View Full Version : Meisha went to her new home!

Aspen and Misty
11-24-2004, 08:02 PM
Yesterday I was going to the pet store to buy some shampoo for the piggies. I almost didn't go because my poor car has no gas in it. It's just over the E line. So I deced to risk it and I go. ;D I get there and I look around upstairs for some shampoo, no luck. So I walk back downstairs and a couple are standing there asking about the cocker spaniel puppy in the back. They were told it was $500.00 dollars, they said they didn't have enough, and asked for other places to look for dogs. The employes tell them to go to the SPCA. They said they were already there and didn't find anything. So I step in and say "What kind of dog are you looking for?" and they say "Something smaller, about Cocker Spaniel size." and I say "Oh, I have a puppy up for adoption, but I don't know how big she will get since she is just a mutt." and they say "Do you have any pictures?" and I say, Why yes I do! And I get out my cell phone" (god I love that thing!) and I show them some pictures. "She says, well we will take your number and then we will call you tonight." and I said "Ok, let me go grab some shampoo for my Piggies and I'll be right back." and she says "Well, can we just follow you home?" and I say "Yup ;D " so I take them home, they look at the cutie and they deced to take her. They have 3 children, a 16 year old, a 13 year old and a 10 year old. Meisha is going to be spoiled! They are also think they are going to keep her name, which I'm happy about because I love it ;D

Ashley :)

11-24-2004, 08:06 PM
Wow sounds like it was destiny for that matchup. Way to go:D
I just love to see a nice story with a touch of magic or being in the rightplace at the right time.

Wishing the puppy a very long & happy life filled with unconditional love.

Deb, Monty and Kiki:):D

11-24-2004, 08:08 PM
That's excellent Ashley! Congratulations to you and Meisha:D I hope she has a wonderful life with her new furever family:D

11-24-2004, 08:13 PM
YAY! Way to go, Ashley! That's great! I really admire you. :)

11-24-2004, 08:17 PM
I hope she gets spoiled to pieces!

11-24-2004, 08:59 PM
Congratulations to you, Meisha, and her new family! ;)

Aspen and Misty
11-25-2004, 06:56 AM
Thanx guys! After all the trouble we went through to find Meisha a home it was very much worth it. We had 3 people call about her and 2 people say that because she was Pittbull and such a dangerouse Breed they didn't want to welcome her into there home. The third person came and saw her. But did not spay and nueter there other dogs (why would they? They are inside dog's), they also gave there animals away as a swap for someone elses (such as I'll give you this cat for that dog) so her Aplication got Denied. Then these people came, they were such a lovely couple. They said they are suprising the kids with a dog, but it will be the mom's dog since the kids already have dogs. It was just a perfect match.

Originally posted by RottiMommy49
Wow sounds like it was destiny for that matchup. Way to go:D
I just love to see a nice story with a touch of magic or being in the rightplace at the right time.

It really was an amazing thing. I almost didn't go, and she didn't even know about Pets N' You (the store) untill her sister in law told her to go there to look at the puppies. Other whys she would of not been there.

Ashley :)

11-25-2004, 07:05 AM
Great news!!! Do you have any pics of the pup?

11-25-2004, 07:14 AM
It really was an amazing thing. I almost didn't go, and she didn't even know about Pets N' You (the store) untill her sister in law told her to go there to look at the puppies. Other whys she would of not been there.

I truly believe it was meant to be....it seems people and animals come into our lives at just the right moment. Divine intervention, I have had it happen to me 3 times with my Rott's and several human friends I've made.....it was just meant to be.
Thanks goodnes for that!!:D

Can you post a pic of the pup? I know someone else asked already but thought if we all bugged you enough you might post a bunch if you have any.;)

Stubby tail wiggles
Monty & Kiki