View Full Version : My hubby was laid off!

11-30-2004, 12:57 PM
My hubby was laid off last week, and he's headed out on the road to look for work. He's an Union Electrician, and he can travel where ever in the US looking for work. His local office told him to look around because there will not be any work around here for a while, up to a year or so!!:eek:
So he left last night for his first trip, he went to Las Vegas. When he comes home, he'll be going to St. Louis, then he'll check out Erie, PA. (Erie is only about an hour and 15 mins from us)

So, last night Buddy took over Rick's side of the bed (and snores just about as loud as Rick does:rolleyes: ) I just LOVED having both of them in bed with me. I wish I could get a picture of the three of us!! Sierra sleeps with her head on my legs, and Buddy sleeps right next to me with his big nose on my pillow.

11-30-2004, 01:00 PM
I'm sorry to hear that your hubby got laid off, but I'm glad you have your furkids to keep you warm.

11-30-2004, 01:03 PM
Sorry to hear about that Angie.:(

I hope he can find work soon--does that mean you would be moving somewhere if he finds a job??
Erie is nice, I went to school there--that would be good because it's not too far away.

I'll be thinking of him and hoping he finds something soon--in the meantime though, enjoy your new sleeping buddies:)

11-30-2004, 01:21 PM
Sorry to hear he got laid off. :( I hope he finds work soon!

Good to see the dogs 'filled in the gap'. ;) :D

11-30-2004, 01:45 PM
Hope he finds a job that he likes really well and good $ too...

11-30-2004, 01:52 PM
Emily - No, We would not move, we both have our feet planted right where we are!!
It just means that he may be gone for weeks, or months at a time.

It's funny because his friends keep saying "Aren't you going to worry about your wife being home alone all the time" Then he says.... "Have you ever seen our dog Buddy?? No, I don't worry about her being alone at all!"

That's why I call him my "Buddy Guard":D :D

No body messes with my mama!!

Then there's Sierra....:rolleyes:

Huh.... what??? Hey, I'm just here to look cute!!


11-30-2004, 02:06 PM
I am sorry to hear that he got laid off. On the brighter side, electricians are always needed. He'll find work quickly. There's plenty of work out here in California with all this building!

11-30-2004, 02:29 PM
Yeah, while out in Vegas, they MAY drive to LA looking for work!!

11-30-2004, 04:07 PM
Good luck. Will hold you both in my prayers.

11-30-2004, 05:18 PM
Sorry to hear your husband got laid off. I hope he finds work soon. Looks like you're pretty safe there with your buddy guard! :D

11-30-2004, 05:20 PM
Very sorry to hear that! But, you make it sound like a good thing because you get to snuggle with both your dogs :) Hope he finds work soon. Kind of dirty to lay him off right before Christmas.

11-30-2004, 07:25 PM
Sorry your hubby was laid off. Hope he finds a new job soon.

~Best wishes~

11-30-2004, 07:34 PM
Oh gosh,
Sorry to hear the bad news.
It's great having animals there to protect & watch over you though!!!;)
I agree with dukedogsmom! I will never understand some people & their corporate ways. I truly hope your hubby finds a great job soon! (fingers crossed)

"dukedogsmom... Kind of dirty to lay him off right before Christmas. "

11-30-2004, 07:36 PM
Very sorry about hubby being laid off.
I hope he finds work soon and close to home. :(

11-30-2004, 11:31 PM
I am sorry to hear that Angie.
I will keep you and him in my thoughts and prayers and hope he finds work asap!

12-01-2004, 01:16 AM
Ick! Sorry to hear your hubby got laid off, Angie, I know the feeling. I'm sure he'll find a job quickly and I hope it's near you. What about Pa? In fact, what about MY house? I need some stuff done but never am sure who to call from the phone book. He'd have a heyday..I'd love to have our house (over 50 yrs old) reciruited to those 3 prong outlets. We're so out of the loop. My niece's hubby is a foreman (she never seems to want to spare him to help us, what a pity, even with normal salary) and he;s swamped with work (a lot of commercial stuff) Maybe I can help you out...if interested..PM or email me. Maybe you can come for a visit too! You;d be the first PTer to meet Logan! I can find out if there are any openings with his union. I'd love to help you.

12-01-2004, 08:45 AM
Sorry to hear that your husband got laid off. I hope he finds a new job soon!