View Full Version : Leaving the dogs this weekend. :(

11-25-2004, 09:28 AM
Wish me luck. We are going to be gone 3 nights in Lake Tahoe. We're going to try something new this time. Normally, when we go away, we board Dusty and Roxy. But this time, we're going to leave them home alone. They have an automatic water bowl plus I set up an extra one in the garage. I've taken everything out *that I can think of* that they could destroy. I'd expect them to get a bit bored and find something to ruin. My brother is coming daily to feed them and spend some time with them. When he isn't home, they'll have access to the garage and the backyard. I am filling up every kong and bringing out all the toys they haven't seen in a while. I'm going to hide them in various places to keep them busy.

I don't think they should be to bored, but if for some reason, they find something to ruin (and Huskies always seem too), my husband will have a cow. I hate fighting with him about the animals, so pray that they behave themselves!

11-25-2004, 12:20 PM
aww, good luck!! I'm sure this will be *much* harder for you than it is for your doggies! I bet they'll be perfect little angels :D.. I hear the weather will be pretty nice this weekend, atleast up here, so don't worry.

wow, you're going to Tahoe too? I'm going on Saturday with my friends.. ;) we're going boarding at North Star, it will be so much fun and probably insanely crowded!! When I go with my whole family, and we rent a cabin (which usually happens a few times every winter), we bring Gonzo and he *loves* it! At Squaw Valley, they have dog sledding demonstrations and I know he'd love to do that. I hope you guys have fun up there!!!

11-25-2004, 01:04 PM
Originally posted by bckrazy
aww, good luck!! I'm sure this will be *much* harder for you than it is for your doggies! I bet they'll be perfect little angels :D.. I hear the weather will be pretty nice this weekend, atleast up here, so don't worry.

wow, you're going to Tahoe too? I'm going on Saturday with my friends.. ;) we're going boarding at North Star, it will be so much fun and probably insanely crowded!! When I go with my whole family, and we rent a cabin (which usually happens a few times every winter), we bring Gonzo and he *loves* it! At Squaw Valley, they have dog sledding demonstrations and I know he'd love to do that. I hope you guys have fun up there!!!

Ooooh! I'm so glad that you mentioned dog sledding! I've always said I'd try that in Tahoe and then I forget. Maybe I'll check that out while Mike and Jaden are snowboarding. They're going to board on Friday and we'll just putt around Saturday. I'm not sure what time we'll come home Sunday.

We're staying in a cabin. My husband's family owns it, it'll be my first year going up. We have a timeshare there, but it sucks. Everytime I call they are booked. :mad:

11-25-2004, 01:21 PM
Originally posted by Tonya
Ooooh! I'm so glad that you mentioned dog sledding! I've always said I'd try that in Tahoe and then I forget. Maybe I'll check that out while Mike and Jaden are snowboarding. They're going to board on Friday and we'll just putt around Saturday. I'm not sure what time we'll come home Sunday.

We're staying in a cabin. My husband's family owns it, it'll be my first year going up. We have a timeshare there, but it sucks. Everytime I call they are booked. :mad:

^^ that would be *so* cool if you could try it!! I've always wanted to also, and I know they have tours where you can try it out. lol.. Gonzo would be great at sledding, my 2 year-old brother has his little sled, and we put Gonzo's harness on and he pulls Alex everywhere through the snow and he loves it.

That's really nice that you guys have a cabin! We used to have one but my Dad sold it since all of us only got up there like once a month. Sounds like a lot of fun!! Is it in North or South shore?.. I'm guessing South ;)

11-28-2004, 03:01 PM
I'm back! All went well. The worst was a couple new holes that they dug. They behaved very well! It was super special for me because I got tons of licks on the face from Dusty. He never ever ever kisses. He's kissed me maybe 5 times in the 3-4 years that I've had him. And they were all quick kisses. Today, he licked me tons. :D I gotta leave him more often so that I can get kisses. ;)

As far as the dog sledding goes, Tahoe was dry. There was hardly any snow on my free days. The night before we left, there was a snowstorm and it dumped several inches of snow. Maybe next time.

11-28-2004, 03:03 PM
BTW, BC, I'm assuming you didn't go up with the storm. It took us over 4 hours to get through the mountains on Saturday! It normally only takes about 45 minutes. Did you brave the storm, or stay home?