View Full Version : Winter's Almost Here!!

11-30-2004, 12:41 PM
I can always tell winter is either on its way, or has arrived by the amount of furkids in bed with us.

We had five cats on the bed the entire night. The other two in snuggly beds in our room. I'm sure Livvy and Jonah enjoyed their warm beds last night too!

Phoebe was so cold she slept under my covers last night, right next to me with her head on my pillow. Noah, Micah and Noel slept where my legs go (they were all entertwined). No wonder I slept so badly! ;) Basie slept between David and I, next to Phoebe.

Sami and Hermie slept on their beds in our bedroom.

How about you? Is anyone else getting less sleep lately??

11-30-2004, 12:47 PM
ME!!! ME!!!! I have not been getting very much sleep lately either. I keep telling my husband that I DEMAND a king size bed!!!! A queen bed just does not cut it with me.

A typical bed...from left to right.....

Mark, Smokey on Mark's feet, Mystic on top of Smokey, Tigger in between our pillows, Gabe on top of Tigger's hind legs and Gracie on top of Gabe, Mommy (ME) and then Abner half under my pillow and half under the covers.

It is no wonder my oil bill is so low...with all that heat at night I can pretty much turn the heat down to 60.

11-30-2004, 06:22 PM

It has been friggin cold out here in Cah lee fuh nee ah!!!!

I woke up with a deep pain in my hip from sleeping with one cat on my back...

Right before he climbs into bed with me, the Edster has to get a drink......he spills his water, walks in it and climbs onto the bed where he climbs into the crook of my arm and puts his cold wet feet on my chest.....

11-30-2004, 06:35 PM
It has gotten cold here. Nothing like a few cats to help keep warm. It hasn't snowed here yet but it sure feels cold enough to. It's such a cozy time of year. Christmas tree up, decorations and lights, candles, the smell of desserts like cookies and fudge candy. Yum yum. So in the holiday spirit.


11-30-2004, 06:36 PM
LOL Richard, too funny!
Yes I never sleep very good probably due to the pretzel shape my body is in to accomadate the fur gang who sleep peacefully with me. What we go through for our babies! LOL

11-30-2004, 11:27 PM
OK, I'm off to bed. I know I thought it was cute this morning...but after seeing its now 37 degrees!! (Uh, God, this is California ;) )

Should prove to be another sleepless night.

11-30-2004, 11:30 PM
We got down below freezing here this past weekend and I woke up around 5 am Saturday morning with all 5 in bed with us. Usually it's just Rocky, Rumor, Scout and sometimes Ripley but that night even Jazz was there between my knees. I was stiff and sore all the next day.

12-01-2004, 03:12 AM
Too funny.All our cats sleep on the beds to but usually they rotate.They like to get up and walk around then come back to a different spot.But we aren't allowed to move while this all goes on during the night.Usually me and Mike sleep seperetely because of his darn snoring so we trade off the cats so there's more room for everyone.;) :D

12-01-2004, 08:31 AM
We rae supposed,to get snow,this week,and Moose will get,to roll,in it,as he loves snow!