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View Full Version : My Poor Bonnie Had a VERY Rough Day :-(

11-22-2004, 08:18 PM
Bonnie is one of my many rescued handicapped kitties, and she's been losing weight rapidly. Time for White Coat visit, and I knew she needed dentistry. :( So I 'bit the bullet' and took her in this AM. She had some bloodwork done and her kidneys were quite small, but the enzyme levels weren't too off as it could have been from dehydration. I was going to give her fluids after her visit, and after her daggers got trimmed down. She's a longhaired tortie with serious 'tude! :eek: She also needed some matts shaved off. Usually she lets me work them out on the crippled side (badly deformed hind leg birth defect), but lately she's been very fresh. Poor girl got many teeth pulled, and when the tech started working on the tight matts, she cut so deeply into her skin, Bonnie needed staples. Apparently she may have a condition with the collagen levels in her skin, where the elasticity is beyond normal levels. Thin, and very stretchy. I've never had any problems in the past working on matts on her. I hope now that her teeth are feeling better, that she'll start putting weight back on. Right now she's resting, and not showing much interest in anything. :( It's going to be back to fighting with her to get her meds into her in the AM I'm sure. :rolleyes: Say a few prayers that Bonnie girl will rebound from this ordeal. :(

11-22-2004, 09:01 PM
Oh Jan, poor Bonnie, poor you.

Prayers on the way big time for Bonnie to help her get well real soon.

Oh that made me a little :mad: that they cut her bad enough to need staples. Poor baby, as that has to hurt.

I hope tomorrow will be a better day.

Gentle kisses for you Bonnie and big (((((HUGS))))) for you Jan.

11-22-2004, 09:10 PM
Take your medicine, Bonnie~ you want to be strong and healthy for your mommy!

11-22-2004, 10:31 PM
Oh poor Bonnie. I'm so sorry you've had a bad day. :(
Jan, prayers coming your way. You do such good work. :)


11-23-2004, 05:51 AM
Poor Bonnie.I hope she pulls through this enough to feel good for a while.I'm very upset at them cutting her.They are NOT suppose to use scissors at all.Only shaving material.And the RIGHT blade or blades in the right spots.My vet and his staff said NEVER EVER use scissors.And I never did on KiKi before he passed.We had to shave poor KiKi every year.I have the equipment to do the shaving and I'm very good at it if you need me to do her in the future.(being a hairstylist 26 years helps.Not just woman cuts but tons of men shave cuts.I liked doing the men better.LOL)Hopefully she heals quick and it was well worth it with the teeth out and hair matts gone.And I hope she's taking her pain meds.I can help if you need me.I'm 5 minutes away.Carla.

11-23-2004, 07:20 AM
Oh Jan I'm so sorry to hear about Bonnie. I'm sending hugs and prayers to the both of you.

11-23-2004, 08:34 AM
Found Cat Feeder,and Found Cat Prayers,are going out to Bonnie,and we pray,that she can overcome,this bad start,in life,and if anyone can help her,you can.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
11-23-2004, 09:49 AM
Oh no, poor sweet Bonnie! I sure hope she's feeling much better today. :(

11-23-2004, 02:38 PM
:( :( :( Bonnie took a turn for the worse this morning. She's been holed up in a kitty condo (tunnel shaped) and I pulled her out to give her her meds, and more sub-q fluids. I tried giving her some warmed baby food via syringe, and she just seemd to be in terrible pain. I took her back to the vets while I went to work. Around noon she started having seizures, but as they were unable to contact me, they gave her some valium to control the seizure, and she pulled out of it for the meantime. Bonnie needs lots of prayers now. :( She's no "spring chicken", but she's not elderly either. They aren't quite sure what's going on with her to cause these seizures, but are monitoring her. She seems to be in terrible pain, but the vet said that giving her pain meds could at this rate kill her. :( The tear in her skin is awful (Carla, they don't use scissors) and the pain from that must be horrendous, along with major dentistry yesterday. I'm going to call them in a few hours to see if she's stabilized any. I don't want to leave her in the vets overnight as there's no vets, or anyone to watch over her for 12 + hours. I'd rather have her here where I can check on her during the night. Poor girl is having a tough time, and I am as well. :( I'll keep everyone posted when I find out how she's doing. Lots of PT prayers needed for my Bonnie girl now. :( I have no current pictures of her aside from her story and kitten pics I posted here...http://www.catfamily.com/chkittyclub/pages/cat_family/jan/bonnie.htm

11-23-2004, 02:46 PM
:( :( Jan, I'm so sorry to hear this. If she is in pain can they not apply a pain patch to help her along??? Maybe there is something going on in her head? Can they do an x-ray perhaps?

More prayers on the way.

11-23-2004, 04:56 PM
Wow Jan..Me and Mike feel terrible.How old is she now Jan?
Maybe she had brain problems that noone could tell and the anistesia made her have seizers??I feel horrible.I wish I could help somehow.How about me taking her to my vet tomorrow for emergency visit?I'll pay some or half or whatever.Charge it.I think my vet is very smart.I know your vet is too but sometimes second opinions can help.Let me know.I could call and ask for emergency hoping he's in tomorrow.Carla