View Full Version : Poppy goes to the vets :(

11-25-2004, 04:50 PM
Well tonight Poppy goes to the vet for the big snip snip tomorrow morning.
It just breaks my heart knowing he will be in a cage tonight, instead of in my arms sleeping.
Please say a little prayer for my baby that all will go well.
I know it will, but as you all understand, I will be a nervous wreck.
I will be able to pick him up after 6:00 tomorrow night.
It can't come soon enough for me.

Do I have to go meowmie?

Wanna kiss my Royal Sceptre?

11-25-2004, 05:23 PM
Dearest Poppy, let me be the first to plant a big kiss on that Royal Sceptre....KISS KISS KISS KISS...OK that was more than one but you deserve it.
I know what you are going through. You know that it's necessary yet you worry so much about them. {{{HUGS}}} and I'm sure Poppy will be just fine. Please make sure you keep us updated.

11-25-2004, 06:26 PM
many purrayers and paws crossed that Poppy will be jsus fine! I am the same way when one of my babies has to have surgery, when I drop them off I get physically ill on the way home. I worry to death until I find out they are ok.


Killearn Kitties
11-25-2004, 06:32 PM
Aww, can I plant lots of kisses on beautiful Poppy's pawsie? You will be fine baby. All fingers and paws crossed for you here!

11-25-2004, 07:58 PM
Awww!! This is always SOOOOO much harder on the Meowmie than it is on the kitty!! Take care Lorraine and be sure to update us tomorrow evening, OK?? ((((HUGS))))

11-25-2004, 08:26 PM
Good luck at the vets Poppy!! :(

11-25-2004, 08:43 PM
Aww little Poppy Toes, it will be OK. I just can't believe it's batonga-wonga snip time already! You cute little guy you, more kisses for that sweet royal sceptre, and extras for your cheeks, and head. ;) And a (((HUG))) for your fretful meowmie. ;)

11-25-2004, 09:18 PM
Good Luck Poppy! I know you'll be just fine, but we can't help but worry anyway.

11-25-2004, 10:20 PM
I'm sure that everything will be fine.:) I'm sending some prayers and positive thoughts your way just in case. Please update us when you can.:)

11-25-2004, 10:49 PM
Thank you all for your prayers.

It was hard tonight for me because usually they will take the animal from you and bring them into the back and then you leave. But this time they had ME bring Poppy into the back. When the woman opened the door, all I saw were these poor scared, sad little faces looking at me through their cages. As we were in the room, the woman turned around and placed an ID collar on Poppy and then opened a cage for me to put him in. I gave him kisses and told him I would be back tomorrow for him and placed him in the cage. The woman closed the door and poor Poppy looked just as scared as the other. Broke my heart. Needless to say, I walked out of there with tears in my eyes.
Gosh I can't wait to go and get him tomorrow.
Thanks for listening guys. It's comforting to me knowing that you all understand how I feel.:)

11-26-2004, 02:41 AM
Poor Lorraine {{{{HUGS}}}} Knowing that Poppy doesn't understand why he is being left is part of the problem, isn't it? But we all know that he will hardly even notice that he had the operation (as it is very easy for the boys) and will be as good as new and home where he belongs real soon. But the emptiness is so evident right now (even with the others still at home.....I know!)
See you again soon Poopy, we will all be thinking of you today! and tomorrow we can have some MORE pictures ;) :D

11-26-2004, 02:48 AM
Poor sweet Poppy- he's such a cute boy.
The good thing in boy cats is that the snip thing is not very complicated and they are very quickly over it (here they don't keep the cats overnight and I was stunned and scared when Tigris 4 hrs after the event and still shaky on his legs climbed the upper level of the cat tree for a long recovering nap
:eek: ).

So tomorrow Poppy will be his old self again- and have quickly forgotten that cage;)

11-26-2004, 07:31 AM
Poppy you are so precious! I would gladly kiss that precious little paw but I'm sure I couldn't stop there!:eek: I would have to keep going until I got a sweet little smooch on your too cute little nose!;) :D

Lorraine I feel your pain! I'm going to have to do this soon with Rosco and Abigail and I HATE it with a passion! You can't help but worry and you miss them so much when they are gone. My vet makes us leave them overnight too so I started taking mine to the shelter to get them done so I could bring them home the same day. It was just way to hard for ME!;) It would have been ten times worse if I had had to do what you did. I would have cried all the way home if I had seen him in the cage like that.:(
You know it is true that it is way harder on us than it is on them. Poppy spent the night relaxing, he'll go to sleep, wake up with it all over and before he's knows it he will be back home with his momma! You, on the other hand, will have no sleep and will be stressed out watching the clock!!;) :D
I know he will be fine but I'm saying prayers for him anyway. I'm going to throw one in there for you too.;)
Keep us updated and give Poppy plenty of kisses from us tonight when you pick him up.

11-26-2004, 08:32 AM
That is the hardest thing,top do,with The Found Cats,is the thing,that you need,to do for thier own good! Whether,its taking them,to The Vets,giving them a combing,or flea treatment,or clipping thier nails,the Found Cats resist,with all thier beings!We hope,that Poppy,is all right,and home soon.

11-26-2004, 10:05 AM
By now, the surgery is probaby underway and maybe even over. By evening, you can go get your Poppy back! That description of having to take him back to his cage made me want to cry along with you.
Soon after Christmas will be my turn to bring Lizzie and Robbie in. Our vet keeps them overnight too, only it is the night after the surgery.
I think a standard part of these procedures should be a sedative

.....................................for Meowmie:D
For Lorraine: ((((((HUGS))))))

11-26-2004, 10:17 AM

If it helps at all, I saw the surgery and recovery almost every day I worked at the vet's office and males do fabulous! As soon as they wake, they're ready to play. He'll get a ton of attention, especially being a kitten. ;)

While being home with his meowmie is way better, the kitten neuter experience will be somewhat fun for him too. I remember everyone at work fawning over the baby animals when they were there. He'll get lots of love and pets until you get to bring him home. :)

11-26-2004, 10:22 AM
Oh, Lorraine ... I DO know how you feel, but if it helps any, I don't worry near as much about the little boys as I do the girls. Little Miss Tabitha will need to be spayed very soon, and I am dreading that too!

(((HUGS))) to meowmmy, and kissies on that precious royal sceptre to Poppy!


11-26-2004, 04:07 PM
I just got home from work about 20 minutes ago, called the vet, little Poppy is doing okay but I can't go and pick him up until after 7:30 now. ARRRGGGGG... They said it's because he was done later in the morning.
Gosh I miss my baby.

Thank you all so very much for your prayers and understanding.:)

I know it is easier for the males, but you still can't help but worry.

Love to you all.:D

11-26-2004, 04:31 PM
I'm glad he is finished with that now. I know you are anxious to pick him up, I would be too.

I'll need you to hold my hand when R&R go in Jan. I'm already dreading it.:(

11-26-2004, 07:14 PM
Any word yet on Poppy? We are all anxiously waiting to hear!