View Full Version : Harley Needs Some Prayers

My Peanuts
11-24-2004, 02:39 PM
I hope it turns out to be nothing, but Harley has this little hard cyst-type thing on his head. Please pray it's nothing and my boy is ok. It started last week and since he's a "real" dog (we always said my RB Shih Tzu, Angie, thought she was a human) and gets into all sorts of trouble, we thought he had a little cut on his head. Then it got bigger and we thought it might be a tick. So my mom and cousin started to push his fur back and mess with it. I knew it wasn't a tick and told them not to pick at it. Well now it's getting bigger. It's still pretty tiny, but it is definitely getting bigger. He's eating, sleeping, and playing normally, but he is growling A LOT more. I think that has to do with the weather changing. I think he might have been an outside dog at his first house before he ran away and before we adopted him. Chicago winters are terrible and I think he gets nervous when it gets cold. My mom, the overacting Italian, says to me the other day, "I hope he's not dying (because he’s acting funny)." Oh thanks mom! I honestly think all this is nothing but we are going to call the vet after the holiday weekend. Angie had something similar to this on her eye lid. When it started to get bigger the vet knocked her out and froze it off. My RB mutt, Barney, had a really big one on his back. It was bigger then a quarter and they surgically removed it. I hope it just something that simple. Sorry for rambling, but since Angie got sick and died all in about 3-4 days I get paranoid about my babies. I'll post some pics of it when I get home, and I promise to make a separate post of Sylvia and Harley pics. I know it's been a really long time :)

11-24-2004, 02:57 PM
I'm sure it's nothing, but Harley will surely be in my thoughts. Keep us updated.

Is he growling at y'all more? or Sylvia? Millie goes through phases where she's very vocal and stubborn.

Some pics would be great! :D

My Peanuts
11-24-2004, 03:25 PM
Originally posted by micki76
Is he growling at y'all more? or Sylvia? Millie goes through phases where she's very vocal and stubborn.

Yes, Micky, he’s growling a lot more. He is always pretty vocal, but it's a lot worse. Our vet said don't yell at him or get mad. He's not snapping out biting and yelling could push him over the edge. He actually licks us as he's growling. It's really strange. I've never had a dog do that, then again I never had a JRT ;) . He sleeps under the covers with me and when Sylvia comes under too be growls crazy at her. He never bit her and I really don't think he will and she's doesn't seem worried about it either. Stubborn is the same word I would have used to describe Harley. I don't think it's a problem, I just hope it's a psychological thing and not a physical thing. Psychological I can correct, but I don't want my boy in any pain. Like I said he's eating, sleeping, and playing normally. He's not panting. He's giving no signs of being in pain. He also has a problem with his anal glands. He pops them naturally, but sometimes he gets in a bad mood until they do. We can help him with that because we used to have to help Angie, but the vet said he is able to do it on his own. There are a million things that could be making him growl this time of year. He also HATES change and holiday decorations tend to make him in a bad mood too. He's such a little weirdo :rolleyes:

11-24-2004, 08:42 PM
I hope it is nothing too serious, poor little fella. The mood swings must be a JRT thing, Penny can be happy one minute and trying take your hand off the next, although more training helped her ALOT. Please keep us updated on Harley, i will definatly keep him in my thoughts and prayers.

11-24-2004, 08:56 PM
I'll be keeping your sweet Harley in my prayers.

11-24-2004, 09:00 PM
Originally posted by My Peanuts
He's such a little weirdo :rolleyes:

Well, yeah. He is a JRT after all. ;)

I would try the NILIF program where he must work for everything - food, going in and out the door, getting a scritch from you, anything at all really. You can have him do a sit, or a down as his work. I would also move him out of your bed. I have had to do this a few times with Chester, but so far not Millie. It's a very hard thing to do, but once Chester snapped at me, that was all it took for me to understand the gravity of the situation. He was then crated and put on NILIF, until I felt comfortable enough to slack off. He now sleeps in the bed with us again, and has for some time with no problem.

You won't like it and neither will Harley, but I would stop this behavior now, before he nips you like Chester did me. I was very mad at him and (sounds stupid) my feelings were hurt by it for quite a while. :(

I doubt it's anything physical, but more likely he's just feeling stressed, or feels like he's ready to challenge you for Alpha.

11-24-2004, 10:15 PM
Sending lots of hugs and prayers that it's nothing serious. Let us know as soon as you can.

Monty has started growling and grumbling a lot lately too. I put it down to his sore rear leg and pain. He has always spoken his mind though and it sounds like he's trying to talk to us.:confused:


Doggy Kisses
Monty and Kiki

My Peanuts
11-25-2004, 01:38 PM
I took some pics of his head. When I got home from work it looked bigger, but this morning it looks better. Here are the pics from last night. It looks kind of flat in these, but it's not.




11-25-2004, 02:11 PM
Will be sending Harley many good thoughts that
his cyst is not serious and everything will be ok.

11-26-2004, 03:10 PM
Aww :( Hope everything is ok :) I'm sure it will turn out to be nothing

11-26-2004, 04:52 PM
Thinking of you guys and hoping its nothing serious!!! :)

My Peanuts
11-29-2004, 01:37 PM
I just called the vet and told them about Harley's head. The nurse said bring him in today at 6:45. I told her that it started as a little dot last week and now it's the size of a pea and it won't scab over. I called my mom to tell her we had an appointment and she was like, "why did you tell them it is growing rapidly?" Uh, from nothing to the size of pea in 7 days. I think that's rapid. I think she's worried about the money because of Christmas, but no one in the house (including her) would choose Christmas gifts over Harley's care :). No matter how tight money gets we have never scrimped on out pets care. I'll give you and update when we get home. Keep those prayers coming! :)