View Full Version : Animal war heroes statue unveiled

11-24-2004, 09:33 AM
The Princess Royal is due to unveil a memorial sculpture to the animals that have served and died alongside British and allied troops.
The monument, in Park Lane, central London, depicts two mules, a horse and a dog, together with lists of the numbers of animals lost in conflicts.

It honours all animals used in war, including horses, dogs, dolphins, elephants, pigeons and even glow-worms A batch of pigeons will be released as part of the unveiling ceremony.

The monument pays special tribute to the 60 animals awarded the PDSA Dickin Medal - the animals' equivalent of the Victoria Cross - since 1943. They include 54 animals - 32 pigeons, 18 dogs, three horses and a cat - commended for their service in World War II. Among these heroes were:

Rob, a para-dog who made more than 20 parachute drops while serving with the SAS on top-secret missions in Africa and Italy.

Ricky, a canine mine detector that continued with his dangerous task of clearing a canal bank in Holland despite suffering head injuries.

White Vision, a messenger pigeon that delivered a message saving the lives of a ditched aircrew was among many pigeons to receive the medal.

Winkie, a pigeon that flew 129 miles with her wings clogged with oil to save a downed bomber crew.

Mary of Exeter, another pigeon, which flew back with her neck and right breast ripped open, savaged by hawks kept by the Germans at Calais.

Search and rescue dogs, Beauty, Peter, Irma and Jet, who located survivors buried in the debris of the London Blitz.

Metropolitan Police horses, Olga, Regal and Upstart, who faced their fear of fire and the hail of flying bombs.

More recent recipients include Buster, a six-year-old Springer spaniel, who won it for his service in Iraq in 2003, when he discovered a hidden cache of explosives in the southern city of Safwan.

The memorial, at Brook Gate, was designed by sculptor David Backhouse and carved from Portland stone. with bronze reliefs of different animals and the legend "For Gallantry, We Also Serve".
Mr Backhouse told BBC News: "I don't think anyone can fail to be moved by the stories of pigeons that struggled home and dogs that came through under fire and the service some of the mules in particular gave, the amount of time they served. "Whether you can call an animal a hero I don't know but they certainly did extraordinary work for their masters."

Animals in war
Horses - Eight million killed in WWI alone, carrying men, arms and supplies into battle
Pigeons - 200,000 used as messengers in WWII. Of 17,000 parachuted into enemy territory, fewer than one in eight returned.
Dogs - used to hunt mines and search for the wounded. Still routinely used today
Mules - used as transport in the Burmese jungle, with their vocal chords slashed to keep them quiet
Camels, oxen and elephants - used for similar purposes elsewhere
Dolphins and sea lions - used today to find underwater mines and protect ships
Glow worms - used in WWI as an aid for map reading

Author and campaigner Jilly Cooper, vice president of the Animals In War Memorial Fund, said: "Countless millions of innocent animals served and died terrible deaths beside our British and Commonwealth armies during the 20th Century. "They had no idea why they had been drawn into our conflicts and acted solely out of loyalty and love."

The fund raised money for the Park Lane memorial and says it will act as a reminder of the debt the nation owes the "animal allies".

PDSA director general Marilyn Rydstrom said: "Britain's Animals in War Memorial is the nation's long-awaited and very welcome tribute to the millions of animals that have served and suffered for their country at home and abroad in times of military conflict. "It will also stand as a testament to the extraordinary bond that animals share with mankind in times of extreme adversity."

The PDSA - People's Dispensary for Sick Animals - is a charity providing free veterinary care for animals whose owners cannot afford private vets' fees.

Story from BBC NEWS: