View Full Version : Kurby Gave Us A Scare

K & L
11-23-2004, 12:12 PM
I haven't had much time to spend on here since we have out of town company for Thanksgiving (Kevin's mom from KY) but had to share this story:

Yesterday Kurby came out for his usual morning feeding and play time with Mouser. We proceeded with company and going about town. We came home early afternoon and settled in. After a bit we hadn't noticed Kurby but figured he was hiding and sleeping. Afternoon feeding came and went and no Kurby. Kevin went to his evening class and still no Kurby. It's getting around 8:30 p.m. and still no Kurby. Panic started setting in and I begin the search for him. I looked everywhere I thought possible he could hide. He still can't jump up so I knew he couldn't be anywhere up high. I looked in closets, under beds, under chairs, sofas, you name it and no sign of Kurby. Then I think OMG someone let him out (company wise). Kevin gets home from class and begins his search. He finally found him wedged in his computer room closet and he couldn't get out! We were so relieved! That was the only closet I didn't search in cause the doors were closed tight and figured he couldn't have closed them like that! Well that proved me wrong (thank goodness).

I hope you all have a wonderful Holiday..I'll be scarce until after company leaves!

11-23-2004, 12:21 PM
Maybe Kurby likes company as much as Filou does- which is not much:D Happy you found him:)

K & L
11-23-2004, 12:25 PM
That's probably true since he's still trying to even adjust to us!:D

11-23-2004, 12:28 PM
So good that you found him. It amazes me how they can hide so well on us and then come out of the place you just looked in.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving as well.

11-23-2004, 12:34 PM
That was me last night! I hadn't seen Pouncer for a while, and then during my nightly head count before bed, I couldn't find him. I was frantically calling him and I finally heard a pathetic little meow coiming from my craft closet. He had somehow got locked in there! Of course, when I asked the family who was in the closet, and when, everyone said "not me" :rolleyes: I was just glad my big boy was found!

Kisses to Kurby from his ordeal! I know how you felt!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
11-23-2004, 01:10 PM
Oh no! That certainly was a scare after he's been through so much! But it makes sense, like you say, that he was hiding because of the company. The least he could have done though is meow or something when he heard you looking for him. ;) SO glad he's ok. :) Have a great Thanksgiving! :D

11-23-2004, 01:28 PM
I know all about hidden kitties!! The funniest place lately (other than the basement incident) was when fat Boo-Boo tried to hide under the shoe rack in our bedroom. There was a fluff of black and white fur and fat roll poking out for about a foot in the corner and he was so plump he couldn't get out:D :D . When we pulled him out is was like the lady on the info-mercial taking blankets out of the space bag -- he just fluffed back up!!

Congratulations on finding a kitty!

11-23-2004, 05:41 PM
Originally posted by catnapper
Of course, when I asked the family who was in the closet, and when, everyone said "not me" :rolleyes

I was about 10 years old before I found out "Not Me" wasn't an
adopted brother of mine.

Everyone in my house would blame Not Me for anything that went wrong.........

I'd get this Me character out of your house before he causes any more trouble.

11-23-2004, 08:05 PM

It's amazing how well they can hide from you. I'm glad that Kurby was found and is okay.

I wish you and your family a great Thanksgiving.:)