View Full Version : Whew! We finally got it figured out!

11-29-2004, 10:19 PM
Well we've had an interesting couple of days, including some knock down drag out fights, but I think we made a breakthrough today.

This morning all three dogs got in a huge fight ( I was getting ready for work) and I freaked. It was scary as all get out, even though no one even has a scratch on them. It's been building since Cin got here and came to an ugly, but productive head.

We now have three dogs who are pretty much sure of their spots in the pack and seem to be pretty happy with everything. Chester apparently decided this morning that enough was enough and put his paw down. He said he's not taking anymore crap from that "girl who never stays still". :D

Millie's decided that she wants to be the queen bee, and queen bee she shall be! She really hasn't had too many issues with Cin, other than lots of grumbling and some snapping at each other, which hasn’t happened tonight. Millie’s even kept her hair down tonight! :D

I think once Mom quit coddling Cinny (who I keep calling Cindy & it's driving Michael crazy), and backed Chester up instead of telling him to 'stop growling, leave her alone, back off' etc, things have done a 180. Apparently my desire to play fair was screwing up the rankings and confusing everyone. :rolleyes: It's just so hard to let your kids work it out and watch one be 'treated unfairly' or be picked on, especially the new one with such sweet eyes. That's humans for ya!

Tonight has been smooth sailing and almost like Cin's been here for a long time. It's so nice to actually see them happy. Next is to work on Cin's bone aggression, which Aly thinks she'll get over pretty quickly (she had some issues with Aly's cats at first). I solved the food issues by placing several bowls of food all over, so she sees that food is plentiful and that there's no need to guard it. It's working very well. :) We had to do this with Millie when she first came here, too.

We're not giving those great bones, and she doesn't guard greenies, so those are ok to give. We'll introduce the "great ones" when everyone is more comfortable. :)

Just thought I'd update everyone on our progress! Wow, that ended up being looonnnggg. :eek: :)

11-29-2004, 10:29 PM
Can you blame me for wanting to protect her? ;)




11-29-2004, 10:37 PM
I am glad that things are working out for your crew. :) Give everyone a big hug for me. :D

11-29-2004, 10:46 PM
Thats great Micki!!! I'm glad to hear that everyone is beginning to get along! :D And that Cinny is just precious! I love those ears!!!

11-29-2004, 11:04 PM
That sounds like a major breakthrough. BTW, I've been reading and catching up on this exciting news and want to tell you Congrats (if it's not too early). I was so happy when I read that you had Aly and Cinny up for Thanksgiving.

She's adorable and I've enjoyed the pictures and videos!!:D

11-29-2004, 11:55 PM
Awww Mcki :D :D As I told you before, I'm so glad things are looking up! It is very common to want to coddle and stop those little pecking order fights .. its just our human nature! Hopefully the little Cinny monster knows she's last now ... of course until the 4th dog comes along!!! ;) :D

Does Michael like the name Cinny or do you think you guys might change it?

I know what you mean about those sweet eyes! She looks so innocent! Even when she was dragging kitty poop out of the litterbox, she'd look at me with those eyes and I'd almost forget she was being naughty!

Those pictures are just PRECIOUS. Josh saw the pics and vids and was very happy you've been giving these updates and he says thanks :)

11-30-2004, 12:10 AM
Originally posted by micki76


rubbby the belly!! ;)

glad things worked out Micki!

11-30-2004, 12:35 AM
I'm a little behind....so.....CONGRATULATIONS ON THE NEW ADDITION!!! :D :D :D

As my doggie obedience instructor said...it's us hoomans that need to be trained! ;) So glad everything got straightened out in your pack! How did I just know that you would end up with Miss Cinny....:cool:

Now I must do a search and catch up on all the cute pictures I have missed!!!

11-30-2004, 07:09 AM
Oh Goodie Goodie!!!!!!

I'm so happy for you and the crew!!!

11-30-2004, 08:32 AM
Originally posted by aly
Does Michael like the name Cinny or do you think you guys might change it?

Those pictures are just PRECIOUS. Josh saw the pics and vids and was very happy you've been giving these updates and he says thanks :)

Michael LOVES her name, but I keep reverting back to CinDy. :o My tongue & brain just have trouble with CinNy for some reason. :o :o :o It makes him mad that I keep messing it up, but then I just remind him that he called Millie Minnie for about the first 6 months, and he leaves me alone. :D We're definitely keeping it, so hopefully some day I can say it correctly 100% of the time! If not, we may just go back to CinDy. :)

Yes, she is precious! :D Tell Josh he's welcome and hopefully we can all get together soon & he can see her again. After all, he never got to tell her goodbye.

Thanks everyone! :D She's a keeper for sure!

4 Dog Mother
11-30-2004, 08:56 AM
Micki, I am so glad everything is working out with Cinny. I guess this means if I drive to Christy's in the next month or so you don't want me to drop off Pippi! That would be funny as she looks alot like Millie and Cinny - you could have triplets! (Actually Pippi has won my heart so she is mine now and I will never give her up!)

Hmm, I didn't know some of the fights were peck order fights and I too have been stopping them. But then again she is so much smaller than the rest of my crew, it is hard to let anyone even think of hurting her.....

I love your crew - they are all so cute!

11-30-2004, 10:06 AM
Glad to hear everything is working out!

Cinny is so cute!:)

11-30-2004, 10:22 AM
Micki, glad to hear everything is working out with Cinny. By the way congratulations on your new addition! I am way behind, I am going to have to go back and read some of your other posts. Thanksgiving and grandchildren has had me pretty busy.

Congrats on your new addition and I am happy to see everybody is getting along now!


11-30-2004, 11:17 AM
Congrats on Cinny, Micki! She's adorable! Glad to hear things are starting to smooth out. Three, can sure keep you hopping. :)


11-30-2004, 11:38 AM
Originally posted by micki76
It makes him mad that I keep messing it up, but then I just remind him that he called Millie Minnie for about the first 6 months, and he leaves me alone. :D

Hahahhaa, that is so funny!! :D

Josh and I would love to see you all sometime soon! :)

In case anyone hasn't seen, I posted some pics of the Cinny girl on our trip to micki's in this thread:

11-30-2004, 10:51 PM
Originally posted by 4 Dog Mother
Micki, I am so glad everything is working out with Cinny. I guess this means if I drive to Christy's in the next month or so you don't want me to drop off Pippi! That would be funny as she looks alot like Millie and Cinny - you could have triplets!

LOL, but imagine the fun! You can drop by with Pippi and they can all play together. I can see the videos now! http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v15/micki76/Smilies/ROTFLOL.gif

12-01-2004, 12:23 AM
Yay, I'm glad things are working out with Cinny! I bet they will all be best buds in no time. :D

12-01-2004, 05:56 AM
That is great news Micki. Yes sometimes you just have to let them sort it out amongst themselves as hard as it is to watch. I have been having computer troubles the last day or so, i will have to look around and see if i missed any videos or photos. :)

12-01-2004, 09:04 AM
So glad to hear things are working out with Cinny! :) Kisses and hugs to all your crew.