View Full Version : roast dog!!!

11-25-2004, 02:48 PM
my family and i are visiting my grandparents for thanksgiving. my grandparents have an extra house accross the street that they fixed up real nice. when we stay here we always stay in that house. we brought Beanie this time and he LOOOOVES it here. he loves the room to run,the chickens, other dogs, new smells,etc.

well,my parents and i went out to eat. we couldn't take Beanie so we put him in the laudry room in this extra house. when i came back to take him out i noticed the carpet was messed up. i opened the door and there was carpet EVERYWHERE! he had snagged some carpet and just kept pulling! he ripped the carpet up about 5 feet around the door.i said "OMG you are one dead dog!":mad:

i told my grandma and she just said "no biggie. it's just carpet. we can replace it." while my grandpa on the other hand(that layed the carpet) said "how bout some roast dog?" he didn't seem all that upset though. (whew!)

just thought i'd share this event.

11-25-2004, 07:56 PM
Oh Beanie :eek: Thank heavens for Grandma :)

Don't feel bad, my Buddy once chewed the entire corner of carpeting in the bedroom of a rented house where we were
living at the time. He was just a young pup & very bored while
I slept in one morning. I'll bet Beanie was just bored & maybe
a little confused being left at the new house. Hope he's not in
the dog house too long.:D

11-25-2004, 09:43 PM
yup.he's grandma's little boy.:)

oh Buddy! i bet that costed a bit of money! we figgerd Beanie was just scared. dad suggested a pet taxi next time.:o

no worries on Beanie being in hot water very long. mom said he had a nice thanksgiving dinner at home today.full belly! :D

11-25-2004, 10:04 PM
It is good that even your extended family are "pet people" and understand that carpet IS just carpet! ;)

11-26-2004, 01:11 AM
lmao, Beanie! what a silly dog! yes, that does sound horrible, I feel so bad for you guys!! It does sound like he was trying to be with you, and crating will *definately* solve that in the future. Gonzo has never been into carpet digging... but my foster bun did do $100 worth of damage to the very expensive carpeting in my mom's rental house last year. he ripped out a giant hole with his claws, all the way to the base, in less than a minute!... which is why we will never have bunnies again ;)

11-26-2004, 07:41 AM
oh wow,,, now if that were my parent,, my dadwould have thrown a major fit!!! :D :D I remember when our doxie Herbie,,, we went out and Dad had just finished putting pine on all the bathroom walls in the downstairs bathroom and when we got back from shopping,,, well as far up as a doxie could reach,, thewood was chewed, pulled down and well,,,, RUINED!!! At first my dad just stood there, then he walked into the kitchen opened a beer and quietly told ne it might be a REALLY GOOD TIME to take the dog for a REALLLLLLY long walk........ :D :D :D :D

And ,,so to save the dogs butt,, I did,,,,,,

11-26-2004, 08:27 AM
i had to laugh.....

yall would be appauled at some of the wolfdog owners stories of "chewing....."....

for instance: one owners wolfdog chewed thru a 4x6 deck post and his deck collapsed!!!!!!! tons of entire couches have been completely destroyed.....

one owners wolfdog chewed threw the dry wall in the basement and came up the stairs... then started chewing on the door to get to the family room.....he came in the house and saw the nose poking thru.....

wolfdogs have been known to chew thru chain link fences.... most owners of high contents get 9 gauge chain link..thats the only way to stop them.....:eek:

glad granny was there :D

11-26-2004, 09:12 AM
Originally posted by WRR

wolfdogs have been known to chew thru chain link fences.... most owners of high contents get 9 gauge chain link..thats the only way to stop them.....:eek:

:eek: :eek: :eek:

Lilith Cherry
11-26-2004, 10:49 AM
WRR wrote "one owners wolfdog chewed threw the dry wall in the basement and came up the stairs... then started chewing on the door to get to the family room.....he came in the house and saw the nose poking thru....."

Been there, done that!! My family took in a stray that we were later told by the vet was a wolfdog and he did the same thing when we left him in the basement alone for a couple of hours :eek: He was , however, one of the best , most loving and loved dogs we ever owned and we all still miss him terribly!

11-26-2004, 11:09 AM
Oh My!!! Beanie, you better behave yourself! Sounds like you got very lucky this time. I don't want to have to hear about any roast dog the next time. Behave sweet Beanie!!! :p

Robin :)

11-26-2004, 11:16 AM
OMG I can imagine what you were feeling when you first saw what had been done to the carpet. GULP
Sounds like Grandma and Grandpa are pretty cool and that's so nice they didn't make you feel bad.

My very first dog I got after moving out on my own was a collie/sheppard mix. I left her in a spare bedroom in the apartment I was renting and came home after work to a whole linoleum floor in little pieces. The room was roughly 11 by 11 feet. Luckily under the linoleum was hardwoos flooring so we refinished the hardwood and it looked better than before with the ugly linoleum. The landlord never said a word and neither did we.:eek:

My sons pup is very destructive and has earen some of our hallway drywall, chews and eats everything in sight so we can't let her out of our sight for even a second. She is like a tornado flying through the house looking for something to destroy. Thank God she isn't mine.:rolleyes:

Sorry got carried away. Had no intentions of writing all that but my mind and fingers just kept going. :p

Hope the rest of your visit goes great!

Deb, Monty and kiki:)

11-26-2004, 12:23 PM
I can absolutely relate! LoL I'm still working with Bella on getting her to understand that carpet etc is just carpet and can be replaced. hehe Beanie's lucky he didn't wind up in the oven. ;) Chloe (yes, my little girl) has chewed up carpet, wooden blinds, a hard plastic crate, a metal fence-like divider, the list goes on. And don't even get me started on everything I"ve lost to the jaws of my rotties! LoL :rolleyes:

A big hug to Gram and Gramps for being such awesome people and understanding that it happens sometimes, and that it's just carpet. :)

11-26-2004, 10:18 PM
Glad to hear it was a great Thanksgiving in spite of it all! That's really cool! While my siberians have never really chewed much of anything up, the breed is known to "unweave" chain link fencing to escape. It was my rottie-mix that was an incredible chewer! My husband had just finished building a deck when we got her and she chewed off the corners of the benches and several uprights! She used to rip branches off the trees and spend hours chewing them apart - when she was done it looked like we'd been running a woodchipper!:eek: And she was the sweetest dog ever!