View Full Version : I got a call today about the Doberman.

11-28-2004, 01:21 PM
I got a call today from the rescue person that is in charge. She wanted me to set up a day and time that I can drive out there to see Gracie, and take her home. I also found out a little more about her backround. She also said a family was there yesterday looking at her and the kid was teasing her with HER bone, and the mother didn't even look at the dog let alone make any attemp to pet her.

About her background... At one point in time some one hog tied her, she has scares on her back legs but the ones on her front legs are covered by her fur. Some one also didn't feed her enough food as well. They said that she is still trying to gain some weight.

She is a very happy dog, loves to cuddle, loves to lay on your lap if you let her. She will bark at any one who comes up to the door but if you pet her she will lead you to all the gold that you have kind of thing. But you have to keep petting her. She I guess also provokes fights with female dogs. Which wont be a big deal, she can go in her cage while other dogs are over. I told her foster mother that she is perfect for us.. She sounds like she is atleast.

One question I have for all of you is. Are Dobermans known for bloating?

11-28-2004, 01:35 PM
It sounds like you and Gracie would make a perfect match! Oh, what a sad early life this poor girl has had:( It's amazing that she is as loving and gentle as she is! And I think you can work on the female dog aggression issue, too! But I'm not sure what you mean when you say "blotting?" Do you mean bolting? Like charging out the door? If so, I don't think that's a trait common to any breed in particular, but if she is a bolter, that can be corrected with training:)

11-28-2004, 01:38 PM
I was wondering if you meant bloating? If that is the case, i think any large breed is suseptible to bloat...but i won't go too into it, if that isn't what you meant ;)

Good luck with her, i am sure you are excited!

11-28-2004, 04:49 PM
If you mean bloating then yes dobermans are susceptable to it.
I am friends with a dobe breeder and she wets her dogs food down with warm water, and feeds them from raised dishes. She also monitors how much activity they have before and after eating.

Good luck with your soon to be new dog :)

11-28-2004, 11:04 PM
I did mean bloating. I will be calling my vet in the morning to ask him a few questions before we go and get her.

The rescue person also told me to wet her food and then give it to her.

I can't wait to get her. My brother and my brother in law were both here today with their dogs. I was soooooo jelious of them having dogs and I have to wait. It's a good wait, I am just getting ready to leave tonight at this point. My nerves are running on high and everything else.

11-28-2004, 11:08 PM
How exciting for you :D. Good luck and drive carefully.

11-29-2004, 07:45 AM
CONGRATS on the new addition! good luck on the drive there and back!:D

11-29-2004, 07:48 AM
Make SURE you get a raised food bowl for her to eat and drink out of!!!

11-29-2004, 08:11 AM
Make SURE you get a raised food bowl for her to eat and drink out of!!!

Her foster mother is giving me all of that stuff. Her cage, food dishs which is raised, toys, food, and I believe a few treats, and her bed. I will be taking my camera with me so I can take pictures of her there and on the way home. She said she loves to go for rides, and she loves being the center of attention. :D

She said one problem I might have with her and Cubby, is she sniffs her cats so far at times that the cats turn around and beat her nose. If she does that to Cubby and he doesn't like it he will run from her.

He cage is for a Great Dane, so that is more than big enough. She also wants to sleep on the bed, if you let her. She will end up pushing us off though.