View Full Version : behavioral bad kitty

11-29-2004, 09:18 PM
k, i took my kitty to get checked for infection.. shes fine, but i still dont know why she goes where theres no box.. i had to put extra boxes out for her. she started when we moved to the house. shes used to apartments. we moved here in june. ive had my baby since then too. i dont know what her problem is. ive used cleaners for that and she still went. could it be that shes getting old.. shes 7 years, but to some thats old. she dont act old. im all confused,:mad: :eek: :confused:

11-29-2004, 09:39 PM
Give her time, many changes going on around the kitty.
You moved and had a baby. That's allot for kitty to absorb in short period of time even tho it's been since June, kittys cant tell time or know a calender. To them it just happened yesterday. Give her extra scratches and belly rubs. Take time out in your busy day even if its for a few mins to play with her. More than likely she is feeling left out.

11-30-2004, 11:49 AM
Cats usually urinate outside the box because they are upset about something. (If they are healthy, otherwise)

Have you tried addind Rescue Remedy to her water? You can get it at GNC. Its a natural calmer. They also sell something at Petco and PetSmart called Comfort Zone. They have plug ins and a spray. This is a pharamone cats exude when they are calm. They work pretty well.

Your kitty probably just needs time and extra love. That is a lot of change to go through for an animal. They don't understand change.

Hope that helps. :)

11-30-2004, 12:54 PM
Hopefully things will work out,and your Cat,remebers,what the Litter Box,is for!