue posting after my knee gets better but it is nice to be "home at Pet Talk" during my recuperation period. I think of everyone from time to time and wonder how everyone and their pups are doing.

No we don't have a website yet. I keep meaning to get to it but haven't had the time. Most of our clients come through referrals through others that have gone through our classes and local vet offices. Since we do only positive (mostly clicker) training, the local vet offices were happy to let us put flyers in their offices. Please give Cinder and Smokey a big hug from me.

12-01-2004, 10:54 AM
Oh my goodness!!!! What a wonderful, wonderful surprise!!!! :)

I'm so sorry that you are "ailing", but it sure is good that you checked in, Candy!!!! How are your husband and son? I agree, we need some new pictures!!!

I think we have added a new fellow since we last talked. His name is Zipper and he came through the Golden Retriever rescue here locally. We were fostering......we failed. :o But he is a delightful boy, around 9 years old, and he fits into our family beautifully.

Hope that sore knee gets better soon, and congratulations on the success of your business! I know it is hard work, but it is YOUR hard work, and you've built it from ground up! I think that is just marvelous!!!!! :)


I got your email, Candy. Thank you!

12-01-2004, 11:00 AM
So good to hear that all is well with you and that your business is off the ground and running. I was astonished to see your name pop up because I too was thinking about you within the past few days.

I'm sorry to hear that you needed knee surgery. We have a few tired old knees knocking around here. At least it is over and done with and now all that is left is for it to mend. What exactly did you have done (if you don't mind me asking)?

I don't get to stop by PT very much either and then only to peek in at one or two threads. There are so many nice people and pets which I would love to get to know, but for me it would be a full time job, and I already have one of those, which I need to get back to. Anyway, I am really glad to checked in. Maybe we need to have an Old Timer's Corner for us lost souls to catch up with one another. :p

12-01-2004, 11:46 AM
So good to hear from you again, Candy!
I hope your knee heals very soon and you can go back to the work you love.
Many hugs to Dixie and Dusty and best wishes for a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year for you and your family.

Dixieland Dancer
12-01-2004, 12:08 PM
What exactly did you have done (if you don't mind me asking)?

I had torn cartilidge removed. We were at the Dog Park one fall afternoon with some friends and Dixie and Dusty were chasing after a playmate and the next thing I knew, I was in the air and then on the ground seeing stars. Luckily my husband was near by and was able to get me to the car. The funny thing about the whole situation was that when I was on the ground crying, most of the dogs at the park thought I was down there to play with them and I was covered with dogs!

My husband has a friend who is an Orthopedic surgeon so I was able to get it taken care of rather quickly. I should be off the crutches by the end of this week and hopefully able to get around better by the end of next week.

12-01-2004, 02:26 PM

wev'e never "met"........;)

12-01-2004, 08:48 PM
Hi Candy!! Nice to "see you", if only for a short time! Glad to hear the business is going well. I often think of you and wondered how things were going, when I take mine to dayschool.

"Mine" is now 3. We rescued a Dalmatian mix about 1 1/2 yrs ago and he has fit in prefectly with our girls. They are quite the threesome!

12-01-2004, 08:52 PM
Hi, We've never met but you seem like a very nice person:) Welcome back:D

12-01-2004, 08:55 PM
Hi! we've never met either:p

Welcome back!

12-01-2004, 08:58 PM
Welcome back! How exciting to have a doggie daycare business. Glad to hear it's going well. Get well soon!