View Full Version : Check out the Spay-Neuter Assistance Program website!!!

11-30-2004, 07:09 AM
You can win the chance to prevent thousands of homeless puppies before Christmas in
your neighborhood!

By simply voting for your community in SNAP's "1,000 No Birthdays" contest, the community receiving
the most votes will win 1,000 FREE male dog sterilizations with Neutersol®, sponsored by SNAP and
PETsMART Charities.

Voting is by geographic region in the United States. Forward this ballot to as many animal advocates as you would like and ask them to vote for the region of their choice. You can vote only once. SNAP will either send our "Neuter Scooter" team to your community or work with a local humane society or veterinarian to deliver 1,000 Neutersol® procedures to the winning community. The contest ends December 1, 2004. SNAPtales will update you about contenders online. Remember, the more people you send this e-mail to ask for their vote, the greater chance for your community to win "1,000 No Birthdays!"

Please visit Spay-Neuter Assistance Program today!

If the text above does not appear as a clickable link, you can visit the web address:


11-30-2004, 11:26 AM
What an interesting idea for a contest... I definitely put my vote in (even though I have cats rather than dogs).