View Full Version : I'm leaving for my sisters today!

11-24-2004, 02:27 PM
Well... I'm getting ready to leave work for the day, and the hubby and I are catching a plane at 8:30pm to spend Thanksgiving with my sister and her family in Missouri.
My father-in-law and a friend will be looking after the pups while we're gone:( I don't want to leave them!!!:(

I've just finished a two page list for them!:D
Feeding, what they like, what they don't like, what they are allowed to do... etc! I've also made a schedule so they two of them know when the other will be over. Each day they will be let out 4 times at least, and will have a few hours of running around each day too. I've left the number to the vet, and the Emergency clinic. Someone here at work saw it and is making fun of me!:o
Who cares... I love my babies, and I know this is going to be hard on them, and I'm doing everything I can to make it easier.
Last night I started crying because Buddy was standing with two feet inside my suitcase :( :( poor baby... knows mom's leaving.
I called the hubby today and he said he was sitting on the bed, and Buddy jumped up with him!:eek: :eek: :eek:
Wow!! Guess Buddy might miss him too!!
So.. please say a little pray for my babies, that they won't stress to bad while I'm gone. I won't be shocked at all if they don't eat, but we'll be back home Sunday by 1:00.

I hope you all have a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving!!!

11-24-2004, 03:19 PM
Angie, I feel for you, leaving your babies!:eek: But you have to see your sister. The days will go by quickly. Your babies will be fine, you're leaving them in good hands! :)

11-24-2004, 07:38 PM
I know you'll miss your babies, but you will get to spend some time with your sister. Let us pters know how the trip went!:)

11-24-2004, 07:42 PM
Have a great time Angie! I know the pups will mis you just as much as you'll miss them, just think how happy they'll be when you get back:) Hvae a wonderful Thanksgiving and make sure to update us when you get back:D

11-24-2004, 08:36 PM
Have a fun and safe trip, Angie! We'll miss you!

Buddy and Sierra pictures are requested when you get back, by the way. ;)

Happy Thanksgiving!

11-26-2004, 09:30 PM
So Angie...how was your trip? Did you have fun? How did the dogs do?
I hope everything went well and that you had a wonderful time!

11-26-2004, 11:14 PM
have a good and safe trip Angie!!

Cinder & Smoke
11-26-2004, 11:24 PM
Originally posted by pitc9

we'll be back home Sunday by 1:00.

They're Still Trippin, Anna! :p

/s/ Phred