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11-27-2004, 08:42 PM
-sigh- :( Merlin bucked me off again. :mad: he is SUCH A PIG! We took him out onto the cross country course and he IMMEDIATELY ducked for grass. Now, he knows that he'll get in trouble if he eats, so he's decided to try to eat and canter at the same time. My trainer is following me, trying to pull the tuft of grass out of his mouth. BTW, I was jumping without stirrups, so I didnt have them at the time. So, this is where the trouble begins.

Merlin starts to run away from Chris (my trainer). He ducks down for grass again, and is trotting at the same time. I gave him a tap on the butt with my crop, and he took that opportunity to bolt.

So, as my pony is twisting in the air and bucking like a bronco, I'm holding on for dear life, WITH NO STIRRUPS. :mad: finally, as we get to the stump jump, Merlin gives a "grand-finale" buck and throws me.

I was really scared that I was going to land on the standard, but I kind of flung myself in midair to dodge it. I ended up falling on my whole right side. The part that got most of the impact was my hip, but I got some pretty good scratches around my ribs, too.

Merlin runs back over by the barn and you can probably guess what he does, EATS GRASS. :mad: it took a really long time to catch him, because every time someone came near him he would snort and gallop away, but finally another trainer and a man who boards there cornered him and caught him, FINALLY.

I woke up this morning feeling like crap, REALLY sore. My ribs are the most sore, but when I sit down my hip hurts too :( I have a pretty good bruise. :( I guess I'm lucky that I didn't break any bones, though. I guess the question now is how I'm going to get him through the cross country course at the rally that's coming up with tall, green, tempting grass surrounding my fat pony. :(

11-27-2004, 08:45 PM
Is there a bit or kind of muzzle you can put on him so he cannot eat? ;) I hope you feel better soon. Bad pony!!!!!

11-27-2004, 08:46 PM
Originally posted by Karen
Is there a bit or kind of muzzle you can put on him so he cannot eat?

That's what we've been looking for, but we cant find one. :(

11-27-2004, 08:47 PM
Uh oh, that didn't sound too good. :eek: :( I hope you feel better soon. You are quite lucky you were not seriously hurt, brain wise.

Feel better,


11-27-2004, 08:50 PM
thanx... it's gotten a little better throughout the day.

11-27-2004, 09:11 PM
Shoot! Just a second ago I hit my hip on the corner of the table and I felt pain shoot all through my upper body. :(:(:(

Cinder & Smoke
11-27-2004, 09:30 PM

Memos to Self:

1) Ride WITH Stirrups!

2) Install Seat Belt on saddle.



Aspen and Misty
11-27-2004, 09:35 PM
First off, get stirups.

Second, do not allow him to eat the grass. I know it's REALLY hard not to, but you gotta hold on tight and not give in. Personally if he were my horse I would stop trying to compete and start over learning how to walk without eating. Start by walking down trails (use a bit on him). Do not allow him to eat anything. it may take awile depening on how much you do it. Eventaully work up to cantering, again, do not allow him to eat anything.

I hope you are feeling better, so sorry you hit your hip again
:( it's the law of nature thouhg, if something is hurt you are going to hit it :rolleyes:


11-27-2004, 09:47 PM
Originally posted by Cinder & Smoke

1) Ride WITH Stirrups!

Lol, It;s not like I was being stupid or anything, lol, It's just that at that point, my trainer was having me ride w/o stirrups to strengthen my legs over jumps. :p

11-27-2004, 09:48 PM
Originally posted by Aspen and Misty
First off, get stirups.

same as what I said in last post... ^^^ also, they were just crossed over my saddle, not TOTALLY off of the saddle. :p ;)

11-27-2004, 10:07 PM
ouch!...I have had that problem with my mare and even when I was loping through some tall grass she would seem to somehow get grass in her mouth:rolleyes: silly girl!....but I put these rubber rings that go one the bit they are velcrow so you can take them off and clean them don't know what they are called but they worked for me ... also you can get those muzzle things you where talking about off of horsehealthusa.com ...hopw taht your hip feels better

11-27-2004, 10:08 PM
thanks for the help! I'll look at that site! :)

11-27-2004, 11:44 PM
Bad Merlin!!! I sit here tinking of all the times my horse would scrap me off with the apple tree in the pasture. I feel ever ache and pain . I have had so many too. Sounds like trainer needs to get Merlin back to basics for a while and find other exercises for your legs for a while too. Hope the bruses heal soon.